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Dragon Hunters

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Dragon Hunters is a 2006 animated series created by Arthur Qwak and produced by the French company Futurikon. It follows the adventures of two hunters for hire through a medieval world of floating land masses that is terrorized by a widely varying menace of monsters known collectively as dragons.

Series 1


The Name is Dragon [1.1]

Gwizdo: [talking in his sleep] Your honor... all expenses paid... in advance...

Gwizdo Come on, hop to it! Adventure and big bucks won't sit around to wait for us! [a shadow forms over him] How about that? It's clouded over.

Gwizdo: What the heck does he think, we get paid for goofin' off?
Zaza: Gwizdo, there's something I have to tell you. You and Lian-Chu were orphans, right?
Gwizdo: Yeah, and?
Zaza: Well, don't you think that your tragedy thing there, plus suddenly having a mother, would be a real shock to his mind?

Jennyline: You sure are lucky I like you. And you're lucky I can't read.

Zaza: Is that what a tragedy is?
Gwizdo: Tragedy, my young lady, is a noble art form offering a symbolic vision of the world, based on the intersection of the written text and the actor's identity.

Gwizdo: It's just not possible. He can't do this. Not to me. Not to him. Not after all these years. We were a team. Two fingers like this. And now he's migrating to a distant land. He's flying with his family and left me all alone.
[He sobs into the table. Jennyline gives him a bowl of potatoes]
Jennyline: You know, he's probably happier this way. [She sits next to him] He's finally found himself a family. [She seductively moves closer to him] And you know, you could have one, too. [She wraps her arm around his shoulder so that his head is lightly buried in her bust and strokes his head. Hector scoffs at the sight] I know what it's like to be alone with my three husbands, and I wouldn't like the thought of a little fellow like you abandoned in the world of brutes.
Gwizdo: That's nice of you.
Jennyline: It's no big deal. One more husband...
[Gwizdo finally realizes what Jennyline is implying and gets up]
Gwizdo: Jennyline, that's, uh, very nice of you, but, really, I'd resent myself. I'd have the feeling you were sacrificing yourself for me, and that would just torment me. Really, that... believe me, it's true. Let's just leave it at that, okay?

Gwizdo: It can't be. He's relapsing!
Zaza: No, Gwizdo, he's just saying goodbye to his mother.

It's a Dragon's Life [1.2]

Gwizdo: Here's to the greatest huntin' duo of all time. To Gwizdo and Lian-Chu!
[He takes a big gulp of his drink]
Jeanneline: If they helped to pay the rent, it would be even better.
Zaza: What about Hector? Doesn't he count?
[Gwizdo does a spit take]
Gwizdo: Hector?!
[He bursts out laughing]
Gwizdo: Oh, Zaza. Don't make me laugh like that when my mouth's full.
[He continues to laugh]

Gwizdo: 7AM on the button... I'm tellin' ya, punctuality is goin' to the dogs!

Gwizdo: [trying to pull the St. George out of a swamp] Whaddaya mean, this never woulda happened with Hector?! If he'd actually tuned up the St. George before goin' off to play Tarzan, we wouldn't have taken off with a propellor full of gunk! You just wait and see if I don't dock his next paycheck!
Lian-Chu: He's never had a paycheck, Gwizdo.

[The dog digs up an overly large bone]
Gwizdo: [panicked] Oh, lordy. Hector! We're too late!
[Lian-Chu studies the bone]
Lian-Chu: That is a Herdaticus Nervous femur. It must be at least 15 lunar cycles old, given the heridity of the soil.
Gwizdo: [sighing with relief] For a second there...

Lian-Chu: [to Hector] I didn't know your species was afraid of dogs.
Gwizdo: [to Hector] And to think we've been tryin' to convince everyone that you were a dog!

