Ala-ud-Din Bahman Shah

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Ala-ud-Din Hasan Bahman Shah (Persian: علاء الدين بهمن شاه; died 10 February 1358), whose original name was Zafar Khan or Hasan Gangu, was the founder of the Bahmani Sultanate.


  • The Sultãn sent Khwãja-i-Jahãn to Gulbargã, Sikandar Khãn to Bîdar, Qîr Khãn to Kûtar, Safdar Khãn to Sakar which is called Sãgar, and Husain Garshãsp to Kotgîr. He appointed other chiefs to invade the kingdom of the infidels. ‘Aitmãdul Mulk and Mubãrak Khãn led raids upon the river Tãwî and laid waste the Hindu Kingdom. After having invaded the province of Dankurî and cutting off the head of Manãt, they attacked Janjwãl…
    • Sultãn ‘Alãu’d-Dîn Hasan Bahman Shãh (AD 1347-1358) Dankuri (Karnataka). Burhãn-i-Ma‘sir by Sayyid ‘Alî bin ‘Azîzu’llãh Tabãtabã Hasanî, in S.A. A. Rizvi in Tughlaq Kãlîna Bhãrata. Aligarh, 1956, Vol. I, p. 370.

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