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Christopher Robin (film)

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Sooner or later, your past catches up to you.

Christopher Robin is a 2018 American fantasy comedy-drama film about a working-class family man who encounters his childhood friend Winnie-the-Pooh, who helps him to rediscover the joys of life.

Directed by Marc Forster. Written by Alex Ross Perry, Tom McCarthy and Allison Schroeder, from a story by Greg Brooker and Mark Steven Johnson. The film is inspired by A. A. Milne and E. H. Shepard's book Winnie-the-Pooh.
Sooner or later, your past catches up to you. taglines

Christopher Robin

  • A Woozle is a slinking little monster who gets everyone else to do his work for him, and hopes that we forget what's important in our lives: our families, our dear friends, the people who love us, the people whom we love. Well, we're here to tell you, I'm here to tell you that we're not afraid of Heffalumps and Woozles anymore, are we?


[Young Christopher Robin and Pooh are sitting on a log at a tree at the top of a hill]
Young Christopher Robin: Pooh, when I'm off not doing nothing, will you come up here sometimes?
Winnie the Pooh: Just me? Where will you be?
Young Christopher: [points at Pooh's head] I'll be right here.
Pooh: [concerned] But what should happen if you forget about me?
Young Christopher: I won’t ever forget about you, Pooh. I promise. Not even when I'm a hundred.
Pooh: How old will I be then?
Young Christopher: [smiles] 99. Silly old bear.
Pooh: [puts his head on Christopher's shoulder] Hmm. 99.

Christopher Robin: [after being told they have to cut to 20%] Sir, your father promised these people good jobs to come home to after the war. Well, they'd do anything for this company. I would do anything for this company.
Giles Winslow Jr.: My father has called an emergency meeting on Monday. We need to produce the cuts by then. It's sink or swim.
Christopher: [disappointed] But I promised my wife and daughter that I'd take them away this weekend, sir.
Winslow Jr.: [condescendingly] And I'd thought you'd do anything for this company.

Christopher: [sits on a bench; exhausted] What to do, what to do, what to do?
Pooh: [behind Christopher] What to do indeed.
Christopher: [hears the voice and turns around to see Pooh; shocked] Pooh?!
Pooh: [happy] Christopher Robin!
Christopher: [even more shocked] No! No, no, no, no, no! You can't be here!
Pooh: Hmm.
Christopher: [still in shock] This can't be happening! It's stress.
Pooh: It's not stress.
Christopher: My God, I'm stressed.
Pooh: It's Pooh.
Christopher: I'm so exhausted. Evelyn warned me!
Pooh: I like to be warmed. Warmed and cozy.
Christopher: I've cracked. [touches Pooh's stomach]
Pooh: Oh.
Christopher: I've totally cracked!
Pooh: I don't see any cracks. [puts his paw on Christopher's cheek] A few wrinkles, maybe.

[Christopher walks into the kitchen, with items from a shelf that broke by Pooh to be on the floor]
Pooh: [disappointed] What luck.
Christopher: [shocked] Pooh!
Pooh: Your ladder is broken.
Christopher: That's not a ladder, that was a shelf!
Pooh: Well that explains why it's no good for climbing.

[Christopher and Pooh are on a train to Sussex to take Pooh back to the Hundred Acre Wood. Christopher is doing his work.]
Christopher: [after being distracted by Pooh asking about his briefcase] Pooh, do you think you might be able to amuse yourself for a while? I have got some rather pressing work to do.
Pooh: [looks at the window] House… clouds… house… tree… bush… a man… dog…
Christopher: [distracted] Pooh, what're you doing?
Pooh: Oh, I'm playing a game. It's called, "Say What You See".
Christopher: Well, could you "say what you see" a little more quietly?
Pooh: [looks at the window, whispering] House… grass… trees… pond… I don't know what that is. Well, that's a man.
Christopher: [distracted] Pooh. Pooh, little bit more quietly, please.

