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The Shahjahannama (Chronicle of Shah Jahan) is a genre of works written about the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan. Padshahnama is a term for lavishly illuminated versions.


  • Shah Jahan’s order to demolish temples in Banaras stated,
    “It has been previously represented that there were some of the finest Hindu temples at Banaras. In former reigns, the foundations of many new ones had been laid, some of which had been completed, while others still remained in an imperfect state; and these the opulent among the pagans were desirous of seeing finished. The infidel-consuming monarch, who is the guardian of true religion, had therefore commanded that at Banaras and throughout the entire imperial dominions, wheresoever idol-temples had been recently built, they should be razed to the ground. Accordingly, in these days it was reported from the province of Allahabad that 70 had been demolished at Banaras alone”
    • The Shah Jahan Nama of Inayat Khan 1990: 89-90). quoted from Jain, M. (2019). Flight of deities and rebirth of temples: Espisodes from Indian history.195ff
  • When the environs of Orchha became the site of the royal standards, an ordinance was issued authorising the demolition of the idol temple, which Bir Singh Deo had erected at a great expense by the side of his private palace, and also the idols contained in it…
    • Orchha (Madhya Pradesh) Shahjahan-Nama The Shahjahan Nama of ‘Inayat Khan, translated by A.R. Fuller and edited and compiled by W.E. Beyley and Z.A. Desai, OUP, Delhi, 1090, p. 161.
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