Battle Beyond the Stars
Battle Beyond the Stars is a 1980 American science-fiction film about a farm boy that recruits a band of outlaws to save the planet Akir from evil empire forces that threaten to wipe them out from the face of the universe.
- Directed by Jimmy T. Murakami and Roger Corman, written by John Sayles and Anne Dyer and screenplay adapted by John Sayles.
[edit]- [To the mercenaries] The Varda teach us to trust first and judge later. I'm sorry for the reception you've got. Welcome to our city, Defenders of Akir!
[edit]- Nanelia, the Akira believe that no form ends until all the lives that it has touched are ended, until all the good that it has done is gone.
- The First Law of the Varda is to use greater force against itself.
- The Varda teach us that each form has its function.
Nestor 1
[edit]- While life exists, the possibilities are unlimited.
- [Nestor explains why "he" would like to participate in the Malmor-Akir War] You see, there is only one Nestor, one consciousness. As you might imagine, this has proven very lonely, very dull. We must avoid becoming... we believe you have a phrase for it... becoming "bored to death."
[edit]- 30 seconds and counting, Zed. 29, 28, 27, 24, 15, 22... did I... did I say 15?
[edit]- [To Lux, lovingly] You pretty thing.
[edit]- Hear me, beings of Akir: I am Sador of the Malmori. I have come with my forces to conquer you. If you resist, I will crush you. I possess a stellar converter, the most powerful weapon in the universe. You cannot resist me. I want your planet to be my colony. Your harvest comes in seven risings of your red giant. I will return then, and you will accept me as your master. If you do not submit, your planet and all life on it will be burned to ash.
[edit]- Saint-Exmin: I am Saint Exmin of the Valkyrie. It's been a very enjoyable fight. [She implodes her ship]
- Shad: [Quoting Saint-Exmin, mesmerized by her action] "Live fast, fight well, and have a beautiful ending."
- Shad: [In Gelt's lair and treasure chamber] I'm hiring mercenaries to protect against an invasion, but food and shelter is all we can offer in payment. All of our wealth is in our culture.
- Gelt: I could buy your planet ten times over with what I've gathered in this room: plutonium, cadmium, qualine crystals... I've been very well paid for my work.
- Shad: I'm sorry. I've wasted your time.
- Gelt: NO! Wait. Listen to the rest of it, I sleep with my back to the wall... when I CAN sleep. I eat serpents seven times a week. There's not a major city in this galaxy where I can show my face, or spend my wealth. Right now, your offer looks very attractive to me... A meal, and a place to hide.
- Gelt: What a place to end up - a minor planet in a third-rate galaxy. [Gelt dies]
- Shad: Have somebody prepare a meal.
- Crew member: A meal?
- Shad: Full course, then bury it with him.
- Crew member: Bury it?
- Shad: That was our arrangement: A meal and a place to hide.
- Saint-Exmin: [After a dogfight against the Malmori] Shad, did you see me on the monitor? There was a drone right on my tail. I pulled out; he smashed into an asteroid!
- Shad: [Grimly] Let me tell you something. This may just be a game to you, but these are my people.
- Saint-Exmin: I'm sorry. I forgot about your Varda. I am from a warrior race. We EXIST for battle. Our creed is to live fast, fight well, and have a beautiful ending.
- Shad: [Looking her in the eyes] NO violent ending is beautiful.
- Saint-Exmin: [Smiling] You've never seen a Valkyrie go down.
- Cowboy: [After seeing Gelt blast a ship] Beautiful. I love to see a pro work!
- Shad: He's got a lot of practice. Nell, I think we may have bought ourselves a chance! Let's head to the surface!
- Nestor 1: [Eating a hot dog for the first time] There's no dog in this.
- Cowboy: Uh-uh.
- Nestor 1: Hydrolyzed vegetable protein, soybean meal, niacin, dextrose, and sodium nitrate flavoring.
- Cowboy: Yup, that's what we call "meat" back home.
- Nanelia: The Sonar Tank. They're wearing sound baffles in case they get in front of it. Even if we plug our ears, we can't get any closer.
- Cowboy: [To the nearby Kelvin, who are trying to get his attention] Will you two radiators stand back? It's hard enough to think!
- Nestor 1: It seems they're volunteering.
- Cowboy: Yeah, what can THEY do?
- Nestor 1: Well, for one thing, the Kelvin have no ears.
- Cowboy: Welcome, Nestor. I'm from Earth. Ever hear of it?
- Nestor 1: No, but we are pleased to meet you.