[Christopher and Pooh are at the Hundred Acre Wood, looking for Pooh's friends. Christopher Robin gave Pooh a compass from his service in WWII, staying in one direction, until Christopher notices the "Heffalumps and Woozles" sign they just passed.]
Christopher: Isn't this the same sign? Pooh, are you sure we're still heading north?
Pooh: Let me look. [Looks at the compass]
Christopher: You haven't been looking?
Pooh: Not since I started following these footsteps.
Christopher: [drops his briefcase in frustration] Pooh, they're our footsteps! Oh, we've just been going around in a great, big circle! What's the matter with you? All you had to do was follow the compass!
Pooh: But it led us to the Heffalumps and the Woozles.
Christopher: There are no Heffalumps and Woozles, do you hear?! Oh, I should never have trusted you with it!
Pooh: [disappointed] Sorry. I'll put it back in the holder of important… [trips on Christopher's briefcase accidentally opening it] …things.
[the papers start to fly out of the briefcase from the wind]
Christopher: Oh, my papers! They're irreplaceable! I shall never remember all of this! [angry] Oh, Pooh, you're right. You are a bear of very little brain! Do you know what will happen if I lose one single sheet of this? Winslow will eat me for breakfast!
Pooh: A Woozle will eat you for breakfast?
Christopher: [Annoyed] Yes! A great big Woozle will gobble me up!
Pooh: Well, that doesn't sound like fun.
Christopher: And that's the real world for you! Oh, Pooh, there's more to life than just balloons and honey.
Pooh: Are you sure?
Christopher: Silly bear. I don't know why you came back. I'm not a child anymore. I'm an adult with adult responsibilities.
Pooh: But you're Christopher Robin.
Christopher: No. I'm not how you remember me. [begins to walk away]
Pooh: [sad] Sorry. You're right. You should let me go... for a fish in the sea.
Christopher: [Confused] "A fish in the sea"? No, "Efficiency"! [turns around to face Pooh, but finds him gone] Pooh? Pooh? Winnie the Pooh? [hears a loud noise] I haven't got time for this. POOH! Pooh, where are you? Oh, where have you gone? Silly bear, didn't mean to frighten you. Pooh? Tigger? Eeyore? Anyone? [the sound gets louder and closer, causing Christopher to panic] There's no such thing as Heffalumps and Woozles! Ooh, not real, not real, not real! [Begins running until he falls in a hole and notices a sign that says, 'Gotcha'] OH, NO! NO, I'M NOT A HEFFALUMP! THEY'RE UP THERE AND I'M DOWN HERE! POOH! SOMEBODY, HELP!!! [now it starts to rain] Oh, perfect! [tries to get up but is knocked unconscious by a rock that fell from above]

[Christopher is at the tree where he and Pooh talked last time years ago. Christopher sits next to Pooh.]
Christopher: Hello, Pooh.
Pooh: [calm] Hello, Christopher Robin.
Christopher: I’m sorry, Pooh. I'm so terribly sorry. I should've never shouted at you.
Pooh: Well, I am a bear of very little brain.
Christopher: No, Pooh. You are, I think, a bear of very big heart. You'll be happy to hear that everyone's safe and sound. I saved them from a Heffalump which was, in fact, well, me… and Owl's weather vane.
Pooh: I'm sorry I wasn't there, but I am rather glad that I was here. Waiting for you.
Christopher: Thank you for waiting for me, Pooh.
Pooh: It's always a sunny day when Christopher Robin comes to play.
Christopher: I'm not so sure about that. I'm not who I used to be.
Pooh: Of course you are. You're our friend. Look at how you saved everybody today. You are our hero.
Christopher: I'm not a hero, Pooh. I'm lost.
Pooh: But I found you, didn't I? [he and Christopher embrace each other]

Madeline: [scared] You're talking!
Pooh: Me? No, I'm not talking. Oh, well I am now, I suppose.
Madeline: Wait. I recognize you. You're the bear in my father's drawings.
Pooh: [smiling] Winnie the Pooh. "Pooh" for short. This is Piglet, Eeyore…
Tigger: [tumbling] Wait for me! [bumps a pole]
Eeyore: Oh, dear.
Tigger: And I'm Tigger! T-I-double "guh"-ER.
Madeline: What's a Tigger?
Tigger: Well, I'm glad you asked. Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
Eeyore: Please, not the song.
Tigger: [sings]
The wonderful thing about Tiggers
Is Tiggers are wonderful things!
Their tops are made of rubber, their bottoms are made of springs
They're bouncy, flouncy, trouncy, pouncy!
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is I'm the only one!
Eeyore: He does that a lot.
Tigger: [whispers] I'm the only one.

[Madeline, Pooh, Tigger, Eeyore and Piglet are on a train to London]
Pooh: And the game is called, "Say What You See". You first, Piglet.
Piglet: [scared] Panic… worry… catastrophe…
Tigger: [excited] Speed… danger… recklessness! Hoo-hoo-hoo!
Eeyore: [gloomy] Disgrace… shame… humiliation…
Pooh: Well, that's one way to play it.

[last lines]
Pooh: [After Christopher Robin gives him a jar of honey] Christopher Robin, what day is it?
Christopher: It's today.
Pooh: Oh. My favorite day.
Christopher: Mine, too, Pooh. Mine, too.
Pooh: Yesterday, when it was tomorrow, it was too much day for me.
Christopher: [smiling] Silly old bear.


  • Sooner or later, your past catches up to you.
  • Out of the Wood. Into the City.
  • back where they were. In theaters everywhere.

