Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

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Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is a 2016 action-adventure game developed by Naughty Dog for the PlayStation 4. The fourth and final game in the Uncharted series, it follows treasure hunter Nathan Drake as he embarks on his last adventure, finding the treasure of infamous pirate captain Henry Avery. Note that these quotes are arranged in chronological order.

Nathan "Nate" Drake

  • There's your treasure. Was it worth it?
  • Well, let's see here– I ruined my marriage. Drove my best friend away. Got two psychos and their army after me. And now my brother's gone missing. But on the bright side, there's no one around to tell me I'm an idiot.
  • I wasn't trying to protect you. It– It's just I– I made a promise that I was done with this life. [Elena: We both did.] Yeah, but I broke it. I didn't tell you because– I was afraid– [Elena: Afraid of what?] Of losing you. I guess I was, um– protecting myself. You know? [Elena: We have a lot of ground to cover.] Yeah. Should keep moving. [Elena: Yeah.]

Elena Fisher

  • [To Nate] If you're done lying to me, then you should stop lying to yourself.
  • [To Nate] You know, even if you think you’re protecting me, you don’t have a right to shut me out like that. No matter what it is, you’re supposed to come to me so we can work through it together, as a team.
  • [About Avery] He was hell-bent on keeping his treasure, no matter the cost to the others around him.
  • [As Nate goes to rescue Sam] Same to you, cowboy.

Victor "Sully" Sullivan

  • You know what I love about a party with a bunch of crooks? Nobody cares if you smoke indoors.

Samuel "Sam" Drake

  • We were meant for this, Nathan. You, me, together. We were destined for something great.

Rafe Adler

  • You want to hear insane? "Nathan Drake raced a madman and his entire army to the steps of Shambhala." "Nathan Drake found a lost city in the middle of the Rub' al Khali desert." "Nathan Drake discovered the fabled El Dorado"! "Nathan Drake is a legend". You know, I shot the man who told me that. You know, for all your "greatness", Nate, you have nothing. You are nothing. And I warned you to get out of my way.
  • [Last lines] I earned this. All of it.

Nadine Ross

  • Everyone obsessed with this treasure– gets what they deserve.


[Nate picks up Sir Francis Drake's journal that has a bullet hole in it.]
Nate: Sir Francis Drake takes a bullet for Sully.
[Nate pulls out a photo that was inside the journal. He recognizes it as a photo of himself, Elena, and Sully with a load of treasure from when they found El Dorado.]
Nate: Look at us.
[Nate turns the photo to see the words "Found this on my old camera – thought you'd like to have it –E" written on the back. He puts the photo back in the journal, then puts down the journal.]

[Nate picks up a journal with the name "Shambala" written on it.]
Nate: Shambala, hmph.
[Nate pulls out a photo that was inside the journal. He recognizes it as a photo of himself and Tenzin.]
Nate: Miss you, pal.
[Nate turns the photo to see the names "Nate and Tenzin" written on the back. He puts the photo back in the journal, then puts down the journal.]

[Nate picks up a journal with the name "Iram of the Pillers" written on it.]
Nate: Now this was a crazy ride.
[Nate pulls out a letter that was inside the journal. He reads "Nate – How's things? I've been up to my usual shenanigans. Nothing major, but enough to keep the heat on and the wine stocked. Caught wind of something that sounded right up your alley – should you ever change your mind, give me a yell, I'm always on hand for a quick getaway. Love, Chloe" on it.]
Nate: Hmm. Another lifetime, Chloe.
[Nate puts the letter back in the journal, then puts down the journal.]

[Nate opens a cardboard box. Inside is the old wooden cross and the white book with the initials "C.M." on it.]
Nate: [Picks up the cross] Yeah. Thanks for nothing, St. Dismas.
[Nate puts the cross back in the box, then picks up the book.]
Nate: [Starts to pull out the photo that was inside the book, but decides against it] Nah.
[Nate puts the book back in the box, then closes the box.]