Desperately Seeking Zoria [1.3]

[Gwizdo is strapped to a wooden frame covered in maces and axes]
Gwizdo: Oh boy... I don't like the looks of this... Whatever you're doin', uh, could you possibly, uh, tell me, uh, what's goin' on here?
Lord of Kellmoth Island: The girl didn't want to share her secret with us. So I thought, since you seem to be friends...
Gwizdo: Let's not get carried away, we're not that good friends.
[a torturer steps over to Gwizdo]
Gwizdo: Heh heh, is this all that necessary?
Lord of Kellmoth Island: Give me the Number 2 Dead Man's Doodlewinger.
[the torturer laughs gleefully and walks away]
Gwizdo: Zoria, sweetie, you're gonna have to tell him your secret. The little game is over.
Zoria: But Gwizdo, I already told you, I don't have a secret.
Gwizdo: [glaring angrily at Zoria] Well then, figure somethin' out! Invent, imagine, envision a secret!
[the torturer brings out a sinister looking black box with a red insignia on it. The Lord of Kellmoth Island opens the box and laughs sadistically]
Gwizdo: Nooo, don't hurt meee!... What in the heck?
[Gwizdo begins to laugh uncontrollably. Pan to reveal the Lord of Kellmoth island tickling the dragon hunter's bare feet with a feather]
Gwizdo: No! S-stop! No, no, please stop! I can't take it!
[Lian-Chu and Zoria put their hands to their faces in horror]
Lord of Kellmoth Island: So?
Zoria: Oh, but I already told you!
Lord of Kellmoth Island: Bring me the Number Three!
[the torturer brings a large box containing a feather duster]
Gwizdo: No!
[the Lord tickles Gwizdo's right foot with the feather duster]
Gwizdo: Please, have pity! Not that! I've got a- I've got a- I've got a secret for you!
[the Lord stops tickling]
Gwizdo: Here's the score. We're dragon hunters. Actually, we're the best dragon hunters around. And we're gettin' rid of your pigots for ya!
Lord of Kellmoth Island: Baloney. The girl gave us the same spiel.
Gwizdo: It's-it's-it's not baloney! W-we can prove it by mincing up those nasty beasts! Wait! You got nothin' to lose in this deal!
[the Lord starts tickling Gwizdo's left foot]
Gwizdo: Hey! W-we'll even gut the monsters for free!

The Return of Roger [1.4]

Gwizdo: Maybe this Roger guy just wants free room and board, to sleep in our beds, and eat your cooking.
Jennyline: Kind of like you guys.

Gwizdo: Guess what's in my pocket?
Jennyline: My rent?
Gwizdo: Noo, better.
Jennyline: An engagement ring?
[Gwizdo presents an advertisement to her]
Gwizdo: Look at this masterpiece. I put 'em up all over the place! "Got a dragon pestering you? Gwizdo and Lian-Chu get rid of your trash for a big wad of cash!" [He chuckles to himself] Happy now?
[Jennyline's eyes narrow]
Gwizdo: Look closer. You see what I see? Hordes of desperate customers bangin' down our door!
Jennyline: [grabbing the advertisement] Let me see that. Say, these posters must have cost a bundle to print. The paper, the ink. How would you like to explain where you got the money to have these all made?
Gwizdo: [nervously] Eh, well, eh, the money came from, uh...
Jennyline: Listen here. I just hope for your sake it's got nothing to do with the sudden disappearance of my silverware!

Gwizdo: You know the old saying: A dragon hunter in time saves nine? Or ten, or, or... whatever?

Gwizdo: My colleague's right. We only do dragons. But we do dragons well, I mean, top of the line quality work, delivery in forty-eight hours, free installation, two year guarantee and all the extras. So here's the contract, don't worry about the price, I'll fill that in later. Just put an X here, here and here.

Gwizdo: Please let him have five toes like everyone else! Five, not not four...

Little Rumble on the Prairie [1.5]

[Gwizdo wakes with a start and Lian-Chu tumbles out of the top bunk]
Gwizdo: Ooh.
[As Jennyline blows a bugle call, the two men hurry downstairs. Jennyline is standing, arms akimbo]
Jennyline: I hope you're proud of yourselves now, wise guys!
Gwizdo: [stretching] Oh, yeah. We forgot to do the dishes yesterday. Eh, that's it, right?
[Jennyline grabs Gwizdo by the front of his shirt]
Jennyline: Zaza has disappeared!

Gwizdo: Zaza, sweetheart, we've been really good sports. We even let you play co-pilot. But pretty please, let us handle the rest. UNDERSTAND?!? Or else it's back to the inn.

Gwizdo: [talking in his sleep] Fifty percent? No, no, no, it should be eighty. I gotta rewrite clause eighteen...

The Isle of Mist [1.6]

Gwizdo: Lordy, not exactly spring chickens, are they? Looks like rutabagas aren't quite the elixir of life.

Lian-Chu: I like this Spartan lifestyle. No frills. It's ideal for concentration.
[Gwizdo tosses and turns on his bed of straw]
Gwizdo: [sarcastically] You don't say.
Lian-Chu: I feel sorry for those old men. It's weird. Maybe it's just the candlelight, but I got the feeling Albagore has aged since we got here. Say, Gwizdo, can you explain your plan to me?
Gwizdo: Hmm.
Lian-Chu: Since it's complicated and all?
Gwizdo: Lian-Chu, there is no complicated plan. I just said that to impress the clients, so they think they're gettin' their money's worth. You get it?
Lian-Chu: But what about the plan you drew?
[Gwizdo sits up]
Gwizdo: Total bluff. Tomorrow we cross the bridge, wait for the monster and slay it with a slingshot. Wham bam, thank you ma'am, fork over the money, we hope to see you again someday.
[Lian-Chu looks at Gwizdo incredulously]

[Hector regurgitates a hairball]

[Gwizdo pulls himself up onto the deck of the St. George; he has aged down into a child]
Gwizdo: Leapin' lizards. Thought I was a goner there.
[Lian-Chu starts in surprise. Hector stares]
Gwizdo: What's the matter? What's eatin' you? Is there a problem?

A Fistful of Veggies [1.7]

Gwizdo: Lian-Chu, remind me to never make fun of you or your knitting again.

Gwizdo: Lian-Chu, I just thought of something. Today's the seventh day of the harvest month in the Year of the Bull.
Lian-Chu: Yes, and?
[Gwizdo gets out an elaborate calendar. He presses a button and a number of arrows and symbols pop out]
Gwizdo: Well, we have a little problem, because today in Zimbrenelle and surrounding areas, the calendar calls for an eclipse... [The cave suddenly goes dark] ... of the sun.

Dead Dragon Walking [1.8]


The Deep North Dragon [1.9]

Lian-Chu: Gwizdo, I'm not sure, but you know our promised land? I think this might be it.
Gwizdo: Huh? Do you have frostbite on the brain?
Lian-Chu: You know, where people accept us for who we are, and welcome us. Our real place in the world. Well, I think it's here.
Gwizdo: What sort of gobbledygook are you comin' up with?
Lian-Chu: You're the one who brought it up when we left the inn.
[Gwizdo looks surprised]
Gwizdo: First of all, I doubt I ever said any such thing. And secondly, even if I did, it was just to reassure ya. I know how hard it was for you to leave the inn.
Lian-Chu: So you lied to me?
Gwizdo: Of course not. I didn't lie to ya. I was just improvisin' a bit.
[Lian-Chu sags a bit. Gwizdo sees Lian-Chu's expression and looks worried. He goes to the wall Lian-Chu is leaning on and sits on it]
Gwizdo: Don't you think I was terrified too, with the idea of leavin' it all behind? All I wanted was to run right back to the inn to my big soft bed, the toasty fireplace and Jennyline's delicious cookin'. If I said that, it was just to reassure me, too.
Lian-Chu: So you want to go back to the inn, too.
Gwizdo: More than ever, Lian-Chu. More than ever before.
Lian-Chu: But what about the pride of dragon hunters?
Gwizdo: When yer cold and hungry, dragon pride can take a hike.

Billy Toughnut [1.10]

[as he listens to Billy's story, Lian-Chu sees tears streaming from Gwizdo's eyes]
Lian-Chu: Are you crying, Gwizdo?
[Gwizdo dries his eyes]
Gwizdo: [voice choked and quavering] Course not, you big oaf. I just got some dust in my eye.

Lian-Chu: Listen, Billy. Gwendolyn isn't Gwendolyn.
[Billy looks at Lian-Chu for a split second, then buries his face into Gwizdo's chest and sobs]
Gwizdo: [dryly] You know, Lian-Chu, you have a real talent for comfortin' people. A real talent.

There's No Place Like Home [1.11]

Gwizdo: I haven't been that good in months! They were eatin' right outta my hand! Ready to empty their pockets in gold.
Jennyline: Don't worry. You can finish your story later.
Gwizdo: Fat chance. Later they'll be stuffed and half-asleep. And once they've paid for their meal, they won't have a sliver of gold left.

The Strange Taste of Cocomak [1.12]

Hector: Gwizdo sad. Gwizdo go away.

Gwizdo: My miserable life has come full circle now. I'll never find them. I came into the world alone and that's how I'll be till the end.

[Gwizdo is sitting on the ground cross-legged, clutching the contract and trying in vain not to cry]
Lian-Chu: What's wrong, Gwizdo? Is the contract that bad?
Gwizdo: [voice choked] On the contrary. It's the most beautiful contract I've ever seen and it's gonna make us rich.
Lian-Chu: So, you're feeling better, then?
[Gwizdo's face morphs into an ugly gurn, his eyes brimming with tears]
Gwizdo: On the contrary. I've never felt so awful in my life. You can even negotiate better contracts that I can.
[He bursts out sobbing]
Gwizdo: I'm such a loser!

Gwizdo: [to the ash covered villagers] My dear clients, acting out of anger is highly counter-productive. Dragon slaying's unpredictable. You know black is this year's color?

The Conjunction of Three Moons [1.13]

Jennyline: Gwizdo, there's someone here to see you.
Gwizdo: [blearily] Someone to see me? With my luck, it's someone I owe money to. [He shuts the door of his room] I'm going back to bed. Wake me up when he's gone, okay? Better yet, wake me up three days after he's gone.

Zaza: I never understood why Lian-Chu never told me his village was destroyed by a dragon.
Gwizdo: Lian-Chu and I are hunters, Zaza, and we hunters never whine about our misfortune.
Zaza: I don't get it. It seems to me you whine pretty much all the time, Gwizdo.
Gwizdo: Zaza, let me make things clear. You're here because your mother wanted you out of her hair. It wasn't my idea, I certainly don't need your help to find Lian-Chu!
Zaza: Maybe, but you need me to talk to him.
Gwizdo: Ha! Now that's a good one. If anybody here can talk to my friend Lian-Chu, it's me.
Zaza: Okay, so why didn't he say anything to you, then? Why didn't he say it was the anniversary of the destruction of his village?
Gwizdo: [raging] Hector, hold me back or I'm gonna do something I'll regret!

Zaza: Gwizdo's not such a bad guy once you get to know him. [Gwizdo opens one eye] Lian-Chu really likes him. It may look like Lian-Chu looks after Gwizdo, but actually it's the other way around.[Gwizdo sits up in bed, pensive] Lian-Chu told me that.

Gwizdo: How's it goin', big buddy?

[Lian-Chu hangs his head sadly. Gwizdo awkwardly looks around]
Lian-Chu: You should have seen it, Gwizdo. There was nothing left. Only ruins. A massacre.
[Gwizdo looks sympathetic] I try not to think about it. It hurts too much.
Gwizdo: I know what you're sayin', Lian-Chu. I feel the same way about my family.
Lian-Chu: Huh? Really? So you're not mad at me about the contract, then?
Gwizdo: Ah, come on. Contracts are a dime a dozen. Although this one was a real beauty. We were gonna make a fortune, a mountain of gold. I had it all planned. The dragon was a wuss. We woulda bagged him without breakin' a sweat and walked off with more gold than we've ever seen.

[Gwizdo opens the door to congratulate Lian-Chu, squishing Hector in the process]
Gwizdo: Way to go, Lian-Chu, you are number one! The greatest in the world! [He runs out to Lian-Chu] Hey? You okay, pal? [Lian-Chu yells] Lettin' off, uh, some steam, huh?

Don't Look Now [1.14]

Hector: Lian-Chu! Feather! [He goes to where Gwizdo is sitting on a log and dozing and tickles his nose. The dragon hunter wakes up, annoyed]
Gwizdo: Stop it, Hector, I was tryin' to take a nap. You want me to SHOVE THAT STUPID FEATHER DOWN YOUR THROAT?!

Lian-Chu: I fear the worst.
Gwizdo: [sarcastically] It's so nice when you try to cheer me up.

Unwelcome Guests [1.15]

[Gwizdo goes tumbling into the main hall]
Gwizdo: Oh boy! You gotta help me! Oh my gosh. In the kitchen... I-I could be wrong. But I-I think that she thinks that the- Oh my goodness! No! I gotta be mistaken. Please... Ohboyohboyohboyohboy... Now, don't get me wrong, I like livin' here. That's not the issue. The rent's okay, if I ever pay it, and let's face it, I'll never pay it... And sure, Jennyline's a woman of charm. Well, Jennyline's a woman. Okay, she's Jennyline. What I mean is, I-I like her, but, uh-h-h... SHE WANTS TO MARRY ME!

Gwizdo: We're not married yet and she's already cheatin' on me!

Jennyline: [to Zaza] He is the nicest, loveliest, kindest, handsomest, richest man I have ever met. And he's going to be just like a father to you.
Gwizdo: He's only after your money, you know.
Jennyline: No, he's not!
Gwizdo: [scoffing] He is an ugly brute. If I was that ugly, I wouldn't come out during the day! No looks, no charm, the guy's a pig.
[Leopold grunts]
Gwizdo: Sorry about that, Leopold. He's got far less appeal than a pig. Of course, you saw right through him, Jennyline. You're not gonna marry that two bit lose-
[Jennyline punches Gwizdo in the face and sends him flying into a wall]
Jennyline: How dare you speak of the man I love like that!
Gwizdo: [dazed] I'll get us outta this... I'll think of somethin'...

The Kiwajel Thrust [1.16]

Lian-Chu: [looking at Gwizdo's poster] That face says something to me.
'[Gwizdo snatches the poster]
Gwizdo: Oh, yeah? You wanna know what this guy says?
[He holds the poster up in front of his face to speak as the person on the poster]
Gwizdo: "Hello, Lian-Chu. It's me, your competition. Let me tell you: Your dragon hunting days are OVER! Your successful career: OVER! Life as you know it in that cozy little inn where you like to hang your hat: OVER! Nyahahahahahahahaha! Easy come, easy go. Nyehehe. See you. Buh-bye. Sayonara. Have fun in the poor house. Nyahahahahaha! Ruin. Ee-hee. Ee-hee-hee-hee-hee-hee."
[He looks up at the interior of the Snoring Dragon]
Gwizdo: I gotta admit, Jennyline, it is a cozy little inn.

Gwizdo: A dragon's a dragon, Lian-Chu, and we are dragon hunters, the best in the business. [An exhausted Hector walks into a tree] Although I'm seriously beginning to have doubts.

Gland of the Mimikar [1.17]

[the Mimikar inspects our heroes, who are chained to a wooden frame]
Gwizdo: Lian-Chu, the reason you can't feel your body anymore is not because you're clean. It's because you were poisoned.
Lian-Chu: You mean to say you took all those risks just to save me? Oh, Gwizdo, I don't know what to say.
Gwizdo: Well, given the present circumstances, "Farewell" might be a good start.
[the Mimikar spits fire onto its hands and rubs them together]
Lian-Chu: It's not farewell. You wanted to save me, now I'll save you.
[Lian-Chu tears the chains off of his hands and lands on his back with a crash. With all his might he starts pushing on both sides of the wooden frame from the middle. The Mimikar prepares to breathe more fire]
Gwizdo: Lian-Chu, you wanna save me? How about now...?!
[Lian-Chu shatters the frame to pieces, breaking the handcuffs on Hector and Gwizdo at the same time just as the Mimikar breathes out the fire. The Mimikar starts bawling]
Gwizdo: [ecstatically] Lian-Chu, buddy, I'll say it for the millionth time: You are simply the best.
[Lian-Chu gives Gwizdo a feeble smile and collapses]
Gwizdo: Hmm? Lian-Chu?
[Distraught, Gwizdo runs over to Lian-Chu]
Gwizdo: No!
[He shakes Lian-Chu's arm desperately]
Gwizdo: Wake up, buddy! Wake up, my friend! Don't you worry, Lian-Chu, we're gonna save you!
[He looks up with a look of grim determination on his face]
Gwizdo: The gland. Hector?
Hector: Yes, sir!
Gwizdo: [picking up a piece of the wooden frame] Get ready. Get ready!
[Gwizdo springs forward with the piece of wood in his hands and charges towards the Mimikar. He swings the piece of wood back, aiming it at the gland]
Gwizdo: Hold Lian-Chu's mouth open!
[the Mimikar breathes out a gale of fire. Gwizdo hurls it forward, stumbles and lands on his face. The piece of wood is sharpened into a stake by the flames and it lands straight in the Mimikar's gland]

For a Few Veggies More [1.18]

