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Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (season 1)

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Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (2004–2009) is an American animated television series created by Craig McCracken for Cartoon Network. The series revolve around Mac and Bloo as they interact with other imaginary friends and house staff and live out their day-to-day adventures, often getting caught up in various predicaments.

House of Bloo's [1.01-1.03]

Terrence: [first line of the series] Wait, stop! I just wanna punch you! [starts chasing Mac and Bloo around the apartment]
Bloo: Watch your back, Mac! He's gaining on… Whoa!
Terrence: [punches a hole in the wall with his fist] Oooooh! I'm telling Mom!

Terrence: You... Bloofus! [laughs]
Bloo: [stops running for what he heard in anger] Bloofus?! Bloofus?
Mac: His name is Blooregard Q. Kazoo, and you know it, Terrence!
Bloo: Right, right, or Blooey, Bloo the Blue Dude, El Blooderino, or hey, how 'bout just Bloo? Heh! But come on, man, Bloofus? Heh! How stupid can you get?
Terrence: Look, no STUPID imaginary friend of my STUPID little brother is gonna tell me how STUPID I am, cause I know just how STUPID I- [sees Mac and Bloo are about to burst out laughing] SHUT UP!

[As Mac and Terrence's mother comes home, seeing the mess…]
Terrence: [gets up; pretending to be whiny] Mommy, Mommy! Mac and Bloo are mean to me! [hugs her around the waist] I was being a good boy looking after my sweet, little brother when all of a sudden his crazy, imaginary friend, Bloo went insane and started to tear the house apart! I tried to stop him but when Mac joined in, they started beating on me! [Mac and Bloo drop their jaws in shock] If it wasn't for you coming home, there's no telling what they would've done to me! Oh, thank you for saving me, Mommy!
Mac: [outraged] What?!
Bloo: [offended] That is so not what happened! Terrence--
Mac's Mom: Is the oldest and is in charge of this house when I'm not at home.
Terrence: Ha!
Mac's Mom: And I expect him to act like the oldest and set a good example by telling the truth.
Mac and Bloo: Ha!
Terrence: But, Mommy, I was telling--
Mac's Mom: Terrence, you expect me to believe that a 13-year-old boy was overpowered by an 8-year-old and his cute little imaginary friend?
Bloo: Yeah, Mac's a wimp.
Mac: And Bloo's spineless.
[Bloo wiggles his spineless body]
Terrence: But, Mom…
Mac's Mom: [sighs tiredly] Terrence, I've had a long day, and I'm too tired to deal with your made-up sob stories. Just go to your room. [Terrence annoyingly obeys while Mac and Bloo laugh and tease smugly at him] Mac, Bloo, that's enough.
Mac: But--
Bloo: Terrence--
Mac's Mom: Is not the only one at fault here. I'm fed up with the three of you always fighting. We need to talk.
Bloo: Okay, sure. Come on, Mac.
Mac's Mom: No, Bloo. I need to talk to Mac…alone.
Bloo: It's okay, Mac, I'll be right here. I'm not going anywhere.
[Mac walks sadly to his bedroom, and as he and his mother enter, she closes the door behind them while Bloo's smile turns to a sad frown, and they sit on Mac's bunk bed before they talk]
Mac's Mom: Mac, now you know how tired I am of you three fighting.
Mac: But it was Terrence. He always picks on me and treats me like a baby.
Mac's Mom: And why do you think he does that?
Mac: 'Cause he's a jerk?
Mac's Mom: Well, yes, but, can you think of any other reasons?
Mac: Uh…
Mac's Mom: Maybe because of Bloo?
Mac: Bloo? Why?
Mac's Mom: Because, Mac, you're 8-years-old, and you still have your imaginary friend.
Mac: So what? Lots of kids have their own imaginary friends. You see them every day on the streets, or in the stores. You even had one when you were little.
Mac's Mom: Yes, when I was little, but by the time when I was your age, I didn't need my imaginary friend anymore.
Mac: Who are you saying?
[Bloo hears and listens through the door]
Mac's Mom: I think it's time you got rid of Bloo.
Mac: WHAT?!
Mac's Mom: I'm sorry, Mac, I just think it's time. You need to grow up and be a big boy, and say goodbye to Bloo.
Mac: But Mom, it's not fair! We're best friends. We'll be good. I-I-I'll keep him locked in my room! M-Mom, PLEASE!
Mac's Mom: [sighs] Mac, no stop it. This isn't about you being good or keeping Bloo locked up. The fact is you're a big boy now and you're too old for him.
Mac: But--
Mac's Mom: My decision is final, you have got to get rid of Bloo. I'm sorry, Mac. [opens the door and leaves as a shocked Bloo falls on the floor] Oh, sorry, Bloo.
Terrence: [shoots a spitwad at Bloo in the eye and snickers maliciously] Hasta la bye-bye.

[Mac and Bloo walk down the sidewalk toward the Foster house in front of the gates the next day after seeing the commercial from last night]
Bloo: This is the place I was telling you about. Pretty cool, huh?
Mac: I...I don't know, Bloo. Are you sure?
Bloo: [pushes the gates open] Totally! [starts walking towards the house] The commercial said it was some fantastical, magical place for imaginary friends who need a place to crash, hang out, and do stuff. It's gonna be great! [walks up to the doors and knocks]
Mac: I guess