Pokémon/Season 10

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This is a list of episodes in Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl (advertised as Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl), aired in Japan as Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl (ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール Poketto Monsutā Daiyamondo & Pāru?), the tenth season of the Pokémon animated series, covering the adventures of Diamond and Pearl series protagonist Ash Ketchum as he travels Sinnoh with Dawn, Pikachu, and Brock.

Following A Maiden's Voyage!

[First lines. The camera pans up from the sea to the sun which is shining. Then, two Staraptors fly into view]
Narrator: The Sinnoh region - a breathtaking, awe-inspiring corner of the Pokémon world, complete with an amazing array of Pokémon. (The camera cuts to some Starlys and Staravias flying near a cliff and pans down to a Magikarp and a Mantyke splashing in the sea below) Soaring through the air, gliding through the water... (Next, we see a Bidoof, a Budew and a Bibarel in a rural place) ...thriving on the land... (The camera cuts to a rural community somewhere in the Sinnoh region) ...and sharing the land with all sorts of people, working and playing together. The training, the battles!
[The Pokémon logo appears in the sky, followed by a text reading DIAMOND AND PEARL. The camera cuts to a place called Twinleaf Town and pans to a big house on the left. Inside the house, we hear a beeping sound, a Glameow sleeping on the radiator, and some trophies sitting on top of a fireplace. In one room of the house, a Starly clock is beeping at 7 o'clock, and a girl turn it off. The girl, who has just woken up, goes back to sleep and pulls the duvet over her head and tucks her feet in]
Narrator: A tenth birthday is a happily anticipated milestone in many young people's lives because after that day, their Pokémon journey begins, complete with a new Pokémon as partner.
[The girl whose name is Dawn, wakes up and opens the window in her bedroom]
Dawn: Ah!
Narrator: And this young lady, Dawn, is one of those people as her tenth birthday has come and gone, and her Pokémon now waits in the wings.
[A space-themed episode title card comes up]
Dawn: (voiceover) Following A Maiden's Voyage!
[Soon, Dawn is looking in the mirror and putting on her hairclips when she hears her mother's voice]
Johanna: (from outside bedroom) Dawn, are you up?
Dawn: I am so up!
[Her mother, Johanna, opens the door]
Johanna: Morning, dear.
Dawn: Good morning, Mom.
Johanna: I had a feeling you'd wake up early today.
Dawn: Mom, I'm ten years old. (Crouches down to Glameow) Morning, Glameow.
[Johanna's Glameow walks away and jumps onto Dawn's bed]
Glameow: Glameow.

[The camera pans from the roof of Dawn's house to the front where Johanna opens the door]
Johanna: What a day. Perfect for starting on a journey. So, Dawn, are you ready?
[Dawn brings out a pink suitcase]
Dawn: (off camera) Oh, yeah.
Johanna: Oh, what's all that?
Dawn: It's just all my stuff. It's not like I packed things I don't need.
[Inside the house, Johanna opens the suitcase and discovers clothes]
Johanna: It's all clothes?
Dawn: That and some jewellery and face stuff.
[Johanna takes out one of Dawn's garments]
Johanna: Oh! Do you know what your journey is for?
Dawn: To become a Pokémon Trainer, right?
Johanna: Exactly! (Puts a yellow backpack on the worktop beside the door) Which means this is plenty!
Dawn: Aw! That's it?
Johanna: If you want to become a top Trainer and a smart traveller, then trust me.
Dawn: Okay, Mom. (Takes the backpack)
Johanna: (presents a ribbon) One more thing.
[The camera cuts to Dawn and her mother in the porch]
Dawn: Huh? Mom, what's this? (Surveys the ribbon)
Johanna: That's the first championship ribbon I ever won in a contest. I always carried it as a good-luck charm. Now, if you will, I'd like you to carry it, too!
Dawn: Really?
Johanna: As long as you don't lose it!
Dawn: Wow, thanks, Mom! Well, see you soon. (Goes down the steps to get her bike)
Johanna: Professor Rowan's lab is just outside of Sandgem Town. Do you know how to get there?
Dawn: Don't worry about me! (Takes out a map) See, I've got this map right here. OK, off we go! (Rides off on her bike)
Johanna: Now, do your best and take care of yourself, okay?
Dawn: No need to worry, mom. (Then, the bike hits a pebble on the path, making her lose control)
Johanna: Dawn, no!
Dawn: Whoa! (She manages to carry on cycling) See, I told you! Bye!
[The camera cuts to Johanna who is standing in the porch. Meanwhile, Glameow jumps onto the balustrade]
Johanna: (Sighs) Every time she tells me not to worry is when I worry the most.
Glameow: Meow. (Goes to sleep)

Two Degrees of Separation!

Dawn: [Angry with Pikachu, after Pikachu accidentally roasts her bike with its Thunderbolt] WELL, THANKS A LOT!!! I'M DEFINITELY GONNA CATCH YOU AFTER THAT!!!

[Dawn has taken Pikachu to a Pokémon Centre and now, Pikachu is needing some rest]
Nurse Joy: (off camera) This Pikachu is suffering from extreme exhaustion.
Dawn: A group of really strange people just came out of nowhere and attacked us.
Nurse Joy: That sounds scary, but I'm sure Pikachu will make a full recovery. I do know about these things.
Dawn: That's awesome. Thank you. I'm so relieved.
Piplup: Piplup.
[Back at Dawn's house in Twinleaf Town, Johanna is communicating with Dawn via flatscreen phone]
Johanna: That's wonderful. (The camera cuts to inside the house as Glameow wakes up and the camera pans right) You made a good choice with Piplup. Smart and cute, too.
Piplup: Piplup.
Johanna: So have you been able to catch any other Pokémon yet?
Dawn: (disappointed) I tried, but so far, no luck.
Johanna: Well, it takes a while, dear, until you get the hang of it. But once you do, you're going to have so much fun. Nothing's more exciting than finding new Pokémon friends.
Piplup: Hm!
Dawn: Piplup, chill out.
Piplup: (annoyed) Pip?! (Points to Dawn) Piplup! Piplup!
Dawn: Well, you had something to do with why we didn't catch us any POKÉMON!
Piplup: Piplup! Piplup! Piplup! (Starts pecking Dawn in the head with his beak)
Dawn: Hey, ouch! Don't you peck at me or I'll peck right back. Get it?
Johanna: (to Glameow) You know, I think those two are made for each other. Don't you think?
Glameow: Meow.

