Dagbani proverbs

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Dagbani proverbs are short expressions of popular wisdom from Dagbani passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth and have stood the test of time. Dagbani proverbs are generally classified and their usage is totally dependent on the circumstances surrounding a conversation. Ago, Gadelin #steempress • 5 Years (2018-08-31). Dagbani Proverbs - Ghana. Steemit. Retrieved on 2023-04-10.

Classification of Proverbs


Animal- Binkɔbiri ŋaha

  • Naɣ'so ŋun ka zuli, Naawuni n-kariti o zɔhi
    • English translation: It is only God who derives away the flies that worries the tailless cow
      • Meaning:When you seem to be hopeless and have no one to rely upon, still have faith in God that he is still in charge and will handle your affairs. Remain steadfast in all circumstances

Chastity- Maŋ gbubbu ŋaha


Fear – Dabiɛm ŋaha

  • Dabiɛm kani kabo n zibiyuŋ
    • English translation:
      • Meaning "There is no fear, what has cause darkness"

God – Naawuni ŋaha


Knowledge and wisdom – Baŋsim mini Yɛm ŋaha


marriage- Paɣ’kpuɣibo ŋaha


patience/ Tolerance – Suɣulo ŋaha


peace- Suhudoo ŋaha ===


profanity – Dagɔri mini pagɔri ŋaha


Unity – Nangban yini ŋaha


Valour or bravery – Bidibilim ŋaha
