Castle (season 7)

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Castle (2009-2016) is an American comedy-drama television series, airing on ABC, about a mystery writer, Richard Castle, becoming involved in investigating murders after a copycat killer uses his novels as inspiration and he decides to base a series of novels on the lead investigator, Detective Kate Beckett.

Driven [7.1]

Vinny: Okay, listen. On occasion, clients might need to make a vehicle disappear, and for ten grand, such a thing can be handled.
Beckett: What was the name of the client?
Vinny: No names came up. He called me in the morning, he said the right things, we struck a deal, but I never met the man. It was all anonymous.
Ryan: Then how did you get paid?
Vinny: We used a drop. The client left a bag full of cash in a dumpster on the lower East side right after the SUV got turned into a panini.
Ryan: After? What happens if you crush a car and then you don't get your money?
Vinnie: (chuckles) That does not happen.

Beckett: I will find Castle, with or without the FBI.
Connors: You're assuming he wants to be found.

Esposito: Kate?
Beckett: I'm fine. I just never thought I'd see him again.

Castle: We can't just, um, pick up where we left off, can we, as if nothing ever happened?
Beckett: No.
Castle: We'll get there. We'll find our way home.

Montreal [7.2]

Castle: You saw that interview. No-one believes me. But somewhere out there, someone knows where I was, and what I was doing.
Beckett: You ready for this?
Castle: A mystery I might be able to solve? It'll be a relief.

Beckett: And instead of going after real leads, we're gonna be chasing thousands of half-baked tipsters playing the Richard Castle lottery.
Castle: What real leads? So far, we've had nothing but dead ends. And I'm tired of not knowing. Now, to find a needle in a haystack, do we not first need a haystack?
Beckett: Yeah, but not a haystack full of nutjobs.

Gates: Mr Castle! Just what in the hell do you think you're doing?
Beckett: Did you give that TV station the precinct number?
Castle: Well, I'm not going to give them my home phone. That's private!
Gates: The NYPD is not your personal secretary! Do you know how many man-hours this little stunt of yours is costing us? The phones have been ringing off the hook!
Castle: Did you hear that? Ringing off the hook? [kisses Gates and grabs a stack of phone messages] We have leads.
Gates: W... w... what just happened?

Martha: Aha, that will be my date.
Castle: Ooh, you have a date?
Martha: Uh-huh, Robert. We met at the grief counselling group, when you were presumed...
Castle: You picked up a man at grief counselling?
Martha: Yes. Now, I will thank you to go into the other room.
Castle: Why?
Martha: Because at the moment our relationship is based on mutual loss, and if he finds out that you have returned, and are alive, it will just... it will ruin everything.
Castle: Mother, you realise I was on television this morning?
Martha: Luckily, Robert is a cultured man, he does not watch television. The only newspaper he reads is the Wall Street Journal, which, thankfully, did not carry news of your return. So, go, go, go, go.

Beckett: We have no idea what's out there. No idea who's out there. That's too risky.
Castle: It's Canada. How risky could it be? And need I remind you, I'm a grown man. I have no need to ask your permission. That being said, pleeeease, please, please can I go?
Beckett: Okay, fine. But only because I know you're not gonna do anything stupid if she's with you. [to Alexis] Don't let him do anything stupid.
Alexis: Promise.
Castle: Grab your passport, I'll get the tickets.

Jenkins: You weren't supposed to come back. Ever.
Castle: It's you.
Jenkins: What do you remember?
Castle: Nothing.
Jenkins: That's good.
Castle: I know you're involved. I know you know what happened to me. Who are you?
Jenkins: You can't be doing this. Asking questions, offering rewards. It's too dangerous.
Castle: Then tell me what happened.
Jenkins: You're not listening, Mr. Castle. You need to stop.
Castle: Or what?
Jenkins: Or you're going to find out the truth. And you said you didn't want to remember. We went to great lengths to make sure that you didn't. But if you keep looking...
Castle: There's no way in hell I asked for this.
Jenkins: I'm sorry, but you did.
Castle: I don't believe you.
Jenkins: Hollander's woods, Mr. Castle. That February day, when you were eleven years old. What happened to you there, the real reason you became a mystery writer.
Castle: How did you... I never told anyone about that.
Jenkins: No. Not Beckett, not your family. But you told me, three weeks ago, so that if this ever happened, you'd have proof. You'd know that you were the one who asked to forget.
Castle: I asked for this?
Jenkins: Some mysteries aren't meant to be solved. It's over now. Go home. Live your life. Forget this ever happened. It's what you wanted.