[Nate has finished telling Elena, who is wiping the wound on his forehead with a cloth, his past.]
Nate: And everything changed after that. You know, we became explorers. Adventurers. Mostly thieves. Ow.
Elena: Okay, just hold still.
Nate: You know, for a while, it felt like– if we weren't taking turns going to jail, it was because we were in jail together. And– after I lost him, I– Or, after I thought I lost him–
Elena: You didn't wanna bring him back up again.
Nate: Something like that. Well, that's it. Now you know everything.
Elena: With you, I doubt that that's everything. But– [Gives Nate the cloth. Nate takes it] –it's a lot.
Nate: Love to know what you're thinking.
Elena: I'm thinking that you're lucky that I found you when I did.
Nate: Yeah.
Elena: I'm glad you didn't lose a limb or anything. It would've been a royal pain getting you out of here. [Gets up]
Nate: How did you find me, anyway?
Elena: Oh, you know, easy. Just follow the sound of gunfire.
Nate: No, I mean, how did you– get here? [Sees Elena holding a walkie-talkie she had taken off her holster, then looks up to see Sully's plane in the sky] Oh. Of course.
Elena: [On her walkie-talkie] Come in, Sully.
Sully: [Over Elena's walkie-talkie] Hey, darlin'. How's he doing?
[Nate gets up.]
Elena: [On her walkie-talkie] Oh, you know, he's banged up, but he's alive. Par for the course. Now we just need to rescue the other Drake.
Sully: [Over Elena's walkie-talkie] What do you mean?
Elena: [On her walkie-talkie] I'll let Nate tell you. [Throws Nate her walkie-talkie]
Nate: [Catches Elena's walkie-talkie and speaks into it] Hey, pal. Glad you could join us.
[In the plane.]
Sully: [On his walkie-talkie] Yeah, wouldn't miss it. So what happened to Sam?
[On the island.]
Nate: [On Elena's walkie-talkie] Rafe's got him.
Sully: [Over Elena's walkie-talkie] Shit. You know where they are?
Nate: [On Elena's walkie-talkie] Uh, yeah. They're headed to the northern side of the island. See if you can find a place to set down over there. Once we get Sam, we're gonna need to get outta here pretty quick.
Sully: [Over Elena's walkie-talkie] Copy that.
[In the plane.]
Sully: [On his walkie-talkie] Hey, what about the treasure?
[On the island.]
Nate: [On Elena's walkie-talkie] Forget it. We don't need it.
Sully: [Over Elena's walkie-talkie] But Alcázar–
Nate: [On Elena's walkie-talkie] No, there is no Alcázar.
[In the plane.]
Nate: [Over Sully's walkie-talkie] It's all bullshit.
Sully: [On his walkie-talkie] Wait, you mean– the debt, the–
[On the island.]
Sully: [Over Elena's walkie-talkie] The escape?
Nate: [On Elena's walkie-talkie] Yeah. Sam made it all up. What an asshole, right? Look, I'll fill you in on everything when I see you, okay?
Sully: [Over Elena's walkie-talkie] Yeah, I can't wait. Look, you two be safe down there.
Nate: [On Elena's walkie-talkie] You know us.
Elena: [Gives Nate a gun] Trade ya.
Nate: [Takes the gun from Elena and gives her her walkie-talkie back. Elena takes it back] Thanks.
Elena: Sure. [Starts to walk away]
Nate: [Stops Elena from walking away] No, I mean– Thanks for saving me, again.
Elena: I almost didn't this time.
Nate: Right.
Elena: Come on. I got us a ride.
[Elena runs along the side of the river, with Nate following her.]

[Nate makes his way to the edge of a waterfall.]
Nate: Holy crap. Good thing I didn't go over.
Elena: Nate. Hey, it's this way.
Nate: Yeah. I know. I was just, ah– checking the waterfall.

[After climbing a pillar, Nate watches Elena jump from one ledge to another.]
Nate: Whoa. Hey, nice jump!
Elena: Not bad, right?
Nate: [To himself, while making his way to Elena] Way to go, Nate. Piss a girl like that off. Idiot.

[While driving through the jungle.]
Elena: So here's my question: Why does Rafe Adler want Avery's treasure? It's not like he needs the money.
Nate: He wants the glory. Doesn't want to be known as a guy who only got rich because of his inheritance. Walking away isn't an option for him.
Elena: Well, Rafe is a good match for Shoreline. He needs their muscle and they need his money.
Nate: They do? They seem pretty well stocked.
Elena: Shoreline got involved in a couple of civil wars that didn't pan out for them. Nadine inherited her father's mess. She's probably hoping that this'll put her back on the map.