Giovanni: Though your plans won't buy me a cup of coffee, I have wanted to set up shop there. Do your best.
Jessie: Don't we always?
Giovanni: That's what I'm afraid of! (Switches off, thus making the TV screen go fuzzy)
Jessie: Hear that? The boss is counting on us to give Sinnoh the Team Rocket mojo.
Meowth: We'll blind the big guy with tons of top-shelf science.
James: Than we can afford a summer cottage of our own.
Jessie: Time to start anew!
[Mime Jr. pops, so does James]
James: We're with you.
Meowth: Whoopdee-dang-doo!
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!

When Pokémon Worlds Collide!

[The title card comes up]
Ash: (voiceover) When Pokémon Worlds Collide!
[An electric-type attack frightens some Starly out of the forest. It is revealed to be coming from an Elekid who is standing next to its trainer, Paul, who will eventually become Ash's main rival in the Diamond & Pearl series]
Paul: Now go! Poké Ball! (Throws a Poké Ball which hits one of the Starly which manages to get away from being captured. The ball lands back in Paul's hand)
[Ash arrives]
Ash: Starly, over here. (Stops when he sees Paul)
Ash's Starly: Starly. [Right.] (Sits on Ash's left shoulder)
[Paul turns to him]
Ash: Huh?
Paul: I'll thank you and your Starly to stay out of my way.
Ash: I didn't know anyone was out here but us. Really.
[Brock and Aipom join Ash and Starly]
Brock: It must have been his Elekid that launched that electric attack.
Ash: Anyway, I've got a question for you. You haven't seen a girl with a Pikachu around here, have you?
Paul: No. You really think that Starly's good enough?
Ash: Huh?
Starly: Starly? [Say what?]
Paul: I watched you catch it. Don't you think you'd be a lot better off catching the best one you can?
Ash: You can tell which one's the strongest?
Paul: Of course. Look. (Throws three Poké Balls, each one containing a Starly)
Paul's Three Starly: Starly! [There's your proof!]
Ash: You got three of them?
[Paul's three Starly land on the ground]
Paul: You must know you can scan Pokémon you catch with your Pokédex to check out what moves they can use, and that's just what I do. (Scans his three Starly with a black Pokédex) I figure if you do that from the beginning, it saves you a whole bunch of grief in the long run. OK, let's check out Aerial Ace. And the big winner is... (Returns all of his Starly, puts one away and speaks to the other two) Take a hike. I don't need you. (Releases the two Starly that he does not need anymore, thus making them wild Pokémon once again)
Two of Paul's Starly: Starly! [Fine by us] (They fly away)
[Aipom, Ash, Starly and Brock approach Paul]
Ash: That's sure a weird way to treat Pokémon.
Paul: Hey, the only attacks those two knew were Tackle and Sand Attack, so they wouldn't be much use anyway.
Ash: Know what I think? Any Pokémon can be strong if you train them.
Paul: Hm.
Ash: What are you laughing at?
Paul: You'll find out. So, want a battle?
Ash: Sure, let's do it.
Paul: We'll use three Pokémon.
Ash: Ah!
Paul: Three on three is the best way to see what type of Pokémon a trainer is good at working with and what kind of balance they've got.
Ash: I know, but I've only got two.
Aipom: Aipom. [Sorry.]
Starly: Starly. [You'll have to wait.]
Paul: You've got to be kidding. Talk about pathetic. (to Elekid) Elekid, let's get going.
Elekid: Beep-beep. [Let's.] (Walks off with Paul)
Ash: Uh. (crossly) Man, I wish Pikachu was here.

[At Professor Rowan's laboratory, Ash and Pikachu are admiring Ash's package from his mother, Delia]
Ash: Wow. (The camera cuts to him inside the lab and checking out his new clothes) Check out the new clothes.
Pikachu: Pika.
Brock: She even put a new backpack in there, too.
[The camera cuts to Ash's house in Pallet Town]
Delia: (from inside the house) I'm thrilled! Such a handsome young man.
[We can see that Delia is communicating with Ash, now in his Diamond & Pearl attire, via flatscreen phone]
Ash: That's really nice of you, Mom.
Delia: I wanted to give them to you while you were here, but you flew out of the house in such a rush.
Ash: Sorry about that, Mom. But everything's going just great here in the Sinnoh region, and I can't tell you how psyched I am.
Delia: I can see that! You did call Professor Oak and tell him Pikachu's safe, right?
Ash: Aah!
[Soon, Professor Oak is communicating with Ash from his lab]
Professor Oak: I appreciate you letting me know the good news, young man.
Ash: And this is Dawn. She saved Pikachu. (to Dawn) And this is Professor Oak.
Dawn: It's a real honour to meet you, sir.
Professor Oak: Well, it's a pleasure to to meet you, a brand new trainer.
Dawn: Right. I hope you don't mind... You love Pokémon poetry, don't you?
Ash: Uh!
Brock: Huh?
Professor Oak: Yes, I do.
Dawn: Awesome! Does that mean you know all the Pokémon poets?
Ash: You don't get it. He's a real professor, just like Professor Rowan.
Dawn: But how come I always see him on TV reading poems?
Ash: How come...? Well...
Professor Rowan: (walks in) Say, perhaps the good professor and I should have a little discussion
Professor Oak: Well, well, professor! Say, Ash, may I speak with him for a moment?
Ash: Sure. (He walks away with Dawn and Brock as Professor Rowan starts conferring with Professor Oak)
Professor Rowan: Perhaps you could spend a little less time reading Pokémon poetry on TV and more time doing your Pokémon research, eh, Samuel?
Professor Oak: Right, I'll do that.
Brock: Those two must go way back.
Ash: Guess so.
Dawn: So, what are you two doing here, anyway?
Ash: Well, I came here so I could compete in the Sinnoh League and win.
[Brock takes out a guidebook from inside his orange vest]
Brock: Okay, it looks like the closest gym to Sandgem Town is in Oreburgh City. Jubilife City's right on the way.
Dawn: That's awesome! Can I go too?
Ash & Brock: Huh?
Dawn: I want to be the number one contest coordinator, and the first contest I want to compete in is in Jubilife City.
Ash: That's great! Come along. When it comes to travelling, the more the merrier, I say.
Pikachu: Pikachu.
Ash: Brock, what do you think?
Brock: Of course. It'd be a lot of fun.
[Aipom, Piplup and Starly join Ash, Dawn and Brock]
Ash: It looks like everybody agrees.
Piplup: Piplup?
Dawn: And I'll get to spend some more time with Pikachu.
Pikachu: Pika, Pika!

