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Asdfmovie is a 2008 web video created by YouTube animator TomSka which consists of clips focusing on random humor. It has over 67 million views as of January 2022 [1] and its success has spawned a yearly series of YouTube videos.


[a child giggles]
Man: Got your nose!
[child continues giggling]
[police officer rushes into the room]
Police officer: Look out, he's got a nose! [Shoots his gun at the man]

Man: You gotta help me, man! My tie is evil and it's gonna kill me!
[other man walks away]
Man: Please don't hurt me...
[his tie laughs evilly]

Man: Hello, parking meter.
Parking meter: Hello.
[man is startled]

Man 1: Hey, guy, hey. Smell my flower.
[Man 2 smells the flower] Mmmm.
[a monster pops out of Man 1's stomach]
Man 2: LOL.
[monster goes back into his stomach]

[A man pushes a button labeled "Pointless Button." It does nothing.]
Man: Hmm.

Man 1: Hey, man--
[Man 2 punches Man 1 in the face]
Man 2: Aw, what the hell is wrong with you?
Voice in background: Level up.

Lady: Somebody help me, I'm being robbed!
Tree Guy: I'll save you. Tree powers activate! [turns into a tree]

Man: Die, potato!
Potato: Noooo-- (gets stepped on)

[a man gets out a knife]
Man: Mmm, yum.
[the man cuts a cake]
Cake: Aah! Why would you do this?! I have a wife and family!
Man: Noooo!
Cake: Aah, the pain! It's unbearable!
Man: What have I done?!
Cake: Aah! Tell my children I love them!
Cupcakes: Daddy!
[the cake falls off the table]
Man and cupcakes: Noooooooo--
[the cake lands on the ground]

Man 1: Hey, you know who's gay? You.
[Man 2 impales Man 1 with a katana]
Man 1: Aw, come on!