- Akira Governor: No-no, listen to me. We don't know how. We live by the Varda; the Varda is not to fight. The Akira haven't fought for centuries!
- Zed: I have fought... and I am a scion of Akir!
- Akira Governor: And you are on old man.
- Zed: I have lasted this long by fighting!
- Akira Governor: We are all going to be killed. We are defenseless!
- Zed: To fight creatures of violence, you must use creatures of violence.
- Nestor 1: We are Nestor.
- Shad: All of you?
- Nestor 1: [Speaking of himself and the four behind him] This is but a facet. These are but facets. There are hundreds of thousands like us at home and scattered throughout the universe. We are Nestor.
- Shad: You're clones.
- Nestor 1: In a manner of speaking. We share identical consciousness. What one sees, all see. What one knows, all know.
- Shad: And all of you want to help us?
- Nestor 1: These five facets, yes. Four of us are required to operate this ship.
- Shad: What about the fifth?
- Nestor 1: We always carry a spare.
- Cayman: [To Shad] See you later, hot blood.
- Saint-Exmin: [To Shad] Yeah, see you later, hot blood.
- Shad: Did you know that there's a form in the black galaxy who's children have no immune system till the age of five cycles? That means that the slightest trace of infection they would rot just like fallen fruit.
Talking Android: I have heard of them. The Huddites.
- Nanelia: Who asked you?
- Shad: When they reach the age of five cycles, all the relatives gather together in a special room, and they watch while the child tears and bites at this plastoid with its teeth and nails, till it breaks out into the arms of its parents, feels their skin for the first time, feels the wetness on their cheeks for the first time.
- Talking Android: [To Nanelia, realizing what Shad's up to] It's horrible out there. Forms preying on other forms. Death.
- Shad: Most of them never do develop immunities. They die shortly afterwards, but the Huddites still feel that the breaking out ceremony is very beautiful.
- Sador: [Nell self-destructs near "Hammerhead's" stellar converter, which backfires] Monitor the converter axis!
- Dako: Malmori: It's destabilizing, reaching critical! We're all gonna die!
- Sador: That can't be! I'm going to live forever! [His dreadnaught begins to disintegrate around him] I wanted to live forever! [He vanishes brilliantly, along with "Hammerhead"]
- Saint-Exmin: [Having just bested Shad and Nell in a dogfight] The Valkyrie are great warriors. In our youth, we must leave home and fight in many battles until we have proven ourselves.
- Shad: Well, you've proven yourself to be a pain in the neck. So why don't you just... fly off?
- Saint-Exmin: But I wish to fight.
- Shad: [Exasperatedly] My PLANET is in danger, and you're playing TAG with me! Your ship is like a toy; you have no firepower.
- Saint-Exmin: It's one of the fastest in the universe.
- Shad: Well, the Varda teach us that "swift rain is little rain."
- Saint-Exmin: But I WANT to join.
- Shad: But we don't want you, we don't need you, and we won't have you, so go count your coup somewhere else. [He breaks off communications with her]
- Nell: You were a little harsh, weren't you?
- Shad: You saw her. She was PLAYING with me.
- Nell: Yes... and she WON.
- Cayman: [Upon meeting Shad for the first time] I'm only in this for Sador. I want his head.
- Shad: [Surprised] Oh. Well, you're welcome to it.
- Saint-Exmin: I could do wonders for that boy. I would recharge his capacitators... stimulate his solenoid... tingle dingle dangle prangle his transistors! You know... sex!
- Nanelia: I can't imagine what it must be like.
- Saint-Exmin: Stick with me. You'll get an education.
- Cowboy: [Upon seeing Gelt's ship approach] Here comes somebody else. Who's that?
- Shad: [Switching over to Gelt] Do you want your name used?
- Gelt: My name is Gelt.
- Cowboy: Where ya from, Gelt? I'm from Earth. Know where that is?
- Gelt: I was born in space.
- Cowboy: Oh, well, put in between us. I'll cover you.
- Gelt: I don't like anyone behind me.
- Cowboy: Okay, you keep a scanner on our tail.
- Gelt: I always do.
- Cayman: [Shad and the mercenaries arrive on Akir, seemingly deserted] HAIL THE CONQUERING HEROES!
- Shad: I'm sorry. I think they must be afraid.
- Cayman: Afraid? Of what?
- Shad: Of you. They're not accustomed to violence or violent forms.
- Saint-Exmin: That's a hell of a note!
- Yago: [As "Hammerhead", Sador's dreadnaught, is approaching Akir] This is Akir, a planet of stone with a single green spot.
