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Emily Maractho

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Emily Maractho also known as Maractho Emily Comfort is the Lecturer of Journalism and Media Studies at Uganda Christian University. She was awarded the "Next Generation Social Sciences in Africa: Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship" in 2015. The goal was to study Development Studies at the University of KwaZulu Natal on media, women and public life in Uganda: Interrogating representation, interaction and engagement.She leads faculty of journalism, media and communication.In 2018, she replaced Prof. Monica B. Chibita, who became the first Dean of the faculty.


  • giving birth appears to be the one thing that still stands in the way of many young women’s career growth and development. That is something to fear
  • first child ending one’s life or putting a long hold on their career. Because even those who become mothers still have a lot to deal with.
  • When you think of the number of women who die giving birth per day and year, not because of any serious sickness but just giving birth, it makes you angry.
  • We underestimate the barriers that many women face on the basis of their gender that might push them off work.
  • Luwedde believes that we belong to a banana republic, where if you need something done, you become part of the solution to fight a problem.
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