Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales
Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales (2002) is the 41st prime-time animated TV special based on characters from the Charles M. Schulz comic strip Peanuts. It originally aired on ABC December 8, 2002. It was thereafter broadcast each Christmas season after that through to 2019 as a companion segment in an hour-long slot featuring an unedited version of A Charlie Brown Christmas. It is the only TV special to credit Charles M. Schulz posthumously for writing; Schulz is not credited in such a way in subsequent TV specials.
[edit]- Linus Van Pelt: Dear Santa Claus, how have you been? Please don't get the idea that I am writing because I want something. Nothing could be further from the truth. I want nothing. Spend your time elsewhere. Don't bother with me. I really mean it. If yo want to skip our house this year, go right ahead. I won't be offended. Really I won't.
- Lucy Van Pelt: What in a world kind of letter is this?
- Linus Van Pelt: I'm hoping that he'll find my attitude peculiarly refreshing.
- Lucy Van Pelt: [crumples the paper and throws it out] It's peculiar all right. Try again.
- Linus Van Pelt: Dear Santa Claus, how are all your reindeer? Are they well fed? Is your sleigh in good shape? Are the runners oiled? Then go, man... GO! [crumples the paper and throws it out] I don't think I'd better send that. Dear Santa Claus, how have you been? How is your wife? I am not sure what I want for Christmas this year. Sometimes it is very hard to decide. [pauses to think it over] Perhaps you should send me your catalogue.
[edit]- Wesley Singerman - Charlie Brown/Ugly Kid
- Serena Berman - Lucy van Pelt
- Megan Taylor Harvey - Sally Brown
- Corey Padnos - Linus van Pelt
- Bill Melendez - Snoopy and Woodstock
- Lauren Schaffel - girl who changes her name
- Christopher Ryan Johnson - Schroeder
- Tim Deters - Rerun van Pelt
External links
[edit]- Charlie Brown's Christmas Tales quotes at the Internet Movie Database