Pokémon/Season 21

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This is a list of episodes in Pokémon: Sun and Moon, the twenty-first season of the Pokémon animated series (ポケットモンスター Poketto Monsutā?, Pocket Monsters), covering the adventures of series protagonist Ash Ketchum as he travels to Alola and meets new friends.

A Dream Encounter!


Now You See Them, Now You Don't!

[Komala rolls over, bringing the scene to the Pokémon school, where Professor Kukui and his students are in the classroom]
Professor Kukui: Has everybody brought their own clay?
Students: Yes, sir.
Mallow: Oh, no, I forgot.
Kiawe: Would you like to share mine?
Mallow: Thanks, Kiawe. (The camera pans to the right and reveals a clay mountain) All that?
Kiawe: Clay mountain.
Professor Kukui: Now, class, today you're going to sculpt your Pokémon partner, closely observing it while you work might lead you to discover something new.
Students: Right.
Ash: Let's see. Who should I make? Nebby and Rowlet are asleep so, OK, Pikachu, I choose you.
Pikachu: Pikachu.
Ash: Now, stay perfectly still.
Pikachu: Pika.
[The camera cuts to Lana who is trying to sculpt Popplio]
Lana: Please make a balloon. (Popplio makes a balloon) Stop. Now, hold that pose. Stay still, okay.
[Popplio's balloon goes wobbly and then, it pops, soaking Lana and itself. Meanwhile, Sophocles has not started sculpting]
Sophocles: Charge a bug.
Rotom Dex: It's the same.
Professor Kukui: Try again.
[The camera cuts to a clay model of Turtonator which was done by Kiawe]
Kiawe: All done. It's Turtonator. (Turtonator cheers, but then the clay model's head looks down) No, it's not stable enough. (to Turtonator) Turtonator, get down. (Turtonator stands on four legs) That's it. Perfect. (Starts making the clay model again)
[Meanwhile, Mallow has also not started sculpting her clay model]
Mallow: Now give me a cute pose. (Steenee gives a cute pose) Ah, perfect.
[The camera cuts to Sophocles' clay model which is now spinning on a pottery wheel]
Sophocles: All right, let's try you, Togedemaru.
Ash: Wow. What's that?
Sophocles: I'm going to faithfully recreate Togedemaru's spikes. My super deluxe pottery wheel and carbon sculptor.
[Everyone, except Lillie, goes to admire Sophocles' invention]
Mallow: Sophocles, why are you waiting?
Sophocles: Timing is everything.
[Meanwhile, Lillie has finished sculpting Snowy who admires her work]
Lillie: It probably would be better if I slimmed it down a little bit.
[Cut to Ash who has sculpted a Mimikyu]
Ash: Hey. Check it out.
Professor Kukui: It looks more like a Mimikyu, not a Pikachu.
[The clay Mimikyu's head falls]
Ash: Uh-oh.
Pikachu: Pika?
[The camera cuts to Rowlet sleeping in Ash's backpack...]
Ash: Okay, one more time.
[...unaware that Nebby has managed to climb out]

Deceiving Appearances!


A Masked Warning!


Night of a Thousand Poses!


Mission: Total Recall!

[Gladion is angrily confronting Ash on the beach]
Ash: [Dejected] Sorry, Gladion. See, Nebby...
Ash: Sorry...

Faba's Revenge!


Family Determination!


Revealing the Stuff of Legend!

