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Apsley Cherry-Garrard

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Apsley Cherry-Garrard in 1912

Apsley George Benet Cherry-Garrard (January 2, 1886May 18, 1959) was an English explorer of Antarctica.


  • For a joint scientific and geographical piece of organization, give me Scott; for a Winter Journey, Wilson; for a dash to the Pole and nothing else, Amundsen: and if I am in the devil of a hole and want to get out of it, give me Shackleton every time.
    • The Worst Journey in the World (1922), Volume One, Preface, p. viii
  • They are extraordinarily like children, these little people of the Antarctic world, either like children, or like old men, full of their own importance and late for dinner, in their black tail-coats and white shirt-fronts — and rather portly withal.
    • The Worst Journey in the World (1922), Volume One, Chapter IV, p. 64
    • Personification of penguins.
  • Polar exploration is at once the cleanest and most isolated way of having a bad time which has been devised.
    • The Worst Journey in the World (1922), Volume One, Introduction, p. xvii