Clear and Present Danger [7.3]

[Castle and Beckett glance at each other over their tablets]
Beckett: You want to do something tonight?
Castle: Sure, if you want.
Beckett: Sure.
Castle: Like what?
Beckett: We could, um, go watch a movie.
Castle: Yeah, yeah, if you want to.
Beckett: Well, not if you don't want to.
Castle: Well if you want to, I - I want to.
Beckett: You know what, we've watched a lot of movies over the last couple of weeks.
Castle: Yeah.
Beckett: So maybe we could, you know, if you wanted...
Castle: If I wanted to what?
Beckett: I mean, we could try something else tonight.
Castle: Something else as in...
Beckett: Yeah. I mean, we haven't since...
Castle: Yeah, well, given everything that's happened, I thought you just, you weren't ready...
Beckett: I thought that you weren't ready.
Castle: I'm ready. I'm... I... [scoffs] I'm... I'm so ready.
Beckett: I'm ready too. Like, I'm really ready.
Castle: Okay, well, then, what are we waiting for?
[Beckett's cellphone rings]

Castle: I so missed these mind melds.

Castle: You promise?
Beckett: Yes, we’ll pick up where we left off. I’ll even slip into that Valentine’s Day gift you got me.
Castle: You mean the one with...?
Beckett: Mmm hmm.
Castle: With...?
Beckett: Yep.
[Beckett walks into the crime scene and Castle leans heavily on the cop outside the door with a heavy exhalation.]

Beckett: Really? That's how the Devil is gonna kill someone? Using a broken pool stick?
Castle: Or perhaps the Prince of Darkness is trying to make a point. You live by the cue, you die by the cue.
Beckett: I thought he usually just released the hellhounds.
Castle: All right, then how do you explain what we just saw back there?
Beckett: Easy. Will didn't close the door all the way when he came back in. Our window was open, the killer came through it, and this huge gust of wind forced the door open, and then shut when they left.
Castle: Except Will lives on the 19th floor. With no fire escape.
Beckett: Come on, Castle. You know that there are plenty of ways to access windows on high-level floors without a fire escape.
Castle: Yes. If you're Spider-Man.
Beckett: Our killer's not Spider-Man.
Castle: Agreed. Because it's the Devil.

Beckett: What would you do if you were attacked by an invisible, demonic force?
Castle: I'd tell Ryan to lay off the bean burritos at lunch

Beckett: Give me a minute, and let me slip into something special, okay?
Castle: Right.
[as Beckett leaves, Castle hurries to the bed]
Castle: Cause there's something special I got you for Valentine's Day. I approve.
Beckett: It's even better.
[re-enters the room naked]
Beckett: It's invisible.

Child's Play [7.4]

Jason: I’m not talking to Mr Castle. He’s a jerkface.
Castle: [To Kate.] Okay, you know what, he’s the jerkface.
Beckett: He's eight years old. You've been here a day and a half, and already you have a nemesis?

Emily: [Looks quizzically at Beckett] I'm Emily. Who are you?
Beckett: I'm Kate. I'm Mr. Castle's... friend.
Emily: Do you like to play Princess with him?
Beckett: Er... sometimes.
Emily: Are you two getting married?
Beckett and Castle together: One day.
[Emily walks out looking disappointed]

Leslie Ruiz: ...Maybe you should give this medal to her [Natalie]. I didn't do much to deserve it.
Beckett: Are you kidding? You put up with Castle for two whole days.

