Akhenaten, Dweller in Truth

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Akhenaten, Dweller in Truthis a novel written and published by Nobel Prize-winning Egyptian author Naguib Mahfouz in 1985. It was translated from Arabic into English in 1998 by Tagreid Abu-Hassabo.


  • I said no more, but the flames of rage continued to burn inside me.....Why should we protect those who contributed to our own destruction?"
    • (Akhenaten, Mahfouz, 82)
  • A great novel heightens your senses and sensitivity to the complexities of life and of individuals, and prevents you from the self-righteousness that sees morality in fixed formulas about good and evil”
    • (Page 131)
  • Those who followed Akhenaten to the end seemed to believe in conscience, they believed in God before and despite of His weak messenger
    • (Page 142).
  • for Nefertiti, “beauty and brilliance combined,” who believes in his cause and does everything she can to stand by her husband
    • (Page 124).
  • One can believe that Akhenaten was indeed a “mouse that fancied himself a lion”
    • (Page 80)
  • “Life is a sky laden with clouds of contradictions”
    • (Page 27).
  • Some see Akhenaten a betrayer of the people’s trust, an Oedipal adulterer, and his wife Nefertiti conniving, unloving, and disloyal
    • (Page 99);
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