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A Christmas wreath on a house door in England.

A wreath is an assortment of flowers, leaves, fruits, twigs, or various materials that is constructed to resemble a ring, typically used as an ornament or for decoration.


  • There was Molly Sullivan's wreath-twigs interspersed with small bits of typewritten paper — which was said to symbolize the "challenge of expressing natural phenomena through the written word." Of all the artists to have grappled with this age-old dilemma, Sullivan was perhaps the first to do so with a wreath.
  • And of all the artists to have grappled with this age-old dilemma, Sullivan was perhaps the first to do so with a wreath of peace, and also goodwill for all, symbolising what Christmas truly means.
    • "Wreaths: the key of Christmas" by John Goss for The Seven Days

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