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An Ordinary Miracle (1978 film)

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An Ordinary Miracle (Russian: Обыкновенное чудо) is a Soviet 1978 romantic fantasy musical film directed by Mark Zakharov and based on a play by Evgeny Schwartz.

The Wizard

  • Who dares to reason or predict when high feelings take possession of a man?
  • Glory to the brave who dare to love, knowing that it will all end. Glory to the madmen who live as if they were immortal.

The King

  • I must warn you: we are restless guests, I am a terrible person, a tyrant, a despot, insidious, capricious, vindictive. And the most offensive thing is that it is not my fault. My ancestors are to blame. Great-grandfathers, great-grandmothers, great-uncles and aunts, various forefathers and foremothers. They behaved like the last pigs in his life, and now I am cleaning up their past. And I myself am a kind, clever man by nature, I love poetry and prose, music, painting, fishing, cats.
  • Today I will have a party. Joyfully, good-naturedly one, with all sorts of harmless antics. Prepare the dishes, plates, I will break all of this. Remove the grain from the barn: I will set the barn on fire.
  • An execution block, an executioner, and a glass of vodka. The vodka for me, everything else for him.
  • As a saint honoris causa, a great martyr honoris causa and a Pope honoris causa of our kingdom, I approach the sacrament of the rite.

The Princess

  • You hug me like you have a right to do so. I like it. I really like it.
  • I've been chasing you for three days to tell you how indifferent I am to you!

The Minister Administrator

  • I have seen enough of these noble sufferers, wandering musicians and beggar singers, and worse still, these minstrels, these tormentors of human souls. It is they who push deceived fools to their deaths. It is they who invented love!

The Hunter

  • If you want to point out my mistakes, then first praise me, you scoundrel.


King: Hostess, give us three glasses. It's precious three-hundred-year-old royal wine. Let's celebrate our meeting. (pours wine) For this matter - to the bottom!
Wizard (to wife): Don't drink.
King: Do you want to offend me? Offend a guest?
Wizard: Be quieter, you're not at home.
King: Don't lecture me! I'll blink an eye, the ministers will write off, I'll express regret - and that's it! Whether at home or not - drink!
Wizard: Don't drink.
King: Why?
Wizard: The wine is poisoned.
King: What did you come up with, the scoundrel.
Wizard: Then drink first.
King: That's right, the wine is poisoned. Why throw it away? If you don't want to drink, don't. Pour it back into the bottle. Where will I get good poison now?

The Bear: Did I push you, sweet girl? What's wrong? Did I really scare you that much?
The Princess: No. I... I was just a little confused. No one has ever called me that before just "sweet girl".
The Bear: I didn't mean to offend you.
The Princess: I wasn't offended at all.
The Bear: The thing is, I'm terribly truthful. If I see that a girl is sweet, I tell her so.

Minister Administrator: Exactly at midnight.
Wizard's Wife: What at midnight?
Minister Administrator: Come to the barn, you won't regret it. I've no time to court you. You're attractive, I'm damn attractive. Why waste time? At midnight, I'll waiting.
Wizard's Wife: How dare you?
Minister Administrator: I dare, my dear. I dare.
Wizard's Wife: Are you crazy?
Minister Administrator: On the contrary, I am so normal that I am surprised myself.
Wizard's Wife: You are a scoundrel!
Minister Administrator: Yes. And who is good these days? ... Well, will you come?
Wizard's Wife: I wouldn't even think about it. On top, I'll complain to my husband, and he'll turn you into a rat.
Minister Administrator: Who is our husband?
Wizard's Wife: A wizard.
Minister Administrator: A little warning next time. I was wrong, I lost my temper. But now I consider my proposal an ugly mistake, I repent, I ask for a chance to make amends, to atone. That's it, I'm gone.

The Wizard: Poor, unarmed people throw kings off their thrones for the love of their neighbors. For the love of their country, soldiers trample death underfoot and it runs away without looking back. Wise men rise to heaven and throw themselves into hell for the love of truth. And what have you done for the love of a girl?
The Bear: I renounced her.

King: What did you call me?
First Minister: Your Excellency.
King: To call me, the greatest of kings, by the title of general? This is rebellion!
First Minister: Yes! I rebelled! And for me you are no longer the greatest of kings, but merely an outstanding one, and nothing more! Do you like that?

