Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back

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Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (also simply known as Crash Bandicoot 2) is the 2nd installation in the Crash Bandicoot platforming video game series. In it, the mad scientist Dr. Neo Cortex has survived his previous defeat at the hands of the hyper evolved bandicoot, crashing into a cave full of crystals which will enable him to power an orbitial mind control satellite and enslave the world unless Crash can stop him.

Dr. Neo Cortex

  • [screaming while falling from the sky and lands in a cave. He looks around and laughs as he notices the power crystals] Crystals, of course! [his candle burns out, leaving him in darkness] D'oh!
  • Well, well, well. If it isn't Crash Bandicoot. Welcome. I apologize for the cruel means used to bring you here, but I'd rather expect a written invitation would be turned down. I need your help. Surrounding you are a series of five doors. Through each door lies a well-hidden crystal. Crystals look like this. [shows hologram of crystal] Bring me the crystals, Crash. That is all I can say for now. We will speak again.
  • Well done, Crash! I knew I could rely on you. Now listen carefully; this hologram is hard to maintain. During the course of my intellectual pursuits, I have stumbled across a force that threatens to destroy the world. Crystals are the only means of containing it. The fate of the world is at stake; it is imperative therefore that you bring them to me!

Dr. Nitrus Brio

  • So, you're helping Cortex to gather Crystals, and yet you've acquired a Gem! Interesting! Heheheheh! Well Crash, heheheh, know this, as long as you are allied with C-C-C-Cortex, you are my sworn enemy and I will do everything in my power t-t-t-to stop you! Heheheheheh! If the fate of the world is truly your concern, you must g-g-gather the Gems, not the Cr-Cr-Cr-Crystals!

Dr N. Gin

  • Like Doctor Cortex said, give the 20 Crystals you've collected to me.


[screaming while falling from the sky and lands in a cave. He looks around and laughs as he notices the power crystals] Crystals, of course! [his candle burns out, leaving him in darkness] D'oh!

N. Gin: But Dr. Cortex, to reach full power, we need not only your Master Crystal, but also the remaining 25 Slave Crystals, from the surface. How do you expect to retrieve them when we don't have any earthbound operatives left?
Dr. Cortex: You fool! Do you think I'm unaware of the situation? If we don't have any friends left in the surface, then we need to find... an enemy.

[original version]: Crash? Crash! Crash, my battery is fried. Make yourself useful, big brother, and bring an extra battery for me.
[remastered version]: Crash, Crash, Crash! My battery is fried. Make yourself useful, big brother, and bring an extra battery for me.

Dr. Cortex: Well, well, well. If it isn't Crash Bandicoot. Welcome. I apologize for the crude means used to bring you here, but I'd rather expect a written invitation would have been turned down. I need your help. Surrounding you are a series of five doors. Through each door lies a well-hidden Crystal. The Crystals look like this. [shows crystal] Bring me the Crystals, Crash. That is all I will say for now. We will speak again.
Dr. Cortex: No, no, no, Crash. I said bring me the Crystals! Now... get... back... in there.
Dr. Cortex: No, no, NO, Crash! To save the world, I need Crystals. CRYSTALS! One more time, they look... like... this. [a hologram of a Crystal appears] Crystals, Crash! Go back through one of those doors and BRING ME CRYSTALS!
Dr. Cortex: Look above the doorways. Above each there is a big Crystal-shaped slot! Fill all five Crystal slots in this warp room by retrieving one Crystal from each of the five areas. Only after we have filled all of the slots in this room can we continue on our quest. This is the last time I will remind you...
Dr. Cortex: Well done, Crash! I knew I could rely on you. Now listen carefully. These holograms are hard to maintain. During the course of my intellectual pursuits, I have stumbled across a force that threatens to destroy the world. Crystals are the only means of containing it. The fate of the world is at stake. It is imperative therefore, that you bring them to me!
Coco: Are you there, Crash? Crash, Crash? Are you there Crash? ... Are you there Crash?
Dr. Nitrus Brio: are helping Cortex gather Crystals. Yet you have acquired a Gem. Interesting! Well, Crash, know THIS: As long as you are allies with C-C-C-CORTEX, you are my sworn enemy and I will do anything in my power to-to-to stop you. If the fate of the world is truly your concern, you must g-g-g-gather the Gems, not the C-C-C-Crystals. If you obtain all 42 Gems I can use them to f-f-f-focus a laser, a laser beam that will destroy Cortex and the space station he has created. Until then I must use my forces to stop you from gathering Crystals.
Dr. Cortex: Three Crystals, not bad. I see you are getting the hang of it. I need to conserve power. I will communicate with you again after you retrieve the fifth Crystal.
Dr. Cortex: Listen up! We are not without enemies; some of them you may even recognize. Although they cannot harm you inside this Warp Room, they can attack you on your way to the next one. To get to the next Warp Room, use the platform that appears in the center of the room. Good luck.