Castle: I realize you consider yourself the adult of the family...
Alexis: For good reason.
Castle: For very good reason. But... but part of being an adult is realizing you can't always protect the people you love.
Alexis: Okay.
Castle: Okay.
Alexis: Being an adult really sucks.
Castle: Yeah. And you've spent way too much time having to be one. So... [steps out and comes back in with a scooter] I'm ordering you to be a kid.
Alexis: Don't you think I'm a little old for that?
Castle: I am not too old for it, so you are definitely not too old for it.

Meme is Murder [7.5]

Beckett: You think that you've won? You haven't. Everyone else has.
Adam: What do you mean, everyone else?
Beckett: Everyone who ever bullied you, who ever hurt you, belittled you, who ever thought you were weak and worthless and small. And you know what, Adam? They were right.
Adam: No they weren't. I am not any of those things.
Beckett: You're all of them, and worse.
Adam: [voice rising] I am what people made me.
Beckett: You were born this way, or your mummy made you. But Tim Witherspoon, and the rest of the kids at that school, they didn't break you. You were already broken. They only sensed what you were, and what you were about to become. So you know what? In a way, their bullying wasn't enough.
Adam: [close to tears] How can you say that? I'm the victim here.
Beckett: And you're always gonna be a victim. You think that hiding behind a username and killing is going to change that? That won't get you respect. You're always gonna be the same pathetic loser that...
Adam: [shouting] I am not a loser!
Beckett: And when you abducted Kent and Warren, I bet the two of them looked at each other and thought, "Are we being punked here?"
Adam: Believe me, they didn't.
Beckett: They think it's a joke.
Adam: They're afraid, they're - they're terrified by...
Beckett: They're sharing a laugh right now about you.
Adam: They are not laughing!
Castle: She just got him to say that they're together.
Beckett: They're laughing. They're laughing right now.
Adam: Well, not for long. That clock will count down to zero, and their screams will echo off the tiled walls as they take in their last breath of stale air, and then they'll both fry.
Garrett: Tiled walls and stale air? That was how he talked about the locker room at his school.
Castle: Where Witherspoon put him on the video. He's bringing this thing full circle! What was the name of that high school?
Garrett: Harding High. But they moved to a new campus. The original building is shut down.
Castle: [Hammers on screen] Beckett!

Time of Our Lives [7.6]

Castle: It's like It's A Wonderful Life. Every time your phone rings, a victim gets their wings.

Beckett: I called your mother. She refused to come and get you.
Castle: Oh. Well, she always did believe in tough love.
Beckett: That doesn't seem to have worked out in your case.

Castle: You know, I keep trying to figure it out. How do you live with the man who's lost two months of his life and left you at the altar? How do I live with... the pain I know I've caused you? How do we get past this?
Beckett: I wish I knew.
Castle: I think I have the answer. We just do. So, Katherine Beckett, will you marry me?
Beckett [puzzled smile]: I've already said yes.
Castle: Will you marry me right now?
[Beckett's face lights up with joy.]

Beckett: The moment that I met you, my life became extraordinary. You taught me to be my best self, to look forward to tomorrow's adventures, and when I was vulnerable you were strong. I love you, Richard Castle, and I want to live my life in the warmth of your smile and the strength of your embrace. I promise you I will love you. I will be your friend and your partner in crime and in life. Always.
Castle: The moment we met, my life became extraordinary. You taught me more about myself than I knew there was to learn. You are the joy in my heart. You are the last person I want to see every night before I close my eyes. I love you, Katherine Beckett, and the mystery of you is the one I want to spend the rest of my life exploring. I promise to love you, to be your friend and your partner in crime and life till death do us part, and for the time of our lives.

Once Upon a Time in the West [7.7]

Lanie: I am your maid of honor. I haven't had a carb in months just in case I had to put that damn dress back on.
Beckett: And you look great.
Lanie: Kate, save the flattery. You owe me dinner. I'm picking the restaurant and we're ordering all the desserts.