[Nate and Elena are taking the elevator to the top.]
Elena: [Looks out at the island] Wow. It's like a postcard.
Nate: [Looks out at the island] Yeah, Libertalia. Come for the beautiful views. Stay for the life-or-death gunfights.
[Elena chuckles.]
Nate: So what made you change your mind?
Elena: Hm?
Nate: You said you– almost didn't come back.
Elena: Well, I couldn't leave when you were clearly in over your head. And you know, here's that whole "marriage vow" thing.
Nate: For better or worse.
Elena: Yeah. For better or worse.
[The elevator stops at the top.]
Elena: [Goes over to the gate and crouches down in front of it to lift it up] Here. Gimme a hand with this.
Nate: [Goes over to the gate and crouches down in front of it to lift it up] All right.
Elena: Okay.
[Nate and Elena start to lift up the gate.]
Elena: You know, even if you think that you're protecting me, you don't have a right to shut me out like that.
[Nate and Elena succeed in lifting up the gate.]
Elena: No matter what it is, you're supposed to come to me so that we can work through it together, as a team.
Nate: I know that. Really, I do. It's just– I– I– [Sighs]
Elena: You know what? We should stay focused. There'll be time for this later.
[Nate nods. He and Elena get into the jeep.]
Nate: Next stop: New Devon.
[Nate and Elena drive out of the elevator and onto an open area with a path.]

[Nate and Elena are driving when Sully contacts Elena on her walkie-talkie.]
Sully: [Over Elena's walkie-talkie] Hey. Elena? Nate?
Elena: [Picks up her walkie-talkie and speaks into it] We're here, Sully. Where are you?
Sully: [Over Elena's walkie-talkie] Still in the air. Saw a bunch of Shoreline vehicles heading north.
Elena: [On her walkie-talkie] I guess we'll see them soon.
Sully: [Over Elena's walkie-talkie] You two doing okay so far?
Elena: [On her walkie-talkie] We hit a few hitches, but– so far so good.
Sully: [Over Elena's walkie-talkie] All right, good. Keep in touch, will ya? I'm not the "no news is good news" type.
Elena: [On her walkie-talkie] We'll try. Over and out. [Puts down her walkie-talkie]

[Nate and Elena drive into a bridge.]
Nate: Okay. Should be on the other side of the bridge. Hang on tight.
[The bridge starts to crack.]
Elena: Nate?!
Nate: Hold on!
Elena: Floor it!
Nate: Oh, I hate bridges!
[The bridge collapses, sending Nate and Elena falling into the river. They are swept away by the water.]
Nate: Aw, hell!
Elena: Turn around, we're heading for the falls!
Nate: I can't! Current's too strong!
[Nate and Elena get close to the edge. Elena sees some rocks on the side.]
Elena: Nate, there! We can climb up those rocks!
Nate: On it!
[Nate steers the car towards the side. It stops when it hits a big log in the water.]
Nate: All right, go, go!
Elena: [Jumps up and climbs up the rocks] I got it! Come on!
Nate: Okay!
[Nate tries to climb up the rocks, but the branch breaks, causing him to fall onto the jeep.]
Elena: Nate!
[The jeep keeps moving downstream. It moves towards the edge where the waterfall is.]
Nate: [Relieved] Ah, waterfall. [Horrified] Waterfall!
[Nate sees a tree sticking out of the cliff over him. He throws his rope at it. The rope latches onto the tree and he is pulled out of the jeep as it goes down the falls and explodes at the bottom.]
Elena: [Standing on the ledge while seeing Nate hanging onto the rope] Nate!
Nate: It's okay! I'm okay!
[The tree starts to crack and come loose.]
Elena: The tree! The tree is not okay!
Nate: [Seeing the tree about to crack and come loose, angrily] Oh, come on!
[Nate starts to swing to the ledge.]
Elena: Over here! Quick!
[Nate swings to the ledge. He grabs the ledge as the tree breaks and falls into the water.]
Elena: [Helps Nate up] Gotcha! [Looks down to see the jeep in the water] Well, so much for the car. Come on. [Starts to walk away]
Nate: [Stops Elena from walking away] I wasn't trying to protect you.
[Elena stops and turns to Nate.]
Nate: It– It's just, I– I made a promise that I was done with this life.
Elena: We both did.
Nate: Yeah, but I broke it. I didn't tell you because– I was afraid–
Elena: Afraid of what?
Nate: Of losing you. I guess I was, um– protecting myself. You know?
Elena: We have a lot of ground to cover.
Nate: Yeah. Should keep moving.
Elena: Yeah.
[Elena runs along the path leading to the jungle, with Nate following her.]