Professor Rowan: Yes. Who are you?
Paul: The name's Paul. And from the looks for things, you must be Professor Rowan. I'm waiting for him.

Dawn of a New Era!

[At the start of the episode, Ash, Dawn and Brock are in a forest as Dawn tries to catch a Buneary]
Buneary: Buneary.
Ash: This time for sure, Dawn. Go for it!
Dawn: I'm so psyched. (Prepares to throw the Poké Ball that's in her right hand) Here we go!
Ash: Hold on! You got to make your Poké Ball bigger first.
Dawn: Huh? (Loses control of the Poké Ball) Oh!
Ash: You'd better hurry. It'll get away.
Dawn: All right. I'm ready now. Let's go, Poké Ball! (Throws the Poké Ball at Ash instead of the wild Buneary) Huh?
Ash: (when the Poké Ball hits him) Oh. (Falls onto the ground)
Dawn: Oops, sorry.
Ash: Ugh! Watch where you throw that thing!
Dawn: It was an accident. If you hadn't been yelling at me, my hand wouldn't have slipped.
Ash: You weren't doing it right.
[Cut to Brock and Pikachu who are sitting on a rock]
Dawn: (off-camera) Look, don't you get nasty with me! (While Dawn is saying this, the camera cuts to her Piplup)
Ash: (off-camera) Just get it together and I won't have to.
[Meanwhile, Buneary runs off and Piplup points it out to Ash and Dawn]
Ash & Dawn: No, Buneary!
Dawn: Well, I hope you're happy now.
Ash: Don't look at me!
Dawn: Why not? It's your fault.
Ash: Your yapping scared Buneary away, you know!
Narrator: Any new journey has bumps in the road. The question for our heroes seems a simple one, though. Is this a small bump in the road, or a massive pothole?

[The title card comes up]
Ash: (voiceover) Dawn of a New Era!
[Soon, Ash, Dawn and Brock are walking along a footpath in the forest]
Dawn: Just great. I could have a Buneary, if it wasn't for a certain big mouth.
Ash: Oh, yeah, I could get me a Buneary in spite of your big mouth.
Dawn: Next time, butt out.
Ash: That's if there is a next time.
Dawn: I'm catching lots of Pokémon.
Ash: You won't if you keep doing stupid stuff!
Dawn: Are you calling me stupid?
Ash: No, but I'm thinkin' 'bout it now.
Dawn: How can you think without a brain?
Ash: You tell jokes as good as you catch Pokémon!
Brock: (crossly) You're both hurting my ears! (A ray of sunshine shines upon him, Ash and Dawn) Huh?
Ash & Dawn: Huh? (Ash only) What's that?
Dawn: Pretty.
Brock: That's called Sunny Day.
Ash: Sunny Day?
Brock: It's a fire-type move. Fire-types use it to temporarily raise their power.
Ash: Oh!
Dawn: Oh! All of a sudden, I feel so much happier.
[Then, a Budew approaches the group]
Budew: Budew, Budew!
Ash: Who's that? (Gets out his Pokédex)
Dawn: So cute!
Ash's Pokédex: Budew - the Bud Pokémon. In winter, it keeps its bud closed to survive the cold, but then opens it again in the spring.
Brock: I wonder if this is where that Sunny Day came from.
Nando: It was.
Ash: Huh?
Dawn: Huh?
[Nando, a trainer with long black hair and dark green cloak, stands up with his Mew-shaped harp and sings]
Nando: (sings) Hardened words but reflect hardened hearts. Let the Sunny Day soften yours. For when your heart is light, your mood is happy and bright. (to Ash, Dawn and Brock) Tell me, don't you feel better now?
Dawn: Huh?
Ash: Huh?
Ash & Dawn: Yeah, you're right.
Nando: As it should be.
Budew: Budew.
Ash: Thanks. I'm Ash.
Pikachu: Pika, Pikachu.
Dawn: And my name's Dawn.
Brock: Hi, I'm Brock.
Nando: And I am the Pokémon bard, Nando. This is my Budew. We travel the world, bringing joy to all.
Ash: Awesome.
Brock: You must have a great time.
Dawn: Hey, I've got it, Ash! Now I can show you how strong I've gotten.
Ash: How?
Dawn: Nando, would you mind battling with me?
Nando: If that pleases you.
Budew: Budew, Budew.
Ash: Don't forget this will be your very first battle with a trainer.
Dawn: Don't worry about me, I'll be fine.
Nando: Dawn, are you by any chance on a quest to win the Sinnoh League?
Dawn: No, I'm on a quest to win the Grand Festival.
Nando: I see. Then a contest battle it is. There's a clearing up ahead that will be perfect for our needs.
Dawn: Great. (She walks away with Nando, Ash and Brock)
[Meanwhile, Team Rocket pop up from behind a nearby bush]
James: That's the new twerp.
Meowth: Yeah, she's the punk that sprang Pikachu.
Jessie: Thinking she can win Contest takes some nerve.
James: Like you.
Meowth: Snap out of it!
Jessie: (angrily) Hey, I'll snap you. (cheerfully) Only one diva wins the next Contest. This one.
James & Meowth: Diva's right.
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet.
Mime Jr.: Mime, Mime!

Gettin' Twiggy With It!


Different Strokes for Different Blokes!

Paul: "Lame-o's."

Like It or Lup It!

Jessie: Sometimes air is as good as food.
James: Especially when you haven't been breathing much...



Setting the World on it's Buneary!