Gates: I'm sorry. Without the sheriff's cooperation, there's only so much we can do.
Beckett: So, we're just gonna let him get away with this?
Esposito: Kind of like how we let you get away with not inviting us to the wedding?
Gates: Well, at least you were invited to the champagne toast.
Beckett: Sorry, sir.
Gates: Oh, no, no, no. I'm sure it was Mr. Castle's fault.

Castle: I don't know if it comes with the room, but there's a naked cowboy shaving in our bathroom.

Castle: We gotta find this guy.
Beckett: But how? We're under cover. I can't just flash my badge and get people to talk.
Castle: Exactly. Which is why we don't approach this like cops. We approach this like writers.
Beckett: So we procrastinate and make stuff up?

Castle: But if Whitney was searching for the gold and the killer tracked her, there could be clues.
Beckett: You keep assuming that the gold's still out there. Don't forget, Clyde and Dutch were looking for it. They might have found it.
Castle: Not if they didn't have those old maps that Whitney had.
Beckett: You just wanna go after the gold.
Castle: Of course I wanna go after the gold! It's gold!

Gates: I think the two of you should stop whining like two little schoolgirls who weren't invited to the dance and be happy that your friends, your very dear friends, have found a way to make it work. Especially after all the hell those two have been through.

[Beckett lassoes Castle]
Beckett: [in a Western drawl] Hey there, cowboy. Where you off to in such a hurry?
Castle: Beckett, what are you doing? We're gonna miss our flight. You got to be in the office in the morning.
Beckett: No, I don't.
Castle: Yes, you do. You don't have any personal days left.
Beckett: Actually, I kinda do. For their wedding gift, Ryan and Esposito have both agreed to give me two of their vacation days each.
Castle: They did?
Beckett: Yeah. [Reeling Castle in] So now we have four days to do whatever... we... want.
Castle: And you want to stay here?
Beckett:[back to her normal voice] Of course I do. After all, this is our honeymoon. [They kiss]
Beckett: Oh, wait. We're gonna still go to that island getaway, right?
Castle: Yes, absolutely.
Beckett: Okay, right. [They kiss again as the end credits roll]

Kill Switch [7.8]

Castle: This feels different, doesn't it?
Beckett: What does?
Castle: Rolling up to a crime scene as a married couple. Like Nick and Nora Charles.
Beckett: Ooh, like MacMillan and wife.
Castle: Hart to Hart.
Beckett:Turner and Hooch.
Castle: Turner and Hooch aren't even married.
Beckett: Yeah, but you still remind me a little of Hooch.

Esposito: You have to turn back, Jared, because if you don't, here's what's going to happen. HRT, that's the Hostage Rescue Team, they're going to wait for you to get weak and tired, then a dozen highly trained guys armed to the teeth will breach this car, and trust me when I tell you they will not play.

Marisa Haragon: What's your play?
Esposito: Talk to him. Try to get him to see the light. Then disarm him if I get the chance.
Marisa: I should talk to him. I'm wearing the Kevlar.
Esposito: Yeah, but I've already got a rapport with the guy, so...
Marisa: A bad rapport. I know what this is. I'm just a transit cop. You gold-shield guys are always acting like you're better than us.
Esposito: We are better than you.
[Later, after the hostage situation]
Esposito: You did all right down there. I don't care what they say about transit cops.
Marisa: Mmm. What they say about gold shields is even worse. Mostly 'cause it's true.

Stone: You're not the priest.
Beckett: No, but I can take your confession.

Last Action Hero [7.9]

Castle: I was raised by a single mother. Hard Kill was how I got my bro time.
Ryan: That explains so much.

Castle: So Lance reaches out to another ex-agent, and he's killed with a garrote? Mark my words, this case is gonna lead us into a labyrinthian world of deceit, villainy and international espionage. This is better than one of his movies.
Beckett: After what I saw, it'd have to be.

Ryan: You know, maybe that's what I need. A catchphrase. [With a gravel voice] "Time to mete out justice." "Time for prison time."
Esposito: Yeah, you keep working on that, bro.
Ryan: "Time to pay the bill for doing the kill."
Esposito: Okay, on second thought, don't.