[Nate climbs up the wall.]
Nate: Come on. [Pulls Elena up] You all right?
Elena: Yeah.
[Nate and Elena look out at the view the wreckage of old big mansions that have fallen victim to a massive flooding.]
Nate: Wow. Welcome to Avery's neighborhood.
Elena: It's a nice place. If you don't mind some structural problems and water damage.
Nate: Clearly some drainage issues.
Elena: [Chuckles] A real fixer-upper opportunity.
[Elena pulls out some binoculars and looks around past the houses.]
Elena: Okay, so– Looks like somebody blew that dam and then flooded the whole place.
Nate: [Smiles] You know, I forgot. [Elena stops looking through the binoculars and turns to him] Pretty good at this.
Elena: [Resumes looking through the binoculars] All right, so which one of these do you think is Avery's?
Nate: Ah, my money's on– [Moves Elena's hand with the binoculars to the right so she sees a mansion] –that one. One that's still intact.
Elena: [Smiles] Ohhh. You're not so bad at this either.
Nate: Yeah, well, you know, had a little practice, read a few books–
Elena: [Discovers what she sees through the binoculars] Shit, shit.
Nate: What? What?
Elena: [Gives Nate the binoculars. Nate takes them] The front door.
[Nate looks through the binoculars to see Rafe pushing Sam towards the door with Nadine watching on and the Shoreline men standing guard.]
Nate: Sam.
Elena: He's still alive.
Nate: Yeah, for now. [Gives Elena the binoculars back. Elena takes them back] Come on.
[As Nate stands up, Elena puts the binoculars in her pocket before standing up.]

[As Rafe points his sword at his face, Nate looks up to see a net full of treasure dangling above Rafe's head.]
Rafe: I earned this. All of it.
Nate: You want the treasure, Rafe? [Glances at the rope next to him] It's all yours. [Uses his broken sword to slice the rope]
[As Nate rolls out of the way, Rafe looks up to see the net full of treasure falling down on him. The net full of treasure falls on top of Rafe, crushing him to death.]