[It is the dawn of a new day somewhere in the Sinnoh region and the sun is rising]
Dawn: What?! No way!
Buneary: Buneary.
Narrator: It was to be a fateful day for Dawn, and a certain Pokémon named Buneary, as our heroes continue toward Jubilife City.
Buneary: Buneary?
[Ash is waking up in his sleeping bag]
Ash: Huh?
Pikachu: Pika?
Dawn: It's a disaster!
[Some Starly fly past and Ash runs over to Dawn's tent]
Ash: Dawn, what's wrong?
Dawn: Don't you dare come in here! My hair's a complete mess, and nobody sees it!
Ash: Dawn, don't sweat it. C'mon, that's what hats are for.
Pikachu: Pika, Pika.
Dawn: Well, isn't that a typical male response! Ash, unlike your who-cares-how-I-look world, I take pride in my appearance, get it?
Ash: But it's just not worth it to get nuts about hair!
Dawn: That's your opinion.
Pikachu: Pika?
[The camera pans left to Brock who is cooking some breakfast with Croagunk beside him]
Brock: See, you're witnessing a typical morning for this crazy family, but you'll get used to it!
Croagunk: Croag. Croag. Croag.

Ash: Ready Pikachu?
Pikachu: Pika! [Oh, yes!] Pikachu! [Let's do this!]
Buneary: [starts behaving oddly by blushing and covering her face with her fluff] Buneary...Buneary...Buneary! [Oh my, oh please, why do you want to fight me? Why?!]
Pikachu: Pika? [What's wrong?]
Ash: What's going on?

Dawn: Buneary has got a crush on Pikachu! [Bonsly and Aipom agree with Dawn]
Ash: Oh man, how do we battle with this going on?
Buneary: [walks up to Pikachu still covering her face with her fluff] Buneary...Bun, Buneary. [I can do this. Come on Buneary...] [sees Pikachu and covers her face again!] Bunearyyyyy! [I can't do it!]

Not On My Watch Ya Don't!


Mounting a Coordinator Assault!


Arrival of a Rival!


A Staravia is Born!

Meowth: So, here's the deal. Your winged wish is my command.

Meowth: You wanna fly? Fly. Wheeeee.

Rosebay: [about Team Rocket] They sure are loud...

Leave It To Brocko!


Shapes of Things To Come!


A Gruff Act To Follow!

[at the beginning of the episode...]
Paul: (chuckles)
Ash: What's so funny?
Paul: That you want me to watch you lose.
Ash: (enraged) What?!
(Dawn and Pikachu break up the fight)
Dawn: Alright, time out!
Pikachu: [at the same time] Pika, Pika!
Dawn: (to Paul) You already battled Ash once (Different Strokes for Different Blokes). Why not stay and watch?
Paul: (glares at her blankly) Hmph.
Dawn: Wha-what's wrong?
Paul: 'What's wrong'? Who are you?
(the background changes to a volcano erupting with an angry Dawn)
Dawn: Excuse ME, your rudeness, but we've met once before! The name's Dawn!
Paul: (beat) Don't remember.
(the background changes to the sun splitting into quarters with Dawn very angry, turning bright red and having huge glowing red eyes)
Brock: (runs in and restrains Dawn, preventing her from attacking Paul) Alright, come on, Dawn! Calm down!
Dawn: (at the same time) Listen, mister! You nasty, insulting, spoiled brat! Apologize!

Wild in the Streets!

[Roark comes in, checking on Ash's training progress. And perfect timing too, cause Ash and his Pokemon are taking break as well]
Roark: You are working hard.
Ash: Hey Roark!
Roark: Rock as far the eye can see. It is a great way of you to get ready for another battle in my gym.
Ash: And you can be sure we are working super hard!
Roark: Just don't work too hard. You simply figure out a strategy that suits you and your Pokemon as well.
Ash: [a bit confused on Roark's wisdom, but Ash does get it, thankfully] Okay, but I was just thinking about the way you fought Paul.
Roark: Hang on a sec, this has been eating at me since our last battle. Just who is it you're trying to beat anyway?
Ash: Oh, that! Uhhh...
Roark: Right. It's understandable that you'd be concerned about Paul. But it's not Paul you're going to be battling with, it's me, right? [This is the reason why Ash screwed up his first battle against Roark. Ash needs to focus on the battle, not on pleasing a rival.]
Ash: Yeah, I hear you.

O'er The Rampardos We Watched!

Roark: Ash, in between battles, I don't sit around and read comic books. I've been training with Onix just as hard as ever. You may have dodged Double Edge, but there's a lot more to deal with than that in this gym. Onix, use Stealth Rock!

[Roark recalls his defeated Onix. Ash does not sit around and do nothing, either.]
Roark: You were great Onix. Thanks, now take a nice long rest. That was quite an impressive move you just made. You blew back all that debris and pulverized Onix's Stealth Rock at the same time. And I don't need to tell you how difficult it is to cause Onix any damage at all. [Roark's tactics may have worked once, but the one thing Gym Leaders have to learn when it comes to a rematch, a previously defeated opponent does not give repeat performances]

Roark: Aw! Aipom too?!! [Should have improved your training with Geodude there, Roark]

Ash: Turtwig! Use Razor Leaf while you run!
Turtwig: Twig! [Turtwig charges in spamming Razor Leaf without hesitation]
Roark: Turtwig's too far away for that! Now Rampardos, use Flamethrower! [Rampardos does so]
Ash: Keep using Razor Leaf! Don't let up!
Roark: You think you can defeat us like that?! Alright Rampardos go! [Rampardos amps up the Flamethrower attack]

[Turtwig is using the burning leaves for cover and a defense tactic]
Roark: Of course! Ash has just been camouflaging Turtwig the whole time!

[Roark has just ordered his Rampardos to jump only to find that Turtwig is undereath Rampardos!]
Ash: Great Turtwig! Now use Razor Leaf! SUPER CHARGE!
[Turtwig complies violently injuring Rampardos with the attack]
Roark: [horrified] Augh! Rampardos! [Seconds later, Rampardos falls to the ground defeated.]

Twice Smitten, Once Shy!


Mutiny in the Bounty!