[At the Altar of the Sunne, the four island guardians are hovering above their respective pillars and singing in harmony. Then, the four rectangles surrounding each pillar start glowing]
Pikachu: Pi?
Ash & his Classmates: Huh? (They turn to the Altar of the Sunne)
Gladion: What's that?
[Two traces of light on either side make their way upwards to the top of the monument, opening the Altar of the Sunne. Then, the portal beams a light directly onto Nebby]
Ash: Huh? Oh, right! The Altar of the Sunne.
Gladion: Does that mean it's Solgaleo? (The beam goes up into the sky, making everyone cover their eyes due to the brightness, except Gladion) It must be.
Lillie: What's happening to Nebby?
[Everyone watches as Nebby evolves into Solgaleo and roars]
Ash: It's Solgaleo!
Pikachu: Pika!
Lillie: Nebby turned into Solgaleo?
Kiawe: Unbelievable?
[Steenee, Popplio, Togedemaru and Snowy scream and run away Solgaleo stomps on the ground and roars. Then, Rotom Dex starts taking pictures excitedly]
Rotom Dex: This is a massive discovery! I can't believe it! Nebby evolved two times, and now it's none other than the legendary Alolan Pokémon Solgaleo! Information updated, information updated!
[Meanwhile, Team Rocket and Bewear have seen the action from some distance]
Jessie: Now that's some fancy schmancy evolution.
[Bewear nods]
James: Wait, I've seen that. (Looks inside his book) That Pokémon is a legend in the Alola region. It's Solgaleo.
Meowth: Yeah? Where's all that talk of it being an Alolan Koffing?
Jessie: Right. Koffing this and Koffing that.
James: Well, the thing is...
[The camera cuts to a close-up of Jessie and Meowth's faces]
Jessie: We just had to catch Proto-Koffing in order to save a face.
James: The thing is...
Meowth: You blew it! Proto-Koffing and Nano-Koffing are phoney baloney Koffing.
[Wobbuffet appears on the left side of the screen]
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet! (Jumps off)
Jessie: Right, and so are you!
[Wobbuffet then appears on the right side of the screen]
Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet! (Jumps off)
James: Say, this weather today...
Bewear: (squeals)
James: I found myself on the mercy of the court.
[Jessie and Meowth are shocked by this, so is Wobbuffet]
Wobbuffet: Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah!

Rescuing the Unwilling!


10,000,000 Reasons to Fight!


The Professors’ New Adventure!


Let Sleeping Pokémon Lie!

Samson Oak: [to Ash and co.] It was probably having a dream that very much [imitating Midday Lycanroc] "LYCANROC" ITS WORLD!
[everyone sweatdrops]
Ash: What does that mean?

The Dex Can't Help It!


Fighting Back The Tears!


Tasting the Bitter with the Sweet!


Getting a Jump on the Competition!


A Mission of Ultra Urgency!

[The title card comes up]
Ash: (voiceover) A Mission of Ultra Urgency!
[The camera pans slowly to the right on the Pokémon School]
Narrator: Yes, it's another beautiful day at the Pokémon School.
[Cut to Professor Kukui in the classroom with Lillie's Alolan Vulpix and a normal Vulpix]
Professor Kukui: You see, environmental differences can have a great effect on the development of Pokémon. Of course, these differences apply to all living things, including humans.
[Then, everyone hears a clanging sound]
Everyone: Huh?
[The camera cuts to Komala who is hitting the school bell constantly. The class look up to the school bell from in the classroom]
Kiawe: Komala sure is ringing the bell a lot today.
Mallow: It's never done that before.
Lillie: I wonder what's going on.
[Principal Oak enters the classroom]
Samson: Members of the Ultra Guardians...
Students: Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?
Samson: An emergency dispatch is Darkrai-sing into view. (When he says this, he transforms into Darkrai)
Students: Emergency dispatch?!
Professor Kukui: Lusamine called you? What did she have to say?
Samson: Lusamine informed me that a new Ultra Beast sighting has been reported. (Turns to the class) She's asking you, as members of the Ultra Guardians, to spring into action.
Ash: Ultra Guardians? Oh, yeah! That's the thing Lillie's mom wanted us to help with.
Samson: Give it all you've got! Use your bag of... (Turns into a Vulpix) Vul-tricks!
Vulpix: Vul-tricks!
Professor Kukui: All right, then, class. Off we go! (Pulls the blackboard up to reveal a secret control panel. He then puts his hand on the centre of the panel, which turns different colours. Meanwhile, the ladder slides to the right and the bookshelf moves up, revealing a secret elevator shaft)
Students: Huh?!
Samson: Amazing, eh? The Aether Foundation partnered with the Pokémon School to create it. Isn't it a... (Turns into a Lillipup) Dilly-pup?
Sophocles: Wow! Who knew?
Professor Kukui: Now get into your positions!
Mallow: Our positions?
[Ash runs onto the elevator]
Ash: I want to be first!
Kiawe: I'm second!
[Lana and Mallow run onto the elevator]
Lana: This sounds like fun.
[Lillie walks onto the elevator, leaving Sophocles behind]
Sophocles: Wait for me, everyone! (Walks onto the elevator, followed by the Pokémon)
Rotom Dex: Good.
[Everyone inside the elevator shaft starts going down swiftly]
Ash: This is awesome!
Rotom Dex: I wonder what this is connected to?
Kiawe: Ungh...!
Mallow: Ungh!
Sophocles: Wow! This IS fun!
Lana: Wow.
Lillie: Aaaaah!
[The camera cuts to the Pokémon who are experiencing the elevator. It then cuts to Lana who is then joined by Lillie as Sophocles goes rushing down]
Lillie: My mother just adores technology like this.
Mallow: Wow! She does?
Lillie: I think it's because of the kid in her.
[Meanwhile, Ash gets into a new suit called an Ultra Guardian outfit, and some gloves. Everyone else gets an outfit too, albeit in different colours]
Mallow: (Admiring her new outfit) Ha ha ha! Oh!
Sophocles: Huh? (Sees his orange boot turn black and white)
[Soon, Kiawe gets a badge and Lillie is all suited up. Meanwhile, the Pokémon also receive badges and Ash's outfit gets a black lining up either side and Rotom lowers down with its own badge]

