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Chop Kick Panda

From Wikiquote

Chop Kick Panda is a 2011 American flash-animated martial arts comedy direct-to-video film created by Gaiam Americas. The film has been a rip-off of the DreamWorks Animation film Kung Fu Panda.

Directed by Darrell Van Citters. Written by Robert Zappia.


  • Why'd I ever leave jolly old England? The pubs, the royal palaces, the white cliffs of Dover, the pubs...


Slade: Did I not tell you if you returned empty handed, you would suffer my wrath?
Bali: [mumbling to himself while trying to remember] "Did I not tell you if you returned empty handed, you would suffer my..."
Slade: What are you doing?!
Bali: I'm sorry, it's just that the phrasing of your question is a tad confusing. When you say "Did I not tell you", are you asking me if you didn't tell me, or if you did tell me?
Slade: [sarcastically] Ooh, I'm so sorry for the confusion. It was a rhetorical question, Bali. Here, let me rephrase the question as a statement. Prepare to meet your maker!
Bali: Me mum's here?

Voice cast