[The title card comes up]
Ash: (voiceover) Mutiny in the Bounty!
[The episode opens with Ash, Dawn and Brock walking up a hill]
Narrator: Continuing their journey to Floaroma Town, and Dawn's next Pokémon contest, our heroes are about to be treated to a most amazing sight.
[The sight turns out to be a house with a cone on top and a field full of flowers]
Dawn: Whoa! What a beautiful field of flowers!
Ash: Yeah, and in the bright sunlight, they look like they're on fire!
Pikachu: Pika, Pika!
[Then, a Salamence flies above them]
Ash, Dawn & Brock: Huh?
Ash: What was that?
[Dawn scans the Salamence with her Pokédex]
Dawn's Pokédex: Salamence, the Dragon Pokémon. As a result of a powerful desire to fly, Salamence were able to trigger the cells in their body and cause them to grow wings.
Ash: Someone's riding it!
[We see someone on the Salamence's back]
[Then we see a girl named Melodi and her Gardevoir tending to some flowers]
Melodi: Wow. Someday these little flowers will bloom like crazy!
Gardevoir: (admiring) Gardevoir.
[Then the Salamence and its rider landed down in front of them]
Melodi: (gasps) Huh?!
[The rider jumps off the Salamence to reveal to be a woman]
Hunter J: Target identified.
Melodi:(gasps) Who're you?
Hunter J: Ariados! (takes her Pokeball) String shot! (tosses her Pokeball)
[Her Ariados pops out and fired its String Shot and Melodi screamed as she got tied to a tree]
Melodi: (Screams)
All: (Gasps)
Brock: She needs help!
Ash: Come on!
Hunter J: I'll take Gardevoir. (she aims her wrist gun to Gardevoir)
Melodi: Gardevoir! Go!
Gardevoir: Gardevoir.
[It uses Teleport to vanish]
Hunter J: Using Teleport, eh? (she activates her goggles and looks around) Sensing Teleport location. (she got nothing till she spotted her target appearing) There we go. You should be grateful Gardevoir. Your beauty will be preserved for eternity! (she aims her gun as Gardevoir appears and then she fires)
[Gardevoir got hit]
Ash: (gasps)
Melodi: Gardevoir, no!
[Gardevoir turned to stone]
Hunter J: Mission accomplish. Transporting target now!
J's Henchmen: Roger!
[Then a truck with six wheels came out of nowhere and drove to her location as a device platform came out of it and it went under the petrified Gardevoir and sealed in in a container and it was floated inside of the truck as it drives away]
Melodi: Gardevoir, Gardevoir!
[Ash, Dawn and Brock Arrived]
Ash: Are you okay?
[Hunter J got on her Salamence with her Ariados and flew away]
Melodi: I'm alright, but please help me get Gardevoir back!
Ash: You can count on it!

James: When it comes to slipper fingers, she rules!
Jessie: Unlike the looks department, where I rule.
Meowth: Well, that dame and those traitors had the nerve to nab Pikachu, and I'm not going to take it! Let's knock her down a notch!
Jessie: And once we're through working our magic, she'll beg to work for us!
Team Rocket: (nod) Hmm!

[Hunter J's ship flies off]
Dawn: They're gone...
Ash: (Growls)
[Then Officer Jenny arrives on her motorcycle along with her Arcanine]
Everyone: Huh?
Officer Jenny: (looking up) She got away!
Ash: Officer Jenny!
Brock: So, you were following her, too?
Officer Jenny: Yes. When I heard she was here, I came as soon as I could, but too late. She didn't get any of YOUR Pokémon...?
Ash: She took my Pikachu!
Melodi: And my Gardevoir.
Brock: Hold on. Who is she?
Officer Jenny: (presents a WANTED poster of the woman) Her name is J and she's got a fearsome reputation as a Pokémon Hunter!
Ash: Pokémon Hunter?
Dawn: What's a Pokémon Hunter?
Officer Jenny: The worst you can get! (A flashback begins) They catch Pokémon just so they can turn around and sell them.
Dawn: (voiceover) You mean for money?
Officer Jenny: (voiceover) Yes. They can be hired ahead of time to capture a certain Pokémon, or if they think they found a Pokémon of exceptional value, they'll catch it anyway.
Hunter J: (to a Teddiursa) I won't hurt you. You're much too valuable for that. (The Teddiursa she has spoken to starts banging on the jar it is standing in)
Officer Jenny: (voiceover) And she has her own special method for stealing Pokémon as well. Ruthless.
[The flashback ends as the Teddiursa turns to brown]
Brock: That's horrible.
Dawn: It sure is. She's the worst.
Ash: (Growls)
Dawn: What's wrong? You okay?
Ash: I can't stand it! And I'm not going to take it. She won't steal another Pokémon. (to the camera) And I'm going to get my Pikachu back - or else!

Melodi: Excuse me.
All: Huh?
Melodi: (takes out a Pokeball) Maybe this Pokemon could give us a hand.
[Her Pokemon pops out to reveal a Kirlia]
Kirlia: Kirlia.
Dawn: Wow what's that? (she checks her Pokedex)
Dawn's Pokédex: Kirlia. The Emotion Pokemon. Kirlia uses the horns on its head to amplify its Psychic powers, and when this occurs reality becomes warped and future events can be seen.
Brock: Of course! Kirlia's power might be just the thing we need!
Melodi: You're right. Kirlia wants to protect Gardevoir, and will help us in any way!
Kirlia: (agreeing) Kirli.
Melodi: (presents J's WANTED poster) This is the person who took Gardevoir, We need to know where she'll be going to hunt Pokémon next!
[Kirlia understood and began to use its power]
Kirlia: (concentrating) Kirli.
[Dawn looks with awe and amazement and then it showed a vision of a house near a waterfall]
Dawn: What's that?
Melodi: An image from the future Kirlia's sending telepathically.
[Then we see J coming down on Salamence]
Ash: J!
Brock: So that's go to be where J's going to strike next!
[Then the vision cancels out]
Melodi: (gasps)
[Kirlia collapses till..]
Melodi: Kirlia, no! (catches Kirlia) Are you okay?
Kirlia: (reassuring) Kirlia.

Ya See We Want An Evolution!