[While Elena and Sam are talking, Nate packs his bag, with Sully watching on.]
Sully: So you got everything?
Nate: Yeah, think so. Eh, feel free to sell anything I left behind.
Sully: [Laughs] You sure I can't give you a lift home?
Nate: After the last few days, I think I'd like a plane with drink service and reclining seats. Plus, uh– she and I have a lot to talk about.
Sully: Yeah, you do. And no more late-night phone calls about "one last time," hm?
Nate: Promise. Thanks, Sully.
[Nate and Sully hug.]
Sully: Take care, kid.
[Nate and Sully pull away.]
Sully: Don't be a stranger.
Nate: Next time you're in town– [Picks up his bag] –beers are on me. [Hangs his bag on his shoulder]
Sully: I'll hold you to that.
Sam: And then the bunny escapes anyway, and it leaves little bunny surprises all over the headmaster's bed. It was a dis–
Nate: [Approaches Elena and Sam] Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, what are you telling her?
Elena: Just about your little "magic" phase.
Nate: Oh, I hate you.
Elena: What was your stage name?
Sam: Go on, tell her.
Nate: "Nate the Great". [Sam starts laughing] It's not funny. It makes sense.
Sam: In his defense, he was actually– you were pretty good.
Nate: Uh-huh. [Takes his bag off his shoulder and puts it down]
Elena: [Smiles] Hey, look, Sam, it has been– [Holds out her hand] –an experience getting to meet you.
Sam: With a handshake?
Elena: Well–
Sam: Bring it in for the real thing, sister.
[Elena and Sam hug.]
Sam: Hey, take care of this numbskull, all right?
Elena: Yeah, I will.
[Elena and Sam pull away. As Elena picks up her bag, Sam pulls out his lighter.]
Nate: I'll join ya in a sec.
Elena: Yeah.
[Elena goes up to the road.]
Sam: I like her. [Puts his cigarette in his mouth] God help her, she sure seems to love you.
Nate: I know, right?
[Sam uses his lighter to light the cigarette in his mouth. He puts the lighter in his pocket.]
Nate: Listen, the offer still stands.
Sam: I appreciate it, but I'm good.
Nate: I know, but if you feel you're imposing, you're not, we talked about it.
Sam: It's not about that. It's not about that. It's a little bit of that, okay, but– [Sighs] I just kind of thought that after we found Avery's treasure, I'd be– satisfied?
Nate: Ah.
Sam: Instead, I've, ah– kinda left with this strange feeling of–
Nate: Emptiness?
Sam: Yeah.
Nate: Yeah, well, you know, as thrilling as the next adventure might be, in the end, you're always left with that same thing. Sometimes you just gotta– choose what you're gonna keep and– and what you're gonna let go.
Sam: Well– I guess I'm just not there yet. And besides, you know, you've got a few ancient cities on me. And I can't let's that slide, so–
Nate: Ah, I left a couple out there.
Sam: Well, thank you.
[Nate turns to see a taxi cab pulling up and Elena waving to him.]
Nate: Oh, that's– that's our ride.
Sam: Yeah.
Nate: Ah– Sam. We've come far.
Sam: We sure have, little brother. Come here.
[The brothers hug, then pull away.]
Nate: Listen, you don't do anything I wouldn't do, all right? [Picks up his bag and hangs it on his shoulder]
Sam: Get outta here. Vamoose.
[Nate goes up to the road. He and Elena get into the cab. The cab drives off, with Sam watching on.]
Sully: [Walks up beside Sam] Got a light?
Sam: Yeah. [Pulls out his lighter and gives it to Sully. Sully takes it] So, Victor, what's next for you, hm?
Sully: [Uses Sam's lighter to light the cigar in his mouth, then gives Sam the lighter back. Sam takes it back] Well, before I got dragged into this, I was working on a business deal of sorts.
Sam: "Of sorts?" Hmm. Dangerous?
Sully: Ehh. With these people, yeah. It's up there.
Sam: Well, I just so happen to know a certain someone, recently out of prison, who might be perfect for this kind of work.
Sully: Ooh. I don't know. Is he trustworthy?
Sam: More or less.
Sully: How's his Portuguese?
Sam: Um– [Speaks in Portuguese] Quando o seu marido volta para casa?
Sully: What's that mean?
Sam: [Speaks in English] How long before your husband gets home? [Chuckles]
Sully: [Smiling] That'll do. Come on.
[Sully and Sam make their way towards the plane.]
Sam: You got any more of those cigars?
Sully: Don't push your luck.