[As Kat Kingsley waits in the interrogation room]
Castle: Would it be weird if I asked her to sign this? [Unwraps a poster of her]
Ryan: When? On her way to jail?
Castle: It would mean so much to me.

Ryan: You know what time it is? It's Ryan time.
Esposito: Please just stop.
Ryan: My name's Ryan and I hate lyin'.

Castle: He's a nordic bodybuilder, card-carrying member of Mensa.
Beckett: I don't know, Castle. Maybe I just like the old-school guys, you know? Like Eastwood, Bronson, McQueen...

Beckett: Castle, you really think I could stand between you and your boyhood dream?
Castle: You are my boyhood dream.
Beckett: Awwww!
Castle: Well, you and drinking with the Indestructibles.
Beckett: You don't always have to keep talking.
Castle: Right.

[As Castle and the Indestructibles flee the night club]
Castle: I'm starring in my own action movie. This is the best night ever!

Bad Santa [7.10]

Beckett: It's just that rhyming isn't exactly my thing.
Castle: This coming from the woman who skipped prom to crash a poetry slam.
Beckett: Spoken word, Castle. That's a totally different jam. I mean, I could write a haiku for you instead.
Castle: No, that's against the rules.
Beckett: Since when do you follow rules?
Castle: Since I'm the one who made them.

Dino Scarpella: She [his daughter] and Eric, they were very close, very close - since they were kids.
Castle: So you're admitting he was your doctor...?
Dino Scarpella: I don't like that word "admit"
Castle: [looking sheepishly] Acknowledging?

Dino Scarpella: I need to find out who did this to him
Castle: Don't take this the wrong way, Dino, but I think you already do know...
Dino Scarpella: It was not Christopher!
Castle: All the evidence says that it was.
Dino Scarpella: He was framed, he's innocent, when it comes to this anyway. I know, because I was with him.
Castle: Dino, if that's true, all you need is to call Beckett. You can alibi him.
Dino Scarpella: Hmm, no, that's no good. See, at the time, me and Christopher, we were, uhm, engaged in a sensitive business transaction....
Castle: ...And by "sensitive" you mean "illegal"...
Dino Scarpella: I don't like that word either...

Dino Scarpella: I could crack a joke about making you an offer you can't refuse... But you cannot refuse

Castle, P.I. [7.11]

Castle: ...I do have something special lined up. A surprise, actually, for you.
Beckett: Really? What kind of a surprise?
Castle: Well, now if I told you that, it would be a surprise. But trust me, you're gonna love it.
Beckett: Okay, now, why does that scare me?
Martha: Because you're smart.

Beckett: We're married. [holds up her wedding ring] Married people tell each other things.

Castle: Did I tell you that I got pepper sprayed today?
Alexis: You say that like it's a good thing.

Esposito: There is no way he's ahead of us on this [case].
Ryan: Hey, he got to the morgue before us, and that lawyer.
Beckett: Ryan, he is resourceful, but he is not that resourceful.
Ryan: He got you to marry him, didn't he?

Castle: What happened to that rebellious girl with the motorcycle and the leather jacket? Would she say can't?
Beckett: She enforces the law now, and drinks expensive wine.

Private Eye Caramba [7.12]

Beckett: Ready to get out of here? Call it a night?
Castle: Whoa, what's the rush, doll? Why don't you stick around a while, give those stems of yours a rest?
Beckett: Could of. I'm all alone, and this is my first time in the big, scary city.
Castle: Spare me the tell-tale, precious. A dame like you, you got an angle.
Beckett: You're pretty quick for a gumshoe.
Castle: Come on, spill the story. Time is money, and I got none of either.
Beckett: All right, I'll give it to you straight. I'm just a girl, looking for a private dick.
Castle: Whoah! Then your search is over, sweetheart.

