Catscratch is an American animated television series created by Doug TenNapel (also known for creating the Earthworm Jim series). It aired on Nickelodeon from July 9, 2005, to February 10, 2007.The series revolves around a trio of anthropomorphic feline brothers. After their wealthy owner Edna Cramdilly died, she left her riches to them, along with a menacing, oversized monster truck named Gear and a dignified butler named Hovis. The program commonly chronicles their wealthy lifestyles and action-packed, sometimes paranormal experiences. Other characters include the sweet young neighbor girl, Kimberly, with whom Gordon is obsessed, and the cats' competitive rivals the Chumpy Chump Brothers.
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Season 1
[edit]To the Moon [1.1a]
[edit]- Waffle: Rocket smoke?
- Gordon: Great gopher! the lawns on fire! Run!
- Both: WAH!
- Gordon: Fire fire run! Grab your wee ones. Run for your safety.
- Waffle: Hose hose hose!
- Gordon: Blast it Waffle! Give it all she's got.
Lovesick [1.3a]
[edit]- Mr. Blik: IT'S THE MONSTER!
Scaredy Cat [1.9b]
[edit]- Mr. Blik and Gordon: AAAAHHH!!! (both running away while Waffle taking care of a baby alien inside of a watermelon)
- Mr. Blik and Gordon: I! HATE!! HALLOWEEN!!!