Alfonso II of Aragon

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Alfonso II (1–25 March 1157 – 25 April 1196), called the Chaste or the Troubadour, was the King of Aragon and, as Alfons I, the Count of Barcelona from 1164 until his death.


  • Per mantas guizas m'es datz
    Joys e deport e solatz;
    Que per vergiers e per pratz,
    E per fuelhas e per flors,
    E pel temps qu'es refrescatz,
    Vei alegrar chantadors;
    Mas al meu chan neus ni glatz
    No m'ajuda, ni estatz,
    Ni res, mas dieus et amors.
    • Many the joys my heart has seen,
        From varied sources flowing,
      From gardens gay and meadows green,
        From leaves and flowerets blowing.
        And spring her freshening hours bestowing,—
      All these delight the bard: but here
      Their power to sadden or to cheer
      In this my song will not appear,
        Where nought but love is glowing.
    • Cançó, st. 1, as translated by Edgar Taylor, Lays of the Minnesingers and Troubadours (1825), p. 236
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