[Nate is doing paperwork when Jameson comes in.]
Nate: Hey, good morning.
Jameson: Indeed it is, indeed it is.
Nate: Ah. All right, I'll bite. What's going on? Land a big contract or something?
Jameson: Oh, even better. I'm on the verge of selling Jameson Marine.
Nate: [Surprised] No kidding.
Jameson: Yeah.
Nate: Wow, that– Well, hey, I guess congratulations are in order.
Jameson: Well, not yet, but I'm confident it'll go through. They drove a hard bargain, but in the end, I think we came to a– mutually beneficial agreement.
Nate: Well, that's– that's great.
Jameson: Yeah.
Nate: Are you gonna stay on?
Jameson: No, no, no, no. I think I'd like to just relax, hang with the family– [Opens the drawer, pulls out the keys, and closes the drawer] –go fishing every chance I get. [Chuckles]
Nate: Good for you. [Chuckles] So who's the sap who's gonna buy this place?
Jameson: Oh, uh, you are. [Throws Nate the keys]
Nate: [Catches the keys, surprised] What? No, come on, seriously.
Jameson: Oh, yeah, seriously. [Goes out to the dock, laughing]
Nate: Wait, Jameson. [Gets up] Hey, wait! Wait up, man! [Follows Jameson out to the dock]
Elena: [Approaches Nate] Hey. Morning, guys.
Nate: What are you doing here?
Elena: Just thought I'd take, you know, one final look.
Jameson: Already gave your husband the keys.
Nate: Okay, uh, is this–
Elena: Perfect.
Nate: Is this for real?
Jameson: Nate. All you need to know– [Puts his hand on Nate's shoulder] –is that you'd be making a very wise investment. Do the right thing here. [Pats Nate on his shoulder] Call me when you're through? [Walks away]
Elena: [To Jameson] You got it. [To Nate] Hi.
Nate: Hi. You're– you're buying Jameson Marine?
Elena: We are buying Jameson Marine.
Nate: Oh. Okay. How? Why?
Elena: Well, I heard this rumor about a salvage job off the coast of Malaysia and I thought it'd be right up our alley– [Makes her way to the handrails]
Nate: [Follows Elena to the handrails] No, no. Honey, look, we barely got out of Libertalia alive.
Elena: Yeah.
Nate: Hey, taking an illegal job? You know what that leads to.
Elena: Who said it was illegal? [Pulls out a folded up paper] Look. [Gives Nate the paper] This came in this morning.
Nate: [Takes the paper from Elena and unfolds it to see that it's a permit] Is this legit?
Elena: Yeah. Some of my old contacts out there, they worked their magic with the Malaysian permit office. It was great. I didn't even have to bribe anyone.
Nate: Well, that's good, because I don't know how we could possibly even afford to do this.
Elena: Here. [Takes the permit back from Nate, folds it up, and puts it back in her pocket] Hold out your hand.
Nate: What?
Elena: Hold out your hand. Come on.
[Nate holds out his hand. Elena pulls out a gold coin and places it in Nate's hand.]
Nate: [Intrigued] Holy crap.
Elena: Yeah.
Nate: Where did you get this?
Elena: It was in my jacket pocket. Along with a bunch more.
Nate: A bunch? [Realizes Sam put the gold coins in Elena's jacket pocket] Sam.
Elena: He's a sneaky one.
Nate: [Chuckles] Yeah.
Elena: 'Course, most of them are gonna have to go into our venture here. Along with all the new camera gear.
Nate: Camera gear?
Elena: Yeah. You know, I figured as we're pulling all the cargo up from the dive, we could hire, you know, a small crew. We could film the whole thing and resurrect my old show.
Nate: What happened to just– [Goes to sit on a bench] –living a normal life?
Elena: I think in our attempt to lead a "normal" life, we may have– over-steered. Look. [Goes to sit next to Nate] When I was on that island– I missed the adventure. I missed us. And so now we have a chance to do what we love. But, from here on out, we're gonna operate on a strictly legal basis, all right? And I will be doing all of the shooting– with my really expensive camera.
Nate: [Impressed] Wow. You've really thought all this through, haven't you?
Elena: More or less. [Assuringly] But, listen, just say the word and I will call the whole thing off.
Nate: [Astounded] What? Oh, no, no, no, no, no. I don't wanna be that guy who ruins Jameson's early retirement like that. That'd be cruel.
Elena: [Smiling] Right.
Nate: It's not gonna be easy, you know.
Elena: Nothing worthwhile is. So– [Leans her head on Nate's shoulder] –what do you say, Nathan Drake?
Nate: [Smiling] Sure, why not? As long as I don't have to do any paperwork.
Elena: [Laughs] Well, I can't do it. I'm gonna have my hands full with the camera.
Nate: Well, I'm gonna have my hands full with all the diving.
Elena: Okay. Fine. We'll take turns.
Nate: Yeah. Or– I could play you for it.
Elena: Seriously?
Nate: No, listen, I have been practicing. I'm getting good.
Elena: No.
Nate: My hand eye is way better than it used to be. Really.
Elena: [Laughs] I cannot do that to you again.
Nate: Are you afraid to play me?
Elena: I am so not afraid to play you.
Nate: On a scale from one to ten, how scared are you to play me?
Elena: Like a three.
Nate: [Teasingly] Yeah, well, jack that up to like, eleven, all right? Because I'm coming for you.
Elena: Oh, yeah?
Nate: Yeah. [Start clucking like a chicken]
Elena: Oh, my– that's– Okay. Fine. You're on.
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