Art is a Business

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Art is a Business / Business is an Art Poster. 2016

Art is a Business [Иску́сство — это́ би́знес] is an conceptual project by the artist Alexey Parygin, realized in the first half of the 2000s. Art is a Business is the artist’s second philosophical manifesto, after Contemplation of Money.


  • The process was designed like that: my performance partner and I were standing opposite each other at a distance of about three meters. While reading the text, with arms straight up and slightly apart (palms outward), we gradually raised our arms in a stylized gesture of a traditional intercessory prayer iconographically referring to the classical image of the Virgin Hodegetria. The incense was burning. A whitish trickle of sweet smoke was slowly stretching towards the ceiling, emphasizing the sacredness of the two-voiced hosanna repeated over and over again: Art is a Business; Business is an Art. Art is a Business; Business is an Art. Art is a Business; Business is an Art; Art is a Business; Business is an Art.... A rhythmic, monotonous sound.
    • Alexey Parygin Искусство — это бизнес (авторский комментарий к проекту). — ПИТ, # 68, СПб: АИС, 2022. — С. 249

