Fish Tank

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Fish Tank is a 2009 British film about Mia, a 15-year-old volatile working class school-expelled girl whose life has everything changed when her mum brings home a new boyfriend.

Directed and written by Andrea Arnold.
Live, love and give as good as you get.(taglines)


  • [Shouting to Keeley's father] Can you give Keeley a message for me? Tell her I think her old man's a cunt!
  • [Leaving a phone message] Keeley, it's me. What's going on? I've left like three messages. I said sorry, didn't I? You know what I'm like. I was pissed off. Ring me back, you bitch.
  • [To Billy's offer to go with her to wreak revenge on Connor] No, I've got some personal shit to deal with, I'll see you later!
  • [To Connor's daughter Keira riding her scooter, repeatedly] Keira! Your mum said I've gotta take you to the van to get some ice-cream. Come on! Do you wanna come. Let's see who can go faster, quick! Come through here, come on. Give me this. Well you can't ride it through here can you? We'll get it on the way back.
  • [To Keira throwing rocks at her] That was silly weren't it?! You stupid little girl! Anyone can do that!
  • [Attempting to restrain Keira] Stop running off from me now! Stop kicking me! You're just as bad as your fucking father! [Throws Keira into River Thames who disappears briefly then resurfaces]


  • [Hands Mia an envelope] It's about your new school. You can stay there. You can fuck as many ASBO boys as you like there. [Mia throws envelope out window]
  • [To Mia] Did I tell you that I nearly had you aborted? I even made an appointment.


  • [Runs after car, shouts to Mia inside] Bye, you skank! Don't forget to text me! Say hello to the whales for me!


Mia: [To Tyler sunbathing with friend] Tyler, what are you doing?
Tyler: Duh, what does it look like?
Keely's father: [From high rise balcony] Fuck off Mia, Keeley ain't here!
Mia: Can you give Keeley a message for me? Tell her I think her old man's a cunt! [Walks away]
Keely's father: I have you Mia one of these days!
Mia: You'll be so fucking lucky!

Billy: [Running to Mia attempting to break a horse's chains] Cunt, walk away! What are you fucking doing?!
Mia: What's it look like? [Runs away]
Billy: Fuck off!

Keely's friend 1: [To Mia watching her and friends dance with look of strong disdain] What the fuck's your problem?!
Mia: [Walking up to girls] Your terrible dancing's my problem!
Keely: Look Mia, just don't start!
Mia: You can talk Keeley, since when did you have such ugly friends?
Keely's friend 1: Talk about ugly you skanky little pikey. [Mia headbutts her in the nose]
Keely's friend 2: You fucking idiot!
Mia: What you going to do about it?
Keely's friend 2: Fuck off! Go away!
Mia: If you want some fucking more you know where I am!

Mia: [Entering apartment] It's only me.
Joanne: Police have been looking for you! You broke that girl's nose didn't you?!
Mia: I didn't start it!
Joanne: Yes, you fucking did you liar!
Mia: No I didn't!
Joanne: [Grabbing at Mia] Yes, you fucking did! I'll tell you...!
Mia: Mum, let go of me! Let go of me mum!
Joanne: I won't fucking let go of you, you little cunt! I don't know what's wrong with you?!
Mia: [Runs to bedroom and shouts down] You're what's wrong with me!

Billy: [Walks up to Mia observing horse] Oi, oi. This is private property. Bollocks is it. Looks like this one's looking for a party.
Mia: Fancy that.
Billy's friend: [Looking through Mia's bag] We're having a party.
Mia: Give me that back.
Billy: We don't mind a gatecrasher do we? Especially when they're bringing their own booze. [Holds out hammer] What do you need this for then?
Mia: Hammer rusty nails into your dick, what do you think?
Billy: Something tells me you're up to no good.
Mia: [Billy's friend grabs Mia's bag] What are you doing, oi, give me that back!
Billy: [He and friend grab Mia by arms and legs holding her up] Let's have a bit of fun.
Mia: Get off me!
Billy: Easy, steady, steady.
Billy's friend: It doesn't look like she wants to come to our party.
Mia: Don't touch me! Get off, what are you doing?! [Repeatedly] Get off me! Get off you fucking idiots! Get off me!
Billy: Easy, steady, steady!
Mia: Get the fuck off me!
Billy: [Mia runs away] Don't mind me, carry on. I was enjoying it!