[Everybody goes up the elevator to get their ride Pokémon. First, Ash and Pikachu climb aboard a Garchomp]
Ash: All right, Garchomp. I choose you!
Pikachu: Pika!
Ultra Guardian Garchomp: Garchomp!
[Sophocles and Togedemaru jump on a Metang]
Sophocles: I'm counting on you, Metang!
[Meanwhile, Mallow and Steenee jump on a Flygon]
Mallow: Now, Flygon, let's go!
Steenee: Ee!
Ultra Guardian Flygon: Fly!
[Lana and Popplio land on the back of a Dragonair]
Lana: All right, Dragonair!
Ultra Guardian Dragonair: Eeee!
[Meanwhile, Lillie and Snowy land on the back of an Altaria]
Lillie: Let's go, Altaria!
Snowy: (happy)
Ultra Guardian Altaria: Altaria!
[And Kiawe and his Marowak decide to ride on the back of Kiawe's Charizard]
Kiawe: I didn't expect to see you here. Ready to go, buddy?
Kiawe's Charizard: Char!
Kiawe's Marowak: Marow!
[The gates open for each Ultra Guardian and their ride Pokémon, and each of the platforms they are standing on rotate 180 degrees. Then, they get sent up one by one. At the same time, the Alolan Exeggutors that stand outside the Pokémon School lean back as the river opens up, forming a waterfall. A platform in the water rises, as do the Ultra Guardians on their Pokémon. Then, the platforms go rolling along and the Pokémon go flying out of the waterfall and into the sky, with Garchomp and Metang going first]
Ultra Guardian Garchomp: Gar!
Ultra Guardian Metang: Metang!
[Garchomp and Metang are eventually followed by Flygon, Dragonair and Altaria...]
Altaria: Altaria!
[...and finally, Kiawe's Charizard]

Acting True to Form!


Pushing the Fiery Envelope!


Turning Heads and Training Hard!


Smashing with Sketch!


Love at First Twirl!


Real Life... Inquire Within!


Rise and Shine, Starship!

