Angela Flournoy

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Angela Flourney is an American writer.


  • No outside pressure could live up to the pressure I’ve always put on myself as a writer…
  • Any realistic depiction of Detroit should include the blight and frustration that come with living there, but it should also show regular people experiencing joy.
  • I don’t think I need to succeed so that the race can succeed. We’ve seen that. We’ve been succeeding since we were sneaking to learn how to read. We’ve been showing ourselves to be exceptional, and it doesn’t change anything. I understand that burden; I do not feel that burden. I feel the burden on the page when writing a story to do justice to the black people I am rendering, but I don’t necessarily believe that my successes or failure will have some greater impact on the way that people view black people…
  • Write about whatever random-ass black thing you want to write about. Or not. The only way that our literature will continue to grow is if we accept and acknowledge that nothing we write will change the hearts and minds of people who don’t want their hearts and minds changed…

External links

Wikipedia has an article about: