Control freak
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In psychology-related slang, the term 'control freak describes an individual who attempts to undermine other people based on how one dictates how everything is done around them. The phrase was first used in the 1970s, an era when stress was laid on the principle of 'doing one's own thing' and letting others do the same.
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- Control freak... someone who is determined to make things happen in exactly the way they want and who tries to make other people do what they want
- Control freak: Someone who feels justified in attempting to control aspects of another persons life or manipulate others into doing what the controlling person wants. This person will eventually lose friends, have many failed relationships, only hang around people they believe are controllable/inferior to them, and last but not least pressure everyone else around them to think how they think. Some will change their ways but most do not. The only way they change is if they face a major loss in their life such as a divorce, a breakup, or being fired from their job that finally makes them start to question themselves instead of only the people around them.
- Urban dictionary (2019)
- Being around a control freak is never easy or pleasant, whether you're dealing with a bossy best friend, a micromanaging boss, or an older sister who wants everything done her way. However, there are some times when you can't just escape the person and need to learn how to cope with his or her behavior so you don't end up pulling all of your hair out. When it comes to dealing with a control freak, it's all about staying calm, understanding where the behavior is coming from, and avoiding the situation when you can. If you want to know how to deal with a control freak, then see Step 1 to get started. Part 1 Understanding the Need for Control...
- How to Deal With a Control Freak, WikiHow (29 March 2019)
- The term "control freak" is obviously not a clinical one, but it has meaning nonetheless because the term so clearly defines a problem: Men and women who have a high need for control can often be too extreme, giving rise to the notion that these individuals are abnormal or "freakish." What kind of disorder might this type of person have? Control seekers are often obsessive-compulsive, angry (either overt or passive-aggressive), phobic, or even mood-disordered.
- These people need control because, without it, they fear things would spiral out of control and their lives would fall apart. Many high-control men and women will often justify their need for control in the following ways: "I have to be this way to do as much as I do," "People need people like me because so many people are actually incompetent," and "Things would fall apart without me."
- Needing a high level of control in situations is often not psychologically healthy because so much in life is beyond our control. If you need total control even though you and everyone else knows that it is impossible to achieve, then you are going to have more anxiety because of the bar you set for yourself.
- Consider the signs below and you may find yourself in some of the examples. 1. Correcting people when they're wrong... 2. Always trying to win the argument or have the last word... 3. Refusal to admit when they're wrong... 4. Judging or criticizing others.. 5. Driving with rage
- In the minds of these individuals, it's all about them and they don't spend time trying to imagine what anyone else thinks or feels in the same situation.
- Want to know if you're a control freak? Here are eight signs for your self-diagnosing pleasure.
-You believe that if someone would change one or two things about themselves, you'd be happier. So you try to "help them" change this behavior by pointing it out, usually over and over.
-You micromanage others to make them fit your (often unrealistic) expectations....
-You judge others' behavior as right or wrong and passive-aggressively withhold attention until they fall in line with your expectations...
-You offer "constructive criticism" as a veiled attempt to advance your own agenda...- 8 Signs You're a Control Freak,, Shelley Prevost (17 December 2012)
- The road to better relationships always starts with you. Rather than attempt to control everyone else, work on becoming a better version of yourself... If you work on your own improvement instead of trying to control others, healthier relationships at work, as well as everywhere else, will then come to you as a result.
- 8 Signs You're a Control Freak,, Shelley Prevost (17 December 2012)
See also
[edit]- Authoritarian personality
- Cooperation
- Denial
- Full-spectrum dominance
- Harmony
- Mental health
- Micromanagement
- Workplace incivility