[Ash, Pikachu, Dawn, Brock, Oralie and Haley enter a wooden cabin]
Ash: All right, Team Rocket...
Everyone: Huh?!
[Cut to Team Rocket who are standing on an evolution-inducing machine with Magikarp inside a capsule]
Jessie: You're just in time to witness something totally evolutionary.
James: Presenting our Power Pack Poké Evolution Machine 1.
Meowth: And guess what? The batteries are included, and we're smokin'.
Haley: Feebas?
Oralie: What are you planning on doing to my Magikarp?
James: With this sweet baby forcing your babies to evolve, we're simply making them an offer they can't refuse.
Oralie: You can't do that!
Haley: Stop it!
Brock: All right. You give both Feebas and Magikarp back to them or else!
Jessie: An ultimatum. (Zooms up to Ash and his friends) You twerpazoids are clueless. Don't you realise these top-shelf Pokémon would be a lot topper-shelf if they evolved into Gyarados and Milotic?
James: Course you don't.
Haley: You can't...
Oralie: All our work making them strong without them evolving will have been a complete waste.
Haley: We like our Pokémon exactly the way they are right now.
Jessie: (Chortles) Which is exactly why we just love doing what we do. It's evolution time. Rock and roll!
Ash: Pikachu, Thunderbolt, NOW!
Pikachu: Pika-CHUUUUUU! (Gets captured in a capsule)
Ash: Pikachu!
Pikachu: Pika?!
James: We figured some insulation was a good investment.
Jessie: Hee-hee-hee-hee! Of course, that's history when we evolve Pikachu so stay tuned!
Ash: Why, you! (Gets captured in a cage in along with Brock, Dawn, Haley and Oralie)
Jessie: (Laughs) Now that you're a captive audience, why not sit back, relax, and watch our machine make some of its mojo magic? The future is here now.
James: Here comes Gyarados, and how!
Oralie: Please stop!
Meowth: Please, no! (Presses a button on the remote and Magikarp goes down into the machine)
Magikarp: Karp, karp, karp, karp!
[Ash and his friends gasp]
Jessie: Now... Gyarados!
[But Magikarp comes out of the machine, unevolved]
Magikarp: Karp, karp, karp, karp!
Haley & Oralie: Huh?
Ash: Huh?
Dawn & Brock: Huh?
[Team Rocket are shocked by this as James looks at the plans and Meowth reads the manual]
James: Strange. I've been reading schematics for years.
Meowth: I think you're supposed to know how to read words first.
Jessie: Wait, once more.
[Magikarp goes down into the machine again]
Oralie: Magikarp, no!
Jessie: Now... Gyarados!
[But Magikarp comes out of the machine, unevolved again]
Magikarp: Karp, karp, karp, karp!
Haley & Oralie: Huh?
Ash: Huh?
Dawn & Brock: Huh?
[Team Rocket are shocked by this]
James: Very strange.
Meowth: It's not out of the question that the batteries they included sat in the box for too long.
James: But, wait, we could employ our imprisoned Pika power.
Jessie: And then we'll simply switch things around and ratchet our Raichu on a first.
[Cut to Ash who is still in the cage]
Ash: No, you don't!
Pikachu: Pika, Pika! (Goes into the evolution machine)
Jessie: You're about to experience first-hand how change is good for the soul.
James: It's the old Pikachu to Raichu switch-a-roo!
Meowth: Hey, we're cooking now.
Ash: Pikachu, no!
Jessie: By popular demand, it's Raichu.
[But Pikachu comes out of the machine unevolved]
Pikachu: Pika?
Haley & Oralie: Huh?
Dawn & Brock: Huh?
Ash: (relieved) Pikachu, you're okay.
[Team Rocket are shocked by this]
Jessie: Okay, what's your excuse this time?
Meowth: Yikes, I think I just found a disclaimer here. (Reads the disclaimer in the manual) Device may take up to one week to achieve complete evolution. Early use may result in total failure!?
[This is the moment where Jessie gets really angry]
Jessie: (yells at Meowth) YOU'RE a total failure! (Starts stomping on the machine angrily) If I wasn't such a... (Throws a tantrum)
James: Hold on, they said there may be a total failure, right? You've got to admire a company with such honesty.
[Cut to Ash who is still in the cage]
Ash: Pikachu, Iron Tail!
Pikachu: Piikkaaaa! (Uses Iron Tail on the cage, breaking it and freeing everyone inside)
Ash: It's over, guys. Give it up!
Meowth: Not so fast.
Ash: Oh!
Meowth: Listen to this, twerpies. (Reads the manual) This unit also doubles as a mechabot.
James: Mechabot?
Jessie: Wow, that is cutting edge.
Meowth: One click on the old remote, whee! (Presses the red button and it destroys the cabin)

Borrowing On Bad Faith!


Faced with Steelix Determination!


Cooking Up A Sweet Story!


Oh Do You Know the Poffin Plan!


Getting the Pre-Contest Titters!

Kenny: What do you know? Dee-Dee's got herself a Pikachu. Dee-Dee's all grown up.

Kenny: It was at the contest right before Jubilife City and I thought I had my first ribbon, but then I came up against an opponent so powerful, I didn't have a chance. She had a Glameow and her name was Zoey.

Kenny: One time, Dawn's mom made her get this haircut that she couldn't stand, so Dawn tried to cut it herself. You can't believe how it turned out. She looked just like a Chimchar.
[Ash, Brock, Pikachu, and Piplup imagine Dawn's hair as a Chimchar, and break out laughing until, Dawn yells at them, all to grow up.]


Settling a Not-So Old Score!

Kenny: See ya, Dee-Dee.
[Dawn sticks her tongue out at Kenny]
Ash: Hey, what's so bad about Dee-Dee anyway?
Dawn: Ash, don't go there!

Drifloon on the Wind!


The Champ Twins!


Dawn: Good, and done! All ready!
Ash: Still looks the same.

Some Enchanted Sweetening!


The Grass Type is Always Greener!

