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Religious ceremony in honor of Shiva

Śivaism (or Shaivism) is one of the major Hindu traditions, which worships Shiva as the Supreme Being.


  • But, taken as a whole, their religion is so characteristically Indian as hardly to be distinguishable from still living Hinduism or at least from that aspect of it which is bound up with animism and the cults of Siva and the Mother Goddess — still the two most potent forces in popular worship. Among the many revelations that Mohenjo-daro and Harappa have had in Store for us, none perhaps is more remarkable than this discovery that Saivism has a history going back to the Chalcolithic Age or perhaps even further still, and that it thus takes its place as the most ancient living faith in the world.
    • John Marshall, Mohenjo-daro and the Indus Civilization(London, 1931, 3 Vols.) [1]

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