Beckett: So, how does it feel to have your first satisfied customer?
Castle: I want to satisfy another one.
Beckett: Oh, I think that can be arranged.
Castle: As the sun set on the mean streets of the naked city, I could feel my luck was about to change. The killer was caught, my case was closed, and hanging on my arm was the dame of my dreams.
Beckett: [sighs] Are you going to be doing that all night?
Castle: Not if it hurts my chances.

I, Witness [7.13]

Beckett: Castle, stop chasing the mice in your head.
Castle: What if they're leading me to the truth?

Resurrection [7.14]

Alexis: Bye Kate. [kisses Beckett on the cheek]
Beckett: Oh! Bye bye.
Castle: A goodbye kiss? When did that start?
Beckett: Just now. Yeah, no, I'm as surprised as you are.
Castle: I don't know that I'm surprised. I mean, you are pretty lovable.
Beckett: Well, you raised a great person, so...
Castle: Mmm. You say that now, you weren't here for the beginning.
Beckett: Next time I will be.

Castle: I never thought this day would come. Not only can we prove Tyson is alive, but we have him in custody.
Beckett: What we don't have is a smoking gun.

Reckoning [7.15]

Nieman: Please don't scream. It's tiresome. And no-one can hear you.

Gates: You know, when I first got here, I couldn't figure out what Beckett saw in you. But you know what she said? "He sees the story. I see the evidence, where it leads, but he sees the story." That man got inside your head, and you let him. You wanna help her, you gotta get inside his. What's his story? What's his next move gonna be? Now you figure that out, and we'll find her.

Marcus: ...And I am stuck here for life without the possibility of parole. So what the hell do you think you could give me that would be worth a damn?
Castle: Revenge.

Castle: This isn't about me, is it? No, it's about so much more than that. This is about you, your inadequacy. All the games, all the manipulation. After I screwed up your plans, you needed to prove you were smarter than me. You needed to know you could control me.
Tyson: [Shrugs] Well, you're here.
Castle: You know, I've written characters like you. Cunning psychopaths so narcissistic they believe they can't be caught because they're smarter than everyone, and they need to prove it. That's your story, Jerry. Why you did everything. You needed to prove it. So I let you.
Tyson: What do you mean?
Castle: I let you bring me here. It was the only way to find you. I needed to find you so I could find her. But the truth, Jerry... the truth is, I lured you here, to watch you die. [In a deeper voice] Are we clear?
Tyson: Clear about what?
Castle: Then take the shot.

Beckett: Every time I close my eyes, I see her face.
Castle: I see his too, since that night on the bridge. You know how I deal with it?
Beckett: No.
Castle: I open my eyes and look at you.
Beckett: [smiles] Thanks for coming to get me.
Castle: Always.

The Wrong Stuff [7.16]

Ryan: Hey Castles.

[After finding out he's going into the Mars simulation in space suits]
Castle: Best case ever!

Castle: One small murder for man. One giant mystery for mankind.

Beckett: Castle, boost me up
Castle: Why am I always on the bottom?
[Beckett gives Castle a Look]
Castle: Yes, dear.

Castle: Space - the final frontier. These are the voyages of Castle and Beckett. Their ongoing mission: to explore strange, new motives; to seek out new witnesses, new suspects for murder; to boldly go... Oh, right over here.

Beckett: What are you doing?
Castle: Checking you for bites and scratches. Just making sure you didn’t somehow get impregnated.
Beckett: If you think that’s how I get pregnant, we need to talk.

[After Martha tells them of her decision to move out and leaves]
Beckett: I did not expect that.
Castle: Unexpected is her speciality

Hong Kong Hustle [7.17]

Beckett: Oh, God, shoot me now.
Castle: I'd rather not. What's up?
Beckett: Anson Klemp has just been promoted to captain. He's gonna run the 92.
Castle: Who is Anson Klemp, and why hasn't he changed his name?

Castle: Hi, I'm Castle. We're partners. Actually, we're also married.
Zhang: Interesting arrangement.

Beckett: Patterson Syndrome?
Castle: Yeah. Every time I write a bestseller, Patterson writes, like, six. It's maddening, but comparing myself to him does not make me write any faster.