[In the bamboo forest, Team Rocket are harvesting bamboo shoots when Meowth sees a big one]
Meowth: Bing, ba-da-boom. That baby's big.
Wobbuffet: Wobba.
James: What a fine specimen.
[Then, Jessie notices the Ultra Guardians flying past]
Jessie: Hold on.
[The Ultra Guardians land on the ground outside the bamboo forest]
Meowth: Hey, look, it's the twerps.
James: And they're playing dress up today.
[Lana, Lillie and Mallow gather round with their Pokémon]
Jessie: [Watching the Ultra Guardians] What's with those brats?! Complete with their ridiculous Ride Pokémon. I could just scream.
James: What is that thing?
[The camera cuts to Ash and his classmates who are now surveying Celesteela]
Meowth: [off camera] It looks like a big bamboo.
Jessie: [off camera] Or a swollen wall hanging.
Ash: Let's get to it.
Sophocles: Mhm, let her rip.
Ash: All right. Go, Beast ball! [Throws an Ultra Ball which tries to capture Celesteela, but it doesn't work]
Rotom Dex: It didn't work.
[Pikachu, Poipole and Togedemaru inspect the open the Ultra Ball]
Kiawe: All right, again! [Throws an Ultra Ball which tries to capture Celesteela, but that doesn't work either] Not good.
Mallow: But why?
Sophocles: Hmm. Maybe we can't catch it because it grew roots.
[While the Pokémon play together, Sophocles goes to examine Celesteela]
Sophocles: Let me check this out. [Scans Celesteela with his tablet and sees the results] Argh! Like Professor Burnett said, there's an incredible amount of gas inside.
Lillie: We've got to do something before its rocket launches!
[The camera cuts to Team Rocket who are still watching from inside the bamboo forest]
Jessie: You heard that, too, right?
James: Clear as a bell.
Meowth: That means we're looking at a rocket Pokémon.
Jessie: Which no self-respecting Team Rocket member should be without.
James: That would be us, without a doubt.
Team Rocket: There's nothing like a rocket Pokémon to make us scream and shout!
Wobbuffet: Wobba, wobba!

The Young Flame Strikes Back!


Dewpider Ascending!


Sours for the Sweet!

[One day, Ash, Pikachu, Rotom Dex and Poipole have arrived at Mallow's family restaurant]
Ash: Mallow, you still serving lunch? Oh. (He and Pikachu get covered in flour)
[Rotom Dex and Poipole float into view]
Rotom Dex: What's going on?
[Ash and Pikachu splutter and get the flour off their faces]
Mallow: Dad!
Ash: Huh?
[The camera cuts to Abe who has hurt himself and is now sitting on the floor]
Abe: Well, that hurt.
Mallow: Dad, are you okay?
Ash: No!
Pikachu: Pika.
Ash: What happened?
Abe: I was carrying a heavy bag of flour and then... I'm fine, my back just gave out on me, that's all. And now upsie... (Feels the pain in his back) ...daisy. Argh!
Mallow: Are you sure you're okay?
Ash: Yeah, Really.
Poipole: Poipole.
Pikachu: Pika.
Abe: My aching back.
Mallow: Just try to stay still.
Abe: Can't. I've a lot of things to do to get ready for the Alola Bread Festival.
Ash: The Alola Bread Festival?
Abe: That's right. You see, it's...
Ulu: Hold it right there!
Abe: Huh?
[The camera reveals Ulu, the son of Abe and older brother of Mallow, who has just come into the restaurant with some golfing equipment]
Ulu: I'll do the explaining around here.
Abe: Ulu?
Mallow: Brother.
Ash: Oh, that's your brother?
Pikachu: Pika.
Ash: You told us about him.
Rotom Dex: He's the one who sent us the recipe for that mysterious Alolan stew when he was out on his cooking journey.

Why Not Give Me a Z-Ring Sometime?


Tough Guy Trials!!!


Some Kind of Laziness!!

[After Tapi Bulu pushes Lycanroc into the rain with Ash, Pikachu, Poipole and Rowlet playing and they accidentally splash mud on Lycanroc's maine and it starts to get angry with Ash trying to calm it down]
Ash: Lycanroc, you gotta listen to me, you have to calm down! Do you still remember when you were still a Rockruff? Well I still remember, back then we used to play in the rain just like this (has a flashback when Lycanroc was still a Rockruff and were playing in the rain)
[A flashback occurs and Ash's Rockruff jumps into Ash, falls down and waters Pikachu and Rowlet.
Ash: Aw, Rockruff, look what you did now! (laughs)
[The flashback ends]
Ash: Back then we used to play together and didn't care whether we were dirty or muddy, you used to be playful, determined and also clumsy but I know you're still the same, cause you're my buddy, my friend.
[Lycanroc's eyes turn back to normal and the rain stops]
Lycanroc: Lycan!
Ash: Yeah! Lycanroc you're back (laughs)

A Battle Hand-Off!


