Ergo Proxy
Ergo Proxy is a science fiction suspense anime television series, produced by Manglobe, directed by Shukō Murase and written by Dai Satō. The anime originally aired from February 25 to August 12, 2006 on the WOWOW satellite network, lasting 23 episodes. It is set in a future where humans and AutoReiv androids coexist peacefully until a virus gives the robots self-awareness, causing them to commit a series of murders. Inspector Re-L Mayer is assigned to investigate, discovering there is a more complicated plot behind it that involves a humanoid species known as 'Proxy' who are the subject of secret government experiments.
Season 1
[edit](In the White Darkness)
[edit]- Ergo Proxy:
- (dubbęd dialogue)
- From the perspective of others I am part of the world, but when I observe the world from my perspective I am nowhere to be found. To observe is to create perspective. I can never cease to be the point of origin from my perspective. I observe that which is not myself. This is the first principle to find.
- (subtitle dialogue)
- In others' eyes, I am part of the world. But when I look out at the world from my own vantage point, I am not in it. What I see is the world. As an observer, I am the point of view that creates the world. I can not belong to the world. In principle, we can say that it's the truth.
- (dubbed dialogue)
- I am nobody. Even if I was somebody, I am beyond your comprehension. And even if you could, you wouldn't have the tools to express that knowledge. I do not belong to the world. That is the limit, the boundary between all and self.
- (subtitle dialogue)
- Even if I was someone, people couldn't comprehend me. And even if they could, they wouldn't be able to communicate it to those around them. I do not belong to the world. That is the world's limit, the boundary between the world and the self.
- (dubbed dialogue)
- Feel the pounding in your chest as the pulse quickens. It belongs to no one else. It is yours and mine. It is the foundation of our truth, proof that we belong in this world, that we are of this world. Follow your instincts. You'll find the answers you seek inside.
- (subtitle dialogue)
- Remember. You can feel it if you hold your hand against your chest. It belongs to no one. It's our pulse, yours and mine. This is what brings us to the truth. It's what proves that we are the very world itself. Follow your instincts. The answer is already there.