Dora Akunyili

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DoraAkunyili Monument at Ezinano Agulu

Dora Akunyili (14 July 1954 – 7 June 2014) was the director-general of National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) of Nigeria from 2001 to 2008.


  • The founding fathers of Nigeria had a dream of building a united, prosperous, and developed nation-state where social justice reigns. We also have to continue to dream because once we stopped dreaming then life is gone.
    • [1] Dora giving her last speech before her death at a National conference
  • Women tend to be less corrupt and more focused. There are many more great women leaders out there who need to be given a chance.
    • [2] Dora at a private meeting at the Wilson Centre in 2006.
  • When you have a big sister like me, your problem will never be cash but how to spend your money.
    • [3] Dora at an interview with Dr. Damages
  • I am convinced that Nigeria should remain as one nation after 100 years despite her challenges because our common values overwhelm our differences.
    • [4] Dora's thoughts on Nigeria
  • A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”
    • [5] Dora Akunliyi last public speech quoting a Greek proverb
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