Another (anime)
Another is a 2012 horror anime TV series produced by P.A. Works and directed by Tsutomu Mizushima, based on the novel of the same name written by Yukito Ayatsuji. The series focuses on a boy named Kouichi Sakakibara who, upon transferring into Yomomiya Middle School and meeting the curious Mei Misaki, finds himself in a mystery revolving around students and people related to his class facing gruesome, senseless deaths.
[edit]Rough Sketch [01]
[edit]- Kouichi Sakakibara: Hey! …What's your name?
[Silence. Then…]
- Mei: …Mei. Mei Misaki.
- Mei: Bye, Sa-ka-ki-ba-ra…
Blueprint [02]
[edit]- Yuuya Mochizuki: I feel uneasy about everything.
- Naoya Teshigawara: [to Kouichi] Yo, Sakaki!
Bone work [03]
[edit]Put flesh [04]
[edit]- Aya Ayano: [quoting Hamlet's famous line] To be or not to be, that is the question!
Build limbs [05]
[edit]- Kouichi: First of all: Mei Misaki. You exist, right?
- Mei: [amused] That's so cute. Did you think I was a ghost?
- Kouichi: [smiling ruefully] Yeah, maybe.
- Mei: Well, I guess you couldn't help it. But your doubts are gone now, right?
Face to Face [06]
[edit]Sphere joint [07]
[edit]- Mei: [when Teshigawara asks Mei if she's this year's "extra one"; making a small smile] No, but it could very well be you, you know.
- Teshigawara: M-Me?! No way…! Don't even joke about it!
- Mei: There's really no way?
- Teshigawara: No no no! I have no memories of dying! And not to brag, but I clearly remember all the shit I got into as a kid!
Hair stand [08]
[edit]- Kouichi: [when Mei gasps nearby] What's wrong?
- Mei: [An octopus is writhing on her hand.] Get it off…!