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Ahilyabai Holkar

From Wikiquote

Ahilya Bai Holkar (31 May 1725 – 13 August 1795) was the hereditary noble queen of the Maratha Empire, in early-modern India. She established Maheshwar (in Madhya Pradesh) as the seat of Holkar Dynasty.


  • This great ruler in Indore encouraged all within her realm to do their best, merchants produced their finest clothes, trade flourished, the farmers were at peace and oppression ceased, for each case that came to the queen’s notice was dealt with severely. She loved to see her people prosper, and to watch the fine cities grow, and to watch that her subjects were not afraid to display their wealth, lest the ruler should snatch it from them. Far and wide the roads were planted with shady trees, and wells were made, and rest-houses for travellers. The poor, the homeless, the orphaned were all helped according to their needs. The Bhils who had long been the torment of all caravans were routed from their mountain fastnesses and persuaded to settle down as honest farmers. Hindu and Musalman alike revered the famous Queen and prayed for her long life. Her last great sorrow was when her daughter became a Sati upon the death of Yashwantrao Phanse. Ahalya Bai was seventy years old when her long and splendid life closed. Indore long mourned its noble Queen, happy had been her reign, and her memory is cherished with deep reverence unto this day.
    • Annie Besant, Children of the Motherland (Banaras: Central Hindu College, 1906), pp. 290–91. in Sampath V. (2022). Bravehearts of Bharat : vignettes from indian history. Penguin Random House India
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