Guiding an Awakening!


Twirling with a Bang!


Showering the World with Love!


Not Caving Under Pressure!


A Young Royal Flame Ignites!

[One evening, a battle is taking place at the Battle Royal Dome]
James: The Battle Royal, our main event, is down to just two competitors.
[The camera cuts to an Electivire]
Meowth: With Mr Electric and his partner, Electivire.
Jessie: Versus the Masked Royal and his Incineroar.
[The crowd roars as the camera cuts to the commentators who are Team Rocket in disguise]
James: Fire Jameston's the name, calling the play-by-play. I'm joined by commentators Freezer Jessip and Thunder Meowtaire, and we're coming to you 100% live and unedited!
Masked Royal: Incineroar, use Cross Chop! (His Incineroar does as he says and punches Mr Electric's Electivire)
James: Gadzooks! Incineroar's Cross Chop dished up some damage.
[Ash, Pikachu, Torracat, Lycanroc, Professor Burnet and Poipole are watching the battle on TV at Professor Kukui's house]
Ash: Way to go, Incineroar!
Professor Burnet: That's the way it's done!
James: (commentating on TV) It now appears that Mr. Electric has grabbed Incineroar's leg.
Ash & Professor Burnet: Huh?
Ash: So who is that Mr Electric anyway?
Rotom Dex: Well, that Mr Electric only happens to be a member of the Revengers.
Ash: Who are the Revengers?
[The camera cuts to outside Sophocles' house and inside, Sophocles is explaining to his dad about the Revengers]
Sophocles: The Revengers are a team, a team of really bad guys who always go around breaking all the rules.
[Meanwhile, Kiawe, Mimo and his Marowak are watching the battle on TV from their home on Akala Island]
Kiawe: And that's why my support is fully behind the Masked Royal. Right makes might.
[The camera then cuts to Lillie and Hobbes watching the match at Lillie's Mansion]
Lillie: We all know you can do it. Go, Masked Royal and Incineroar! Huh? (Sees Lana, Popplio, Mallow and Steenee who are among the audience at the Battle Royal Dome) Ah!
[Back at Kukui's house, Ash and Professor Burnet have also noticed Lana and Mallow]
Professor Burnet: That's Lana and Mallow.
Ash: Oh, wow. Seeing it right there is so great.
Everyone: Huh?
[The camera cuts to Mr Electric who has still got his hands on Incineroar's leg]
James: (commentating on TV) Egad! Electivire's set to clobber Incineroar from behind. One pop and Electrivire is up, up and away.
Masked Royal: Now use Throat Chop!
[Incineroar gets ready to make its move]
James: Zowie!
Meowth: Dat's da move dat wins everytime!
[Then, they see an attack hit the Masked Royal's Incineroar which came from a Magmortar and its trainer, Mad Magmar]
Mad Magmar: Ha-ha, ha-ha.
James: It seems that the team of Mad Magmar and Magmortar has rushed in.
[The bell rings 7 times]
Jessie: So! Is this the end?!
Meowth: The team of Mr Electric and Electivire has been DQ'd with the illegal assist.
[The camera cuts back to inside Kukui's house]
Ash: Rotom, what just happened?
Rotom Dex: Magmortar had no right to enter the ring, so the team of Mr Electric and Electrivire are disqualified.
Ash: I'm sure the Masked Royal didn't want to win the match like that.

All They Want To Do Is Dance Dance!


Dummy, You Shrunk The Kids!


The Shape Of Love To Come!


The Long Vault Home!


I Choose Paradise!

Mallow: [Annoyed] Flygon just had to jump in like you did, Ash!

Filling the Light with Darkness!


Full Moon and Many Arms!


The Prism Between Light and Darkness!


Securing the Future!


A Plethora of Pikachu!