Connor: [To Mia watching and dancing to music video on kitchen TV] I'm a friend of your mother. You dance like a black. It's a compliment.
Mia: And what would you know?
Connor: I watch videos like everyone else.
Mia: And that makes you some kind of expert does it?
Connor: You've got a mouth on you. What should I call you anyway?
Mia: Whatever you like.
Connor: A charming personality you've got there.
Mia: See you later.

Tyler: [Coming down stairs to Mia looking through Connor's wallet] What are you doing?
Mia: Mind you own fuckface.
Tyler: If I'm a fuckface you're a cuntface.

Connor: [Comes up to front door with Tyler blocking his way] Hello, what's this?
Tyler: A gate.
Connor: A gate, can I get out?
Tyler: You have to put money in it and the gate will open.
Connor: How much?
Tyler: 2 quid.
Connor: Jesus, that's a tough fucking gate! Here you go then.
Tyler: Get off me! Get off me! I want to spend the money!
Connor: Only if you give me a discount. Alright then, a pound, a pound you plank. Okay, fair dos.
Tyler: I like you, I'll kill you last.
Mia: [Wrestles her] Tyler, get off me!
Tyler: [Joanne is dancing in kitchen] That bloke said: "See you later". Is lover boy coming back?
Joanne: I'm having my friends round later. You can stay in your room or get out. No kids, the pair of you.
Tyler: What makes you think we wanna hang about with your friends anyway? All those winos and skanks. Look at yourself, tramp. [Screams as Joanne's pulls her out kitchen door by the hair and shuts door] Bitch!
Mia: I've got childline's number if you need it.
Tyler: You're a bitch yourself!

Billy: You've got a nerve coming back. Quiet! Good boy. You're lucky my brothers aren't here.
Mia: They took my stuff.
Billy: It's not what you think, this is old.
Mia: Did you let that dog off on purpose last night?
Billy: He's strong. you're lucky you didn't get bitten.
Mia: Yeah, lucky. Idiot...

TV woman 1: [Mia is looking out window with Tyler and friend watching a reality television program while smoking and drinking] My party's started but I'm not leaving till I'm ready. First impressions are everything.
Tyler: I don't know how they can live on makeup.
TV woman 1: You can wear all black.
Tyler: That's just rank.
TV woman 1: Or you can wear black and fuschia. Or you can wear fuschia. Do you know what fuschia is?
TV woman 2: Pink.
Tyler: That must be her house.
Tyler's friend: Told you.
Tyler: Everyone's having their makeup done.
TV woman 1: My mum is, my sister is, my cats are.
Tyler's friend: Is that her mum or something? Her mum's butters!
Tyler: [Laughs] They're mad!
TV woman 1: I'm the birthday girl. I'm getting ready.
Tyler's friend: I don't like her smile, she's got yellow teeth.
Tyler: [Hands friend cigarette] There you go.
Tyler's friend: More like green.
Tyler: Any more they'll end up going pink.
Tyler's friend: I suppose that's how she wants them.
TV woman 1: I think when I first step into the tent and eyes are on me it'll be magical...
Tyler's friend: Cor. That cider is really nice, you've gotta agree with that.
Tyler: Too bad we've only got one.
Tyler's friend: [Reality star walks onto dance floor and gets into a suspended hoop] Oh, my god, she's making a fool of herself. [Hoop lifts reality star off ground]
Mia: She's a spoilt brat! What a dog!
Tyler: Shut up Mia!
Mia: Shut up yourself, I'm going in a minute anyway!
Tyler: [Buries face in Mia's abdomen] I hate you!
Mia: [Tenderly] I hate you, too.

Connor: You need sortin' out, you do.
Mia: So you keep sayin' But you're nothing to me, so why should I listen?

Mia: I'm leaving then.
Joanne: [Dances] This is one of your CDs.
Mia: Yeah. It's Nas.
Joanne: Yeah, it's great.
Mia: You can keep it.
Joanne: Well, go on then. Fuck off.