Beckett: So, uh, team leader, a wife, a mom. It's it a struggle to do it all?
Zhang: The trick is to not struggle, but to find balance. The moment you think it's a struggle, that's when you fall.

Beckett: Oh my god, I haven't felt like this since I had pimples! I'm insecure!

Castle: Believe me, Beckett has plenty of experience taking a bullet for other people doing stupid things. Hell, she's married to me.

Beckett: Well, whatever's next, I don't want to compromise my priorities to get there. And I never want to be guilty of leaving behind what matters most.
Castle: You cannot leave behind what is always at your side.
Beckett: Hey... did you just make that up?
Castle: Yeah, why?
Beckett: You are so much better than Patterson.

At Close Range [7.18]

Beckett: What is this? What are you guys doing?
Castle: Ah. Well, Ryan was working all night, and he texted me.
Beckett: You texted Castle and not me?
Ryan: Well, when you have a crazy theory, you don't call the voice of reason.

Castle: Can I just say, I know I have occasionally theorized that a conspiracy was afoot...
Beckett: Occasionally?
Castle: But this time a conspiracy really is afoot!

Beckett: Backstabbing, adultery and betrayal. That is why I hate politics.

Habeas Corpse [7.19]

Beckett: You know, she's [Alexis] got an amazing brain. I mean, if she wanted to, she'd make an incredible lawyer.
Castle: Yeah, like I don't lose enough arguments to her already.

Castle: Look, about the routine, I know you're worried, but-
Beckett: It's okay, Castle. It doesn't matter what we do.
Castle: Hey, that's the spirit!
Beckett: It gonna be a disaster.
Castle: That's not the spirit.

Sleeper [7.20]

Beckett: But, Castle, why would you be abducted on our wedding day and end up in Thailand?
Castle: Worst bachelor party ever?

[After being told to go home for being a possible target]
Beckett: ...Now, L.T. is gonna drive you home.
Castle: And if I refuse?
Beckett: Then he'll drive you home in handcuffs.
Castle: Just for the record, extremely bitter.

Castle: I am so sorry, Kate, for everything I put you through.
Beckett: Babe, it's not like you were partying in Thailand. You have the best excuse ever for missing our wedding. You were saving the world.

In Plane Sight [7.21]

[While dealing with turbulence]
Alexis: There's nothing to worry about. It's just a little bumpy air, that's all it is.
Castle: Air, by nature, should not be bumpy.

Alexis: I'm always proud of you, Dad. But I've heard you speak a million times. I know what you're gonna say.
Castle: That is improbable.
Alexis: You'll say you don't believe in writer's block, that you wrote your first novel to impress a girl, that reading great writers inspires you, and drinking with them inspires you to beat them on the bestseller list.
Castle: Okay. Clearly, I need to develop some new material.

Captain Edmunds: Right now, with the air marshal unaccounted for, you're the closest thing we have to law enforcement on this plane.
Castle: Which in itself is cause for concern.

Castle: There's a snake on the mother-flying plane.

[To each other over the phone]
Beckett: You gotta be kidding me. The air marshal is dead?
Castle: Not just dead, but bonked on the head. Murdered. And there's more.
Beckett: There's more?
Castle: Kyle Ford's holster is empty. His gun is missing.
Beckett: Okay, so, uh, we have to assume that the killer is armed.
Castle: And they may have another agenda, taking hostages, hijacking the plane, FYI, this is not the relaxing London getaway I had planned.

Dead from New York [7.22]

[Remarking on Martha's opening line ritual]
Beckett: No, it's okay. I mean, we're gonna manage. It's just, your mom's kind of...
Castle: Annoying? Yeah, I know. Trust me, we're getting off easy. One time, her opening line was, "Come on, baby. I'll make it worth your while".
Beckett: [chuckling] Oh, I see what you mean.
Castle: Yeah. Most awkward parent-teacher conference ever.