Ash: Turtwig, return! (Returns Turtwig to its Poké Ball) You were just great. (Turns back to Gardenia)
Brock: (off camera) Gardenia's Turtwig didn't move around much, but when it did, it was fast. I'd say overall it was faster than Ash's Turtwig.
Ash: I'll show you fast. Gardenia, our battle isn't over just yet.
Gardenia: I know.
Ash: Okay, Staravia, I choose you! (Sends out Staravia)
Staravia: Staravia!
Ash: I don't care how fast that Turtwig is, it can't match the speed of a flying Staravia.
[The camera cuts to Cheryl, Mothim, Brock, Dawn and Pikachu who are watching the battle from a log]
Brock: Flying-types do have the advantage over grass-types, but...
Dawn: But?
Brock: There's more than one way to win a battle.
Pikachu: Pika.
Ash: All right, Wing Attack, go!
Staravia: Starrrravia! (Uses Wing Attack)
Gardenia's Turtwig: Turrrtwig! (Dodges Staravia's Wing Attack)
Ash: Ah! Ugh! Come back around and use Wing Attack!
Staravia: Starrrravia! (Uses Wing Attack, but Gardenia's Turtwig carries on dodging)
Gardenia: You know, my Turtwig may even be a good match for your Staravia's speed.
Ash: Hey, you've got to be kidding me! (The camera cuts to Turtwig who is watching out for Staravia's next Wing Attack) Is she serious?! (to Staravia) Okay, let's give 'em Aerial Ace right now!
Staravia: Starrrr...
Ash: There's no way her Turtwig's going to be able to outrun this dive-bomb.
Staravia: Staravia! Starrrr... (Uses Aerial Ace, but Turtwig jumps up to avoid the attack) ...avia! (Crashes through a bush and screeches)
Ash: Staravia!
[Staravia manages to fly out of the bush and back into the battlefield]
Gardenia: Now, Turtwig, Leaf Storm!
Gardenia's Turtwig: Turtwiiiiiig! (Uses Leaf Storm on Staravia, sending it into the trunk of a tree)
Ash: Staravia!
[Then, we see that Staravia has fainted]
Brock: Staravia is out!
Gardenia: Number One! I win!
Ash: Staravia, return! (Returns Staravia to its Poké Ball) You gave it a great shot, Staravia.
Dawn: But Gardenia was running things the whole time.
Cheryl: I'm really sorry that you lost, Ash.
Brock: Wow, Gardenia's a tough one.
Ash: Oh, I never had a chance.
Cheryl: My name is Cheryl. That was some battle just now.
Gardenia: Thanks, Cheryl. (Notices Cheryl's Mothim) That's some Mothim you've got. (Mothim starts flying around her, making her giggle) Your moth tails tickle!
Cheryl: You shouldn't get too close to strangers, Mothim, dear.
[Meanwhole, Ash is talking about his recent loss]
Ash: First Turtwig loses and then Staravia. The Eterna Gym's going to be tough.
[Pikachu jumps on his left shoulder]
Pikachu: Pika, Pikachu!
Ash: You think? Special training, eh?
Pikachu: Pika, Pika!

An Angry Combeenation!


All Dressed Up with Somewhere To Go!


Buizel Your Way Out of This!

Dawn: I've never seen a lure like that.
Ash: This? Cool, huh? I got this from Misty a long time ago.
Dawn: Misty?
Brock: Right. She's a friend of ours who's now the Cerulean Gym leader.

An Elite Meet and Greet!


A Secret Sphere of Influence!


The Grass Menagerie!

[Gardenia is standing on the opposite side of Eterna City Gym's battlefield with her Roserade]
Gardenia: So now we come to the final battle.
Ash: Oh, Aipom, I choose you! (Sends out Aipom)
[Aipom flips round and stands on her tail]
Aipom: Aipom!
Gardenia: Wow! Well, aren't you a little live wire?
[The camera cuts to Brock, Pikachu and Dawn who are watching Ash's battle from the grandstand]
Dawn: I wonder if Aipom realises this isn't a contest battle going on.
Pikachu: Pika!
Ash: Aipom, Double Team!
[Aipom uses Double Team and charges toward Roserade]
Gardenia: Roserade, Grass Knot!
[Roserade uses Grass Knot and four grass knots appear on the grass. When the double-teamed Aipom get to them, they disappear. Then, Aipom herself crosses over one grass knot]
Gardenia: Huh?
Ash: Now Focus Punch!
Aipom: Aipom! (Uses Focus Punch on Roserade)
Roserade: Rose...
Gardenia: Hey, not bad. Roserade, Magical Leaf!
Roserade: Roserade!
Ash: (to Aipom) Use the trees to dodge!
Roserade: Rose... (Uses Magical Leaf) ...rade!
[Aipom jumps into the branch of a tree and dodges Roserade's Magical Leaf attack as she jumps from branch to branch. Meanwhile, Brock, Pikachu and Dawn are watching the action]
Dawn: Man, Aipom can move!
Pikachu: Pika!
Brock: And being surrounded by all those trees, Aipom's not so easy to hit!
Gardenia: Okay, Roserade, grab Aipom!
Roserade: Rose, Rose, Roserade! (Uses vines from its bouquets which grab Aipom's left leg and throw her down to the ground)
Gardenia: Use Flash!
[Roserade uses Flash on Aipom, blinding her]
Dawn: Oh!
Brock: Uh-oh!
Ash: Aipom, use Focus Punch!
[Aipom runs towards Roserade as she lights up her tail. She then tries to hit Roserade with Focus Punch, but to no avail]
Ash: Oh, no! Aipom can't see Roserade!
Gardenia: Magical Leaf!
Roserade: Rose... (Uses Magical Leaf on Aipom) ...rade!
[The Magical Leaf attack hits Aipom who lands on the ground. She stands up and punches with her eyes closed]
Aipom: Meh! Meh! Meh!
Ash: Calm down, Aipom! If you can't use your eyes then use your ears! Just chill out and listen!
Gardenia: I think this just about wraps it up! Weather Ball!
Roserade: Roserade. (Jumps in the sky) Rose... (Uses Weather Ball on Aipom) ...rade!
[Down on the ground, Aipom is listening with her ears as the Weather Ball closes in on her]
Ash: Now use Focus Punch!
Aipom: Aipom! AIPOM! (Uses Focus Punch to send the Weather Ball attack back to Roserade which works and Roserade falls on the grass in front of Gardenia]
Gardenia: No, Roserade!
Dawn: Roserade's Weather Ball got knocked right back!
Brock: Well, that was a great move!
Pikachu: Pikachu!
Gardenia: Now, Roserade, use Magical Leaf.
Roserade: Rose... (Uses Magical Leaf) ...rade!
Ash: Quick, Swift!
[Aipom opens her eyes and uses Swift, which collides with Roserade's Magical Leaf attack. Then, the Swift attack surrounds Roserade]
Gardenia: What's Ash up to?
Ash: I'll show ya! Focus Punch!
Aipom: Aipom! (Uses Focus Punch and smacks one of the stars from her Swift attack. Meanwhile, Roserade, trying to defend itself, is getting hit by the stars from Aipom's Swift attack)
Gardenia: Roserade!
Dawn: I have never seen anyone use an attack like that before!
Ash: Let's go!
[Aipom readies her Focus Punch attack as she charges at Roserade who has managed to survive the Swift attack]
Roserade: Roserade, Rose!
[Aipom uses Focus Punch on Roserade, sending her crashing through a tree, onto the grass and into the wall. Shortly after, Roserade faints]
Roserade: Rose...
Gardenia: Roserade, no!
[The camera cuts to Yoko, Gardenia's assistant who has refereed the battle, and her Nuzleaf]
Yoko: Roserade is unable to battle. Aipom wins! Victory goes to Ash!
Yoko's Nuzleaf: Nuzleaf.
Ash: Hey, we did it! (Runs to Aipom and hugs her) Oh, you were great out there!
Aipom: Aipom!
Dawn: That was some win!
Pikachu: Pikachu!
Brock: Beating a grass-type on a field where they had the upper hand!
[The camera cuts to Ash who is still hugging Aipom]
Ash: Ah!
Brock: (off camera) I'm never going to forget this one.