Joanne: [To Mia bending over, drinking from faucet] Get some clothes on, Mia
Mia: I've got some clothes on.
Joanne: You're half naked.
Mia: [Drinks again] You don't normally care.
Joanne: Yeah, well I do now, so - get dressed.
Mia: Why are you talking different?
Joanne: [To Connor] We should get a move on, yeah?
Tyler: Where you going?
Joanne: Not going nowhere.
Tyler: Well, why did you just say, "Shall we get a move on then"?
Joanne: Listen, we're only going for a drive.
Connor: You want to come?
Joanne: No!
Tyler: Yeah! Yeah!
Joanne: No, they don't want to come.
Tyler: I do.
Joanne: We're not going nowhere.
Tyler: I don't care. I still want to come.
Connor: Off you go, then, and get dressed.
Tyler: [Walks away] Thanks for that.
Connor: [To Mia] What about you?
Joanne: No, she won't want to.
Connor: We're leaving in 20 minutes.
Mia: Yeah. All right. I'd love to come.

Joanne: [Rifling through CD collection in glove compartment] You've got some weird shit here.
Connor: Come off it.
Joanne: It is weird.
Connor: You cannot call Bobby Womack weird shit?
Tyler: How old are you?
Connor: Old enough. Okay, it seems I'm gonna have to educate you girls.
Tyler: Turn it up though.
Connor: Yes ma'am.
Connor: What's your favourite animal? If you could come back as any animal...
Mia: What would you like to be?
Connor: Monkey.
Mia: A white tiger.
Joanne: A white tiger? No, a dog.
Tyler: Yeah, a dog.
Connor: What kind of dog?
Joanne: You're a dog as it is.
Tyler: You're a dog anyway.
Mia: Shut up!
Connor: Hey, come on.
Joanne: Hey!
Connor: I'd come back as an eagle. All these other animals are on the ground but wouldn't you want to fly?
Joanne and Tyler: No.
Tyler: But then you got shot.
Connor: Think about it, don't just say no.
Tyler: No, 'cause you can get shot or something.
Mia: I want to pick some berries.
Joanne: I wanna have a drink.
Connor: Here we are. Come on, I'm gonna show you something. Come on sport!
Mia: What is he gonna show us? Come on then you prick!
Connor: Hold on. This is it, what do you think?
Joanne: I can't walk in these, I shouldn't have worn flipflops.
Connor: No, you look great in those.
Tyler: Hey lovebirds, whoo!
Connor: I'm her man.
Tyler: Lovebirds!
Connor: Having fun here.
Tyler: I'm funny huh. I bet there's like a million fucking bugs in this grass.
Joanne: Wow! Oh, shit.
Tyler: Ow.
Joanne: Don't you dare. Oi!
Tyler: Look at that dragonfly, Mia! There! Look at that! Oh, look at that bug Mia! Quick! Look at that! See that on that leaf? Oh, my God it's got six legs, look. One, two, three, four, five, six.
Mia: Shut up! Can't even see it, where is it?
Tyler: It's gone now.
Connor: We're gonna catch a fish.
Mia: What the hell?
Mia: I'm going in, you coming?
Tyler: No way!
Joanne: I'm staying here thank you.
Connor: You chicken.
Joanne: Oh my God! You gotta be mad!
Connor: Gonna need some help.
Joanne: Oh, get out of it.
Connor: Come back here, otherwise they're gonna push us in.
Tyler: [Hugs Joanne] No way. No way!
Connor: Look, people don't come here often. Fish are stupid. We'll get one easily.
Tyler: I'm watching.
Connor: [Mia takes off shoes and starts wading in] So's she? Excellent, come here.
Joanne: Oh, trust bloody Mia. Is it mingin'? Oi, those bloody tracksuits cost 20 you know?
Tyler: I don't believe that!
Connor: Good girl! Over here. Move slowly.
Tyler: She can't swim! Your ugly feet will scare those fish away? They'll think you're some kind of ugly foot-fish come to get them.
Connor: Move towards me slowly.
Tyler: Did it touch you? If it did you'll get fish disease!
Connor: Okay, do you see the fish in front of you? I want you to move towards me slowly. Not yet... Okay, move slowly. Okay, stop.
Tyler: He's got a fish! He's got one!
Connor: Slippery little fucker!
Tyler: [Fish is lying on ground gasping] Is it dying?
Joanne: No, it's dancing you silly cow. What do ya think it's doing?
Tyler: What are you doing? [Connor rams stick into fish's mouth] That was harsh.
Connor: Kinder that way.
Mia: Yeah right.
Joanne: Tea?
Tyler: I'm not even touching it, let alone putting it in my mouth!
Connor: You eat fish fingers don't you? It's the same thing.
Tyler: No, it's not. It's got a head and eyes and nasty poo in it I ain't eating fish poo.
Mia: I'll eat it.
Connor: Good girl!
Tyler: She bloody would. Ugh, keep away! AIDS, AIDS!
Mia: Oh Christ!
Connor: Let's take a look. You'll live.
Tyler: Mum hates blood. You'll also get AIDS now Connor.
Mia: Who's Kelly?
Connor: What?
Mia: There on your arm.
Connor: Oh right? It's just an ex-girlfriend.