[The title card comes up]
Ash: (voiceover) A Plethora of Pikachu!
[Mimo and Pikachu are racing down the path when Pikachu hits a pebble and starts rolling downhill]
Pikachu: Pika! Pikachu! (He crashes into the back of somebody's foot. Then, the person he ran into turns to him)
[We see a heart-shaped Pikachu tail, a Pikachu-coloured dress and a headband in the style of Pikachu's ears. We then that the person wearing all these garments is a girl with red hair named Pikala]
Pikala: Alola! Pika!
Pikachu: Pika?
[Mimo, Kiawe and Ash arrive at the scene]
Mimo: Alola!
Kiawe: Huh?
[Pikala moves her headband a bit and picks up Ash's Pikachu]
Pikachu: Pi-pi... Pika!
Pikala: Welcome, pika Pikachu! (Rubs her cheek on Pikachu's red right cheek) What a wonderful Pikachu! (Sees Ash, Kiawe and Mimo) Wait a pika second, I pika know. Its front legs, its cheeks... this is a pika Kanto Pikachu.
Ash: Wow! How'd you know that?
Pikala: The shine of its pika fur gave it away. A Kanto Pikachu reflects sunlight with a pika sparkle, whereas a Pikachu from Alola gives a pika glossy reflection.
Ash: What do you know about that?
Rotom Dex: Well, every day's a school day.
Mimo: (psyched) That's so cool!
[Pikala puts Pikachu down]
Pikachu: Pi. Pi.
Pikala: Everyone, nice to meet you. Hi! My name is Pikala. Pika!
Ash: Nice to meet you. We heard a lot about this place, so we just wanted to come and visit. (Pikachu jumps on his left shoulder)
Pikala: That's pika great. You want to surround yourself with Pikachu, too? (Turns starry-eyed) The first thing we do... (Gives Ash, Mimo and Kiawe a headband each) Pika-pika, pika-pika, pika-pika, pika-pika, pika-pika, pika-pika!
Kiawe: What's this?
Pikala: Pikachu ears. I call them Pikachears! (Cut to Ash who is now sporting a male Pikachu-themed tail) A Pikachu tail. I call it a Pikatail.
Mimo: (wagging her female Pikachu-themed tail) This is the cutest thing I've ever seen.
Kiawe: I guess you're Mimochu from now on.
[The camera cuts to Rotom who is now wearing Pikachu-themed garments]
Rotom Dex: Even I'm a Pikachu now, I suppose.
Ash: What do you think, buddy? (Wags his Pikatail) I'm a Pikachu.
Pikachu: Pi-ka-chu?
Pikala: Now I, Pikala of Pikachu Valley, will explain the Valley's three pika rules to you.
Kiawe, Mimo, Ash & Rotom Dex: Rules?
Pikala: First rule. Your heart must become a pika heart. (Picks up Ash's Pikachu) Second rule, you must pika love every Pikachu. Third rule, when you talk, you have to add pika to anything you say. That's pika-pika speak.
Rotom Dex: You want me to say Pikachu, right?
Pikala: Hold it right there. I'm afraid you don't pika understand. Every sentence has to have "pika" tucked in somewhere inside it.
Rotom Dex: I'll give it a pika try. Bop-bop-blop-bop-bop. (Displays several emotions on its screen) Pika-chu!
Pikala: Pika great! Those who follow the pika rules can consider themselves citizens and friends of Pikachu Valley. Now pika everyone, please, tell me your names in pika-pika speak.
Ash: I'm pika-Ash.
Mimo: Pika Mimo.
Kiawe: I'm pika Kiawe.
Pikala: Wait! I think I'm going to call you Pikash, Pikomo and Pikawe.
Ash: I'm Pikash?
Mimo: Pikomo? Oh, that's so pika cute.
Kiawe: Pi? Pikawe!
Rotom Dex: Good pika grief!
Pikala: (to Rotom Dex) And you're Pikarotom.
Rotom Dex: Pikarotom? Pika no!
Pikala: No worries, you'll be used to it in no pika time. (A local Pikachu appears) Pika food for a pika heart. (The camera cuts to a plethora of Pikachu) You must accept everything Pikachu, that's the only way your love for all Pikachu...
Local Pikachu: Pika! Pika! (The other Pikachu look at it) Pika?

Turning the Other Mask!
