Tania Raymonde

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Tania Raymonde, 2017

Tania Raymonde Helen Katz (March 22, 1988–) is an American actress and artist.


  • The cool thing about working and meeting a lot of people through your acting is that you never know who you might work with, in the future. It’s really great to be able to say that, potentially sometime soon, I’ll be able to make my own movies. It’s definitely a cool business to be in. I feel very lucky!
  • The tough thing about horror movies is that you have to maintain that high level of terror a lot of the time- and for a long period of time too- that after a 13- or 14-hour day, you just feel god-awful. You feel horrible, almost to the point where you feel like you want to throw up but then you just start playing little psychological mind games with yourself to keep yourself going.
  • I find it very scary that people try to profit off of things like genetically manipulating things. For what? There’s a fine line between progress and cruelty. If you change something in nature can you ever really go back and have we already crossed that line?
  • I feel like all directing, writing, acting… all things feed into one another in a cool way. It’s just one of those jobs where it’s not too difficult to jump around because they’re all interconnected so to speak.
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