Assamese proverbs
- অসতীৰ সজ জ্ঞান, গৰু চোৰৰ গঙ্গাস্নান
- Transliteration: Asotir soz gyan, Goru churor Gangasnan"
- Meaning: It is useless to give good knowledge to the dishonest. Stealing a cow is a sinful act. They earn their living by stealing. Even bathing in the Ganges cannot take away their sins."
- ড° প্ৰফুল্ল কুমাৰ নাথ (2016) (in as). অসমীয়া যোজনা পটন্তৰ. নিষ্ঠা প্ৰকাশন.
- অতি ধুনতীৰ ঘৰ নাশ, ধুনে কৰে সৰ্বনাশ
- Transliteration: Ati dhunotir ghor nash, Dhune kore sarbonash"
- Meaning: Women who are too busy with style do not have time to do household chores properly, which hinders the improvement of the household."
- ড° প্ৰফুল্ল কুমাৰ নাথ (2016) (in as). অসমীয়া ভাষাৰ অলংকাৰ, ফকৰা যোজনা. নিষ্ঠা প্ৰকাশন.