- Sador: Let's see it. What about their forms?
- Yago: Comparable with ours. They have a solar technology. No known defense capacity.
- Sador: Interesting. Let's check that.
- Cayman: [Cayman's ship "Zymer" charges "Hammerhead"] Sador? This is Cayman of the Lambda Zone. Turn around, you overaged degenerate, and we'll bump heads!
- Sador: What do you make our force field at?
- Yago: A ten-six.
- Sador: And what do you make HIS at?
- Yago: It's an elite Trianzymer - ten-two.
- Sador: Of what form are you, Cayman?
- Cayman: I am of the Lazuli.
- Sador: I thought I had the honor of making that form extinct, long ago! I won't fail this time! Here I come, Cayman of the Lambda Zone
- Sador: [In "Hammerhead's" sick bay, preparing himself for surgery, intimidatingly] Are you capable of speech?
- Nestor 2: [Unfazed] Yes, quite capable.
- Sador: Good. And do you have a high tolerance for pain?
- Nestor 2: Almost none at all, I'm afraid.
- Sador: How unfortunate for you. How many ships do the Akira have, and what are their capabilities?
- Nestor 2: If I told you that, it would give you an unfair advantage.
- Sador: This is my surgeon, Dako. Dako is expert at inflicting pain... while keeping the patient alive.
- Nestor 2: It is good to have skills.
- Tembo: [As Kalo suddenly breaks off their pursuit of Nell and Shad] Why are we slowing down?
- Kalo: We were ordered to watch the planet.
- Tembo: To hell with orders! I want that ship!
- Kalo: Remember Lobo? He disobeyed orders, and now Sador's wearing his left foot!
- Tembo: Uah? Maybe we better go back.
- Shad: [After "Hammerhead" wings Gelt] Gelt, are you all right?
- Gelt: ['Just prior to force-landing back on Akir] That remains to be seen, Shad. Have a nice fight!
- Yago: [Carrying a bag of ashes] Our emissary has returned from Umateal. They have replied to our ultimatum.
- Sador: And? [Yago hands over the bag, which Sador examines] What's this?
- Yago: It is our emissary, sir. They have... powdered him. [Sador throws the bag in a rage, just missing him] They are a... proud... form!
- Sador: In an hour, they'll be an EXTINCT one, not a trace of them left, not even their dust.
- Shad: [Unable to bring himself to shoot down Kalo and Tembo's Malmori warship] Can we outrun 'em?
- Nell: We sure as hell can't OUTFIGHT 'em, not with YOU in the driver's seat!
- Sador: ["Hammerhead" returns to Akir but cannot find Kalo and Tembo] Could we POSSIBLY be out of range?
- Yago: Not at all, sir. Something must be wrong.
- Sador: [Disgustedly] What's WRONG is that I have an army full of GENETIC MISTAKES! Why can't my mutants be intelligent, like Melye?
- Yago: Well, you can't expect us to measure up to YOU, sir.
- Sador: Don't flatter me! Those two probably slammed their ship into an asteroid.
- Yago: Or they MAY have been shot down.
- Sador: Shot down? How? Akir has nothing to put in the air!
- Yago: Somebody came to help.
- Sador: Help Akir against ME?! Hmm! Nobody could be THAT stupid! Not even Kalo and Tembo! OR YOU!
- Shad: [Drawing his handgun as he finds himself aboard Nestor's ship] Okay, what's the big idea? [All five Nestors turn to face him] Don't everybody talk at once! [None of the Nestors respond] Listen, if I don't get some answers FAST, I'm gonna have to use this thing! [Nestor motion causes Shad's gun-hand to turn against him, bringing the muzzle to his own head, which Shad vainly attempts to wrench away] Let me rephrase that.
- Nestor 1: [Releasing Shad] You are not of a violent form. We sensed that you did not intend to shoot.
- Shad: You read my mind?
- Nestor 1: Among other things.
- Tembo: [He and Kalo monitor an Akira wedding below] Look, Kalo... FEMALES!
- Akira Woman: [On the viewing screen] A bonding approved for procreation, a bonding conceived in the face!
- Nell: Showing my backside to those mutant sons of bitches. I can't believe it! You got no BACKBONE, kid! When Zed was your age...
- Shad: My job is to find mercenaries. And I'm NOT Zed.
- Nell: Hmm! You bet. Not even a pale imitation.
- Shad: [Insulted] Wha... Now, I thought I did pretty well back there. I mean, YOU'RE still in one piece, aren't you?
- Nell: Sure, you did. If they hold a contest for running away, YOU'LL be Champion of the Universe!
- Nanelia: Who sent you? What are you here for? Oh, audio malfunction, huh? Let's take a look at your banks...
- Shad: Wait a minute! I'm not an android!
- Nanelia: [Surprised] You're... warm!
- Shad: Of course. I'm organic. Haven't you ever seen an organic form?
- Nanelia: Not besides my father. Just the androids. I take care of them.
- Dr. Hephaestus: Forms must prey on other forms to survive.
- Shad: That's not what the Varda teach us. We prey on no one.
- Dr. Hephaestus: Your planet is doomed and I have other plans for you.
- Shad: Other plans?
- Dr. Hephaestus: This station was built for many. It remains a hollow and lonely place. You've met my daughter.
- Shad: Yes. Wait a minute. Y... you don't mean... that you want me to... breed with your daughter?
- Dr. Hephaestus: It seems a better fate than that offered by the Malmori, does it not?
- Shad: You fired without me.
- Nell: It had to be done.
- Shad: You were placed under my direct command. You fired without me. "That which is not organic must not..."
- Nell: "... harm that which is." I know, I know. It's a damn stupid rule.
- Cayman: ...This planet you speak of - Akir - What could it offer me?
- Nanelia: ...They have the richest molybdenum deposits in that system.
- Cayman: [Laughs] Nice try, hot blood. But I've already seen Akir, and there is absolutely nothing on that planet I could want.
- Nanelia: You're HEARTLESS! You're just like SADOR!
- Cayman: Sador! SADOR? Sador of the MALMORI?
- Nanelia: That's who we're fighting against.
- Kalo: Tembo! Come on up here!
- Tembo: [Laughing] I'm busy.
- Kalo: FORGET ABOUT HER! Something's coming.
- Tembo: What?
- Kalo: Something's coming. Seven ships.
- Tembo: SEVEN! What do you think we should do?
- Kalo: Run away?
- Tembo: GOOD IDEA!
- Tembo: Hurry. HURRY! It's gaining on us!
- Kalo: It can't be! We're at full thrust!
- Tembo: It's gaining on us. Turn and give me a shot at it.
- Kalo: That's crazy! We don't know what it is!
- Shad: Is that real smoke you're putting into your lungs?
- Cowboy: Yup. And before ya ask, it is the worst thing in the world for me.
- Shad: Well, I don't think you should do it.
- Akira Boy: Mister, are you a bad man?
- Gelt: That's right.
- Akira Girl: Why?
- Gelt: I don't think the way you Akira do. If you think different, you get called "bad."
- Akira Girl: How DO you feel?
- Gelt: I don't.
- Akira Boy: Mister, were you bad when you were little?
- Gelt: I was never that little.
- Nell: Terrific! Now I've got TWO babies to sit for.
- Shad: [Sternly] Nell, shut up.
- Shad: I've never taken a life before, Nell.
- Nell: The Varda SAYS we can take life to SAVE life.
- Gelt: ...I came back here for a rest. There aren't many other planets left in the galaxy where I don't have a bounty on my head.
- Shad: What makes you so... popular?
- Gelt: I settle disputes... very quickly. I'm very good at it. I don't care who I work for, or with. That's why I've collected a lot of enemies along the way.
- Shad: You kill... for pay?
- Gelt: I have no home, no family, no ideals. What else would I kill for?
- Shad: Pleasure?
- Gelt: No. It's strictly business with me. Now, then... What's your pitch?
- Sador: This is Sador of the Malmori. I command you to surrender.
- Nell: [Sarcastically] I'll surrender, you sorry son of a mutant.
[edit]- Richard Thomas as Shad
- Robert Vaughn as Gelt
- John Saxon as Sador
- George Peppard as Cowboy
- Darlanne Fluegel as Nanelia
- Sybil Danning as St. Exmin
- Sam Jaffe as Dr. Hephaestus
- Morgan Woodward as Cayman
- Earl Boen as Nestor 1
- John Gowans as Nestor 2
- Steve Davis as Quopeg
- Lawrence Steven Meyers as Kelvin
[edit]- A bold youth escapes on a last ditch mission that begins at the edge of the universe.
- The ultimate space war - survival or extinction
- A battle beyond time ... beyond space.
- A battle beyond time, beyond space.
- Rebels. Outlaws. Mercenaries. Seven magnificent warriors join to fight the... Battle Beyond the Stars.
External links
[edit]- Battle Beyond the Stars quotes at the Internet Movie Database