Connor: Do you ever wash your feet?
Mia: Yes.
Connor: [Gives her shoes] There you go, good as new. So what are you doing with yourself then?
Mia: Got some stuff planned.
Connor: Yeah? You gonna go for this then?
Mia: Dunno, I might.
Connor: Well you should do, you're great.
Mia: Don't tell mum though.
Connor: What's it worth? Do you need a camera?
Mia: What?
Connor: It says you need to send something in. I've got a little camera if you want. I'll give it to you on one condition.
Mia: What's that?
Connor: Just remember to smile when you do it.
Mia: What?
Connor: You look nice when you smile. I'd better get back to work. I'll see you later. I'll be staying at yours for a bit. Is that alright with you? Has your mum kicked you out?
Mia: Sort of.

Mia: [Entering apartment] It's only me Tennents, stupid dog.
Joanne: Mia... Just because you run off doesn't mean you can get away with it. You start at the referral unit in two weeks.
Mia: [Enters bedroom to Connor] Have you got that camera?
Connor: Jesus! You made me jump. Just a sec. [Mia sits on bed and Connor hands her camera] Am I the best or what?
Mia: Thanks. How do you work it?
Connor: [Sits on bed with Mia sitting next to him] Here. Turn it on here... Make sure the shutter is down. That red button's the record. Press that when you want to film anything. Here, you'll get the hang of it easy.
Mia: Sweet!
Connor: What do you think?
Mia: The truth?
Connor: Of course.
Mia: Fox piss.
Connor: Right. [Throws Mia across his lap] You young lady are due a good hiding!
Mia: Get off me! Ow!
Connor: [Administering blows on her buttocks] That's for sneaking up on me!
Mia: Fuck off!
Connor: That's for being cheeky! That's for running away from the social worker!
Joanne: [Calls from hall] Connor!
Connor: [Lets go of Mia] You got off lightly this time.
Joanne: [Appears in bedroom doorway] Tea's ready.
Connor: Coming. Just getting my camera from Mia.
Joanne: Don't lend it to her, she'll break it.
Connor: She'll get a good hiding if she does.

Mia: What are you looking for?
Billy: A Volvo 940.
Mia: What's it look like?
Billy: Like a Volvo 940.
Mia: Cor! Clever Dick!

Keely's friend 1: [To Mia leaving cybercafé] Oh, who's that?
Keely's friend 2: Fucking hate that girl.
Keely's friend 1: Fuck me, is there a bad smell in here or what?
Keely's friend 2: Fucking reeks.
Keely's friend 1: Smells like someone ain't had a bath in time.
Mia: Your eyes looking pretty bad, did your dad miss your mouth?
Keely's friend 1: [Thwarts Mia attempting to leave] Where do you think you're going?
Mia: Who do you think you're pushing? Your right eye's gonna match your left! Get out my fucking way!
Keely's friend 1: Fuck off! Fuck off!
Keely's friend 2: [Mia walks out cybercafé] Oh, whatever. Walk on!

Connor: [Mia throws reform school envelope out window] That was clever.
Mia: I ain't going.
Connor: That place might teach you some manners.
Mia: It's nothing to do with you, is it?.
Connor: You need sorting out you do.
Mia: So you keep saying. But you're nothing to me so why should I listen? [Connor walks away]

Tyler: Why do you need so much stuff?
Mia: [Packing] Just in case.
Tyler: What about the referral unit?
Mia: You can have my place.
Tyler: I don't want it. They're full of spastics and idiots, those places.

Mia: That your car?
Billy: Yeah. Still needs a couple of bits.
Mia: You left your cap.
Billy: Oh.
Mia: Where's your horse?
Billy: She was sick. We had to shoot her.
Mia: [Looks down at lock, sits down, cries]
Billy: She was 16. It was her time.
Mia: [Crying, looks up] Alright.
Billy: I was thinking of trying out the motor on a long run.
Mia: Yeah.
Billy: I know some people in Cardiff. You know, in Wales.


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