[Gwizdo, Lian-Chu, Hector and Chief Big Beard are flying through the sky in the St. George]
Chief Big Beard: Hey, am I paranoid or do you guys not like me too much?
Gwizdo: [sarcastically] Us? Not like you? Get serious. On the contrary, we think you are the greatest. Why, just this morning I was saying... Oh, wow, look at that beautiful little island!
[the dwarf goes to the edge of the St. George and takes a look]
Gwizdo: [under his breath] Lean over more. You'll get a better view.
[With a look of vicious rage in his eyes, he reaches a trembling hand out to Chief Big Beard to push him off]
Lian-Chu: [under his breath] Gwizdo!
[He raps Gwizdo's hand with a cane. Gwizdo clutches his hand, seething with pain, and looks up at Lian-Chu angrily. Lian-Chu waves the cane in an "uh-uh" motion. Gwizdo grudgingly continues steering. After a while they land on the island where the dragon is located and get off]
Gwizdo: [discreetly, to Lian-Chu] We'll try the discreet approach some other time.

The Orphan Farm [1.19]


Child's Play [1.20]

Gwizdo: Flippin' fleetin' fortunes, my gold! Whatever happened to my gold?!
Lian-Chu: Dragons to dragons, dust to dust.

Collywoble Water [1.21]

Gwizdo: I don't believe this. We've got the wrong island here. They're even dirt poorer than we are!

Gwizdo: Lord Aldo! It's a catastrophe! A terrifying, horrible, abominable dragon is in the midst of pillaging the inhabitants, and slaughtering the village! Uh, I mean pillaging the village and slaughtering the inhabitants.
Lord Aldo: So I hear.
[Gwizdo looks a little stunned]
Gwizdo: Eh... you gotta do something, old man! Here's an idea. I'm gonna do you a favor. I'm gonna sandwich you in between two contracts. Ten thousand klurks and we'll turn your dragon into a distant memory. That is an incredible price. Hunters like us usually cost twice this much. Just sign your name here, here and here.
Lord Aldo: No. We love our money too much.
Gwizdo: Huh? Come on. Hector-
[He hastily covers his mouth]
Gwizdo: Mh-mh
[He takes his hand away from his mouth]
Gwizdo: I mean, the monster's gonna eat your town.
Lord Aldo: That's too bad.
Gwizdo: [shocked] No? You can't say that, it's, it- that's... immoral.

Who's Lost Their Head Now? [1.22]

[Lian-Chu wakes up screaming, waking Gwizdo as well. Gwizdo peers down at him from the top bunk]
Gwizdo: What's up with you now? You scared the pajamas off of me.
Lian-Chu: The dragon, Gwizdo. He spoke to me again.
Gwizdo: I already told you, Lian-Chu, dragons don't talk. You were dreamin'.
[He lifts himself back up onto his bunk again]
Gwizdo: Goodnight.
[as Gwizdo tries going back to sleep, Lian-Chu thinks for a moment about the Sizzler's words "A real reason to hunt me"]
Lian-Chu: Say, Gwizdo, why exactly do we hunt dragons?
[Gwizdo peers back over again]
Gwizdo: What a question. Cause we're dragon hunters, that's why. If we were dung beetle hunters, we'd hunt dung beetles.
[He gives Lian-Chu a huge grin]
Gwizdo: It's that simple.
[He lifts himself up onto his bunk again]
Lian-Chu: Yes, but why are we dragon hunters?
[Once again Gwizdo peers back over the bed, annoyed]
Gwizdo: Because it's all we know how to do. Well, you, at least.
Lian-Chu: Hmm.
Gwizdo: Look, Lian-Chu, you gotta hunt dragons. They're mean and nasty! They destroy entire villages, devour everybody in sight. Their feet stink to high heaven and they've got big time BO. [Once more he pulls himself onto his bunk] And what's more, they always talk with their mouths full.
Lian-Chu: Gwizdo?
[Gwizdo once more peers over to talk to Lian-Chu]
Gwizdo: Oh, what now?!
Lian-Chu: You just said dragons talk!
Gwizdo: I said that? Never. Not in a million years.
[He pulls himself back up onto his bed]
Gwizdo: I know what I say, don't I? Look, listen, Lian-Chu, knock off the dumb questions and have a glass of water. You'll feel much better in the morning.

Baby Love, oh, Baby-Love? [1.23]


Can I See your License, Please? [1.24]

Gwizdo: You gotta learn to trust people more, old boy. People like me, for instance.
[He clasps his hands together coyly]
Gwizdo: I never lie.

Prince Charming [1.25]


The Family Fortune [1.26]

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