Dr. Cortex: Hahahahahaha, ho ho... I see that Ripper Roo failed to prove much of a challenge yet again. But back to business. There are Crystals to be gathered, 20 to be exact. The planets will align shortly, all 13 of them, and this will create a power great enough to rip the Earth apart. Properly utilized however, the Crystals can absorb and contain the energy...
Coco: Crash, is that you? I've been looking everywhere! I don't have much time to tell you this, you have to be careful. Trusting Cortex seems a little unwise. Crash, I can't keep the data path open much longer. Crash, you need to find...
Dr. Cortex: 10 of 25 Crystals. You're on your way. I'm running low on power so communication from this point will be difficult. Again, be wary of the pathways between Warp Rooms. Remember, I'm counting on you.

Dr. Cortex: Good show, Crash! The Komodo Brothers obviously lacked your mettle. But now's not the time to get cocky. There are still many Crystals to obtain. Remember, the world is counting on you.
Coco: Crash, thank goodness! I hacked into Cortex's computer and found detailed schematics for an improved Cortex Vortex and a suspicious-looking space station. I'm not sure, but Cortex must be planning...
Dr. Cortex: Crash, my boy, you are more than halfway there. But I'm sure you've noticed that things are getting harder. The last ten Crystals will be the hardest to gather and my... [coughs] ...Our enemies will be sending their strongest forces to thwart you. I'll contact you again when you have completed the next Warp Room.

Coco: Crash, I haven't got much time. Cortex has almost completed the new space station. Something is not right with his statements. Beware of the tricks...
Dr. Cortex: Crash, I have discovered that the opposition is being masterminded by Doctor Nitrus Brio, the inventor of the Evolvo-Ray. Brio was responsible for our...misunderstandings in the past. He forced me to assist him in his plot for world domination and he's at it again, he will attempt to stand in our way. Be on your guard, Crash. Use the platform to deliver the Crystals to N. GIN!

N. Gin: Like Doctor Cortex said, give the 20 Crystals you've collected to me.

N. Gin: [after being defeated] Doctor Cortex... will be very displeased... with your resistance! [gasps for breath] Prepare to suffer his wrath!

Dr. Cortex: Aaaarrrgh! What is your problem, Bandicoot?! I will not ask you again to bring me the Crystals! Obtain the remaining 5 Crystals, Crash, and bring them to me...

Dr. Cortex: Hahahaha...hahahahah...hahahahahahaha!!! Yes! My plan is nearly complete and I have you, Crash Bandicoot, to thank for it. [the Hologram loses power] N. Gin! What's happening? What's that? Is she stealing our signal?!
Coco: [takes over the Hologram] Crash! Cortex isn't going to use the Crystals to contain the planet's energy - he's going to harness the force and use it to power the Super Cortex Vortex he has built on his space station. One blast and the ray will cover the entire world, turning everyone into Cortex's mindless slaves. Crash, don't let him have those Crystals!
Dr. Cortex: [regains the signal] N. Gin, you fool, she's telling him everything! Ah yes, we're uh, we're, we're back now. Pardon the, uh, interruption. Crash, bring me CRYSTALS!

Dr. Cortex: Noooooooo! You haven't seen the last of me, Crash Bandicoot!

Coco: [on the beach] Crash, what do you suppose happened to Cortex? [Coco narrows her eyes] And what about the Cortex Vortex? It's still up there... [Coco looks up. So does the camera. The Cortex Vortex hovers away in space and the credits roll]

[after Crash collects the final gem]
Dr. Nitrus Brio: [appears as a Hologram image]He-he-he. You have acquired all of the Gems! Incredible! He-he-ha. The Crystals are not the only means of harnessing planetary energy. [laughs] The Gems have that ability as well, and with them I can destroy the Cortex Vortex forever! [laughs] Let me warp you to my completed laser installation, hmmm?

Dr. Nitrus Brio: We are ready, Crash. Would you like to do the...ahem...honors?