Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue

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Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue is a 1990 American animated drug-abuse prevention television special starring many of the popular cartoon characters from American weekday, Sunday morning, and Saturday morning television at the time of the film's release.

Directed by Milton Gray, Marsh Lamore, Bob Shellhorn, Mike Svayko, and Karen Peterson.
Drugs don't stand a chance against these guys!(taglines)
  • What's up, Doc, is your life, if you don't get off those drugs.
  • Listen, kid. This is the past, and the past is in black and white. Get it?
  • Okay, you win. You got me dead to rights. I'm not a cop, I'm a rabbit, but just because I got long ears doesn't mean there's nothing in between 'em.
  • [encountering Michael in a alley] What's dis? [picks up something Michael had dropped by a trashcan] A joint? So, what's the big attraction?
  • Look who's talking.


  • What's wrong? What's happening?
  • I can quit if I want to! I'm in charge of my life!
  • [throwing the drugs away] Corey! Don't you ever, EVER, ever do this stuff! [Corey: But you did it!] I was a dope. I was wrong.
  • [last lines; to Corey] C'mon, sis. Let's go talk to Mom and Dad.


  • Gordon 'ALF' Shumway: You see, Drugs aren't your pals, Pal! They're your enemies, Storming the battlements, try to take control!

Alvin and the Chipmunks

  • Theodore: Simon, Let's help catch that thief
  • Simon: An excellent opportunity to be an service... But, where's Alvin?
  • Both: ALVIN!
  • Alvin: Busy!
  • Theodore: There's someone who need your help!
  • Alvin: What? Another Autograph hound!
  • Simon: Just come on!
  • Alvin: Hey! Wait a minute, Put me down!


  • Michaelangelo: Cowabunga, dude! How did you ever get so totally cool?
  • Daffy Duck: [about Michael's future] Ah, yes, I can see it all! Well, some of it.
  • Simon: I hate to suggest this, but my guess would be... marijuana, an unlawful substance used to experience artificial highs.
  • Theodore: [shocked after discovering that Michael stole Corey's piggy bank] I can't believe it! Corey's own brother?
  • Gordon 'ALF' Shumway: The sound of a breaking piggy... if ever I've heard one.
    • Garfield: Two sounds you can't miss: The sound of a breaking piggy, and the sizzle of hot lasagna.
  • Smoke: Relax, he's only cloth and stuffing. Besides, that bear doesn't get around much. I do. Trust me. Open the box.
  • Baby Piggy: Hey, this isn't romantic, it's not even pretty, and most important, I DON'T LIKE IT IN HERE!
  • Kermit: There's nothing cool about a fool on drugs!
  • Huey, Dewey, Louie: [altogether] Just believe in yourself!


[Michael sees himself on his deathbed]
Michael: It's- it's me. This is my future?
Daffy Duck: It is if you don't get off those drugs!
[Some cartoon characters visit and help Michael]
Gordon 'ALF' Shumway: You use, you lose!
Baby Piggy: Listen to us! We care about you, Mikey!
Bugs Bunny: What's up, doc, is your life, if you don't cut it out.
Kermit: There's nothing cool about a fool on drugs!
Huey, Dewey, Louie: [altogether] Just believe in yourself!
Michaelangelo: Yeah! You're excellent just the way you are! Without drugs!
Michael: [scared] HOW DO I GET OUT OF HERE?
[A door back to Michael's room appears in front of him and the characters]

Gordon 'ALF' Shumway: [after emerging from a picture frame on Corey's dresser after her piggy bank is stolen] You wanna help track down the thief, Garfield?
Garfield: [is a lamp] Hey, going through life with a blue lampshade is work enough. Wake me when the lasagna comes.
Gordon 'ALF' Shumway: [yanks the lamp attachment off Garfield] Let me rephrase that: do you wanna help, or do you wanna be lunch?
Garfield: [salutes and climbs off the dresser] My luck to be stuck on a dresser with a pushy alien.

Theodore: What's all this for?
Alvin: Either someone's conducting a major chemistry experiment, or this is a serious no-no.
Gordon 'ALF' Shumway: Toto, something tells me we're not in cartoon territory anymore.

Michael: [Alf shows Michael what he will look like in the future, via a mirror] Who is that?
Gordon 'ALF' Shumway: Well, it's not Freddy Krueger. This is you. Pretty pitiful, huh?

[Bugs takes out a blue block with a red button on it. He presses it and drops it on the ground. It turns into a time machine]
Michael: A time machine?
Bugs Bunny: I borrowed it from some coyote.

Gordon 'ALF' Shumway: That kid's got a one-way ticket to Nowheresville.
Theodore: Simon suspects drugs.
Pooh: Oh, my!
Slimer: Ooh! That's bad moves!
Alvin: Michael needs our help!
Slimer: Then let's help him!

[Michael and Smoke have fallen through an open manhole into a sewer. They see Michaelangelo of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]
Michaelangelo: Cowabunga, dude! How did you ever get so totally cool?
Michael: What are we doing down here?
Michaelangelo: Like, you fell through a radical hole, dude! You could've avoided it, but you weren't thinking. Come to think of it, that's a lot of your problem.
Michael: What problem?
Michaelangelo: Drugs, bud. Your brain must be, like, really messed up.

Michael: [throwing the drugs away] Corey! Don't you ever, EVER, ever do this stuff!
Corey: But you did it!
Michael: I was a dope. I was wrong.
Corey: Then stop! Please, Michael.
Michael: I don't know if I can.
Smoke: Face it, kid. We're buddies for life, whether you like it or not.
Corey: You don't have to quit on your own. Talk to Mom and Dad! They'll help! I'll help!
Smoke: Listen to me, Mikey.
Michael: I think I've listened to you long enough.
[He throws Smoke out a window, sending him into a garbage truck]
Smoke: [last words before his defeat] You can't get rid of me this easy! I'll be back, and you can bet on it!
Michael: He's right, you know. He will try to come back.
Corey: And when he gets here, we'll be ready for him. Right, guys?
All Cartoons: [on a poster] Right!
Pooh: [Micheal frees Pooh from the cabinet] Oh! Oh thank goodness! I thought I was going to miss something important.
[He jumps his way to the poster and magically joins the other cartoons]
Michael: C'mon, sis. Let's go talk to Mom and Dad.


  • Drugs don't stand a chance against these guys!

Voice cast