Beckett: Oh, come on, Castle. He was flirting with me. I can't control that.
Castle: But you were flirting right back.
Beckett: Yeah, but what was I supposed to do? He's Danny-freaking-Valentine!
[Castle gasps]

[When Martha wants to drop out of the performance review]
Castle: Oh, absolutely not. You will not, and do you know why? Because you're a fighter. What have you always told me? No one will give you anything in this life. You must earn it. And look at you, almost 20 years later and you're back on Broadway? You have earned this.
Martha: I have, haven't I?
Castle: You have. Please don't let some idiot with a cell phone take that away from you.

Esposito: Beckett, that was a badass takedown tonight on that show. It was strong, yet sexy.
Ryan: Yeah, Beckett, the camera really loves you.
Beckett: You guys, shut up, both of you.
Castle: What about me, guys? How did I look?
Esposito: Like you should stick to writing

Hollander's Woods [7.23]

Beckett: What are you guys fighting about?
Ryan: Uh, the first case that Captain Montgomery partnered us on, 10 years ago today.
Castle: Really, it's you manniversary? And I didn't get you anything.
Esposito: There's still time.

Beckett: Guys, is there any way to check police records from 30 years ago? See if there were any abandoned cars ticketed within a 50-mile radius of Hollander's Woods?
Esposito: Sure. We just have to call all the municipal police departments in the area...
Ryan: And wait for them to stop laughing long enough to beg them to check their dusty storage rooms.
Ryan: You're serious?
Beckett: We need to know exactly what we're dealing with here. So, happy manniversary.

Beckett: [After being verbally attacked and thrown out of a what she thought was a performance review for Captain] You're wrong, sirǃ
Supervisor: Excuse me?
Beckett: I said "you're wrong". In every case you have referenced, I have not only successfully brought the killer to justice, but I did so with the utmost respect for the law and for the department I represent.
And regarding my relationship with Mr. Castle, he has proven to be a brilliant partner, and he's always had my back. And as for his fictional representation of me, I'm proud to have been his inspiration, and I am proud to be his wife.
You asked, how do I expect to lead? By continuing to fight for what's right, not for what's easy. My job is to protect the citizens of New York and I will do it by doing my job better than anyone else and getting results. I don't cross the line; I put myself on it. And if you have any other questions, then you can ask the families of the victims that I have served! [turns to leave]
Supervisor 2: Detective Beckett, sit down. [She sits down] That was an impassionate and powerful response. In fact, that was exactly what we were hoping for.
Supervisor: This wasn't a performance review.
Beckett: Then why would you attack me like that?
Supervisor: We wanted to see if you can defend yourself. Kate, this was an audition.
Beckett: For what?
Supervisor 2: Your future! We were looking for someone like you, someone who is incorruptible, certifiable hero where the people can get behind. Kate, you're bigger than what you're doing now, you know it. It's why you went to D.C., it's why you took the captain's exam. You want a bigger station, we wanna give it to you. We think you have an amazing future.
Beckett: Doing what?
Supervisor: We'd like you to run for New York State Senate.
Beckett: [Gasping for air]

Castle: If Noah ends up walking, you're gonna have to have me committed.
Beckett: Listen, if after seven years of your crazy theories you haven't already been committed, then I think you're pretty safe.

Holtzman: The danger of facing your demons is that, sometimes, the demons win.

[Castle's speech at the award ceremony]
Castle: I've spent a lot of time over the past few days thinking about how I got here. The long hours. The blank pages. Most people think that writing is a solitary profession, that we spend our days in our imaginary worlds, fighting, loving, dying.
But we don't do it alone. Because anything that's good in our writing comes from truth. And the truth is, I'm here because of the people in my life.
Mother, you will always be a star in my eyes. And, Alexis, you amaze me every day. you two are my redheaded pillars of unconditional love.
To my friends at the 12th Precinct, you let me in. Especially you two, Javier, Kevin. You made me your brother-in-arms, and I thank you for that.
And, Kate. Seven years ago, I thought I would never write again, and then you walked through the door, and my whole world changed. You were right. You said I had no idea. But now I do. This is because of you. Because of us. Always.