One Big Happiny Family!


Steamboat Willies!


Top-Down Training!

Cynthia: When every life meets another life, something will be born.
Ash: When every life...
Brock: ...meets another life...
Dawn: ...something will be born?

A Stand-Up Sit Down!


The Electrike Company!


Malice in Wonderland!

[Brock is watching the match with Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy on either side of him]
Brock: For some reason, I don't really care who wins this match!
[A group of Nurse Joys enter the stadium]
Nurse Joy with orange symbol: Look over there, it's Brock.
[Meanwhile, a team of Officer Jennies does the same on the other side of the stadium]
Officer Jenny: Come on, girls, we found him!
Nurse Joys: Oh, Brock, we love you.
Officer Jennies: We love you, Brock.
[Soon, Brock is surrounded by all the Officer Jennies and Nurse Joys]
Brock: When it comes to my love life, it's either feast or famine. (A Nurse Joy's hand poison jabs him) Argh! (More hands jab him) Arggh! (In the present day at night, he wakes up screaming) Huh? (The camera cuts to him and Croagunk in the field) Where am I? Hey, Croagunk. But how?

Mass Hip-Po-Sis!


Ash: Nice running! You'll be fine! [angrily] But after what you did, Team Rocket, you won't be!!
Dawn: Get ready for trouble!
Pikachu: Pika!
Brock: Make a double!!
James: [shocked] Hey, no fair! Cacnea, come forth!

Ill Will Hunting!


A Maze-ing Race!


Sandshrew's Locker!


Dawn's Early Night!

Dawn: Well, at least you didn't lose in the first round now, did you?
Dawn: Sorry.

Nando: X-Scissor! [Nando's Kricketune summons X-Scissor, landing a critical hit on Jessilina's Seviper]
Marian: And Nando wins! So it's off to the finals with a powerful move.
Jessilina: [shocked] No fair!
James: I guess she was no match for him.
Meowth: Like we're not gonna be for her!
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!

Tag, We're It... !


Glory Blaze!

[Later, the sun is setting and outside the Hearthome City Stadium, Paul releases Chimchar]
Chimchar: Chim? [Huh?]
Paul You're out of here.
Chimchar: Chimchar! Char... [Wait! Please...]
Ash: Paul? So, that's the end of all that special training?
Paul: Yeah, that's right. What's the point?
Ash: Huh?
Paul: (Walking past Ash, Dawn and Brock) Obviously I need to get a new fire-type. [This is an obvious a foreshadow to his Magmar/Magmortar]
Brock: Huh?
Dawn: Huh?
Ash: You're giving up Chimchar?
Dawn: What happened to the two of you getting stronger together?
Brock: All of that progress, and you're throwing it away? (He, Ash and Dawn turn to Chimchar) Hm?
Chimchar: Oh...? (Walks sadly away from Ash and the others)
Pikachu: Pika, Pika... (He and Ash watch as Chimchar walks sadly away)
Ash: Hmm... (cheerfully) Hey, Chimchar, come with us!
Chimchar: Chim? [What do you want?]
Paul: [Looks back] Hm?!
Dawn: Are you sure?
[Ash, Pikachu and Turtwig go up to Chimchar]
Ash: Of course. We'll have a blast and work hard!
Pikachu: Pika, Pika! [Come join the crew!]
Turtwig: Turtwig, Turtwig! [There's room for you here!]
[Chimchar turns to Ash while Dawn and Brock watch]
Narrator: The old saying goes - when one door closes, another door opens. Friends reach out to friends and a brand new opportunity is born. So, now with an invitation from our heroes to share their journey, just what lies in store for Chimchar?

Smells Like Team Spirit!

[The title card comes up]
Ash: (voiceover) Smells Like Team Spirit!
[Ash is inviting Chimchar to join his team as Dawn, Piplup, Brock and Paul watch]
Chimchar: Chim?
[The camera zooms in on Ash and cuts to Paul who is watching crossly]
Ash: Chimchar, come on.
Chimchar: Char?
Pikachu: Pika. Pika, Pika.
Turtwig: Turtwig.
[The camera cuts to Chimchar and then fades to Ash. It then cuts to Dawn and Brock]
Ash: You see, the way you give it all you got is awesome. I'd love working with a tough Pokémon like you.
Chimchar: Chim...
Paul: [To Ash and Chimchar] You deserve each other.
Chimchar: Char?
Paul: You're both pathetic.
Dawn: Why, that's an awful thing to say, Paul!
Piplup: Piplup, Piplup.
Ash: Just ignore him.
Brock: Huh?
Ash: Chimchar and I are going to show Paul just how wrong he can be.
Paul: Hmph.
Chimchar: Chim? (The camera cuts to Ash and then, back to Chimchar) Char...
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