Alter Egotist
"Alter Egotist" is a 1967 American animated short film as part of the Honey Halfwitch series directed by Chuck Harriton, written by Howard Post, and produced by Paramount Cartoon Studios. It was released by Paramount Pictures throughout April 1967.
Honey Halfwitch
[edit]- [She asks a paper witch for her drawing gone away from a canvas] Pardon me, did you see the drawin- [surprises her] Gasp! Eek! [shakes her head quickly] Paper witch, you come to life. Yipee! I've got a new friend! Yelli!
Cousin Maggie
[edit]- Grrr! Help! Swell will you paper greed!
[edit]- Shari Lewis as Honey Halfwitch and Cousin Maggie (uncredited)