Bob the Builder
Bob the Builder is an British children's animated television show created by Keith Chapman. In the original series, Bob appears in a stop motion animated programme as a building contractor, specialising in masonry, along with his colleague Wendy, various neighbours and friends, and their gang of anthropomorphised work-vehicles and equipment.
After the original series ended in 2011, US toy company Mattel ran a revised version of the show from 2015–2018. In January 2024, an animated theatrical movie adaptation of the series was announced.
[edit]- Greg Proops - Bob
- Loreleri King - Wendy
- Alan Marriott - Scoop & Travis
- Lachele Carl - Muck
- Maria Darling - Dizzy & Roley
- Emma Tate - Lofty & Benny
[edit]- "Can we fix it? Yes we can!"
- Cited in "Bob The Builder Movie: Confirmation, Cast & Everything We Know" Screenrant (November 5, 2024)
[edit]The Knights of Fix-a-Lot (US version)
[edit]- Librarian: Well, it's a rule in the library to keep, you know, quiet.
- Spud: [shocked] Quiet?! Why's that?
- Readers: Sssshhhh!
- Librarian: Sorry, so sorry! Because there are people here trying to read.
- Spud: Well then, they've come to the right place. You can't move for books. [picks up the books while the readers shush] BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS, AND MORE BOOKS!!!!
- Reader: Sssshhh!
- Librarian: Ssssshhhh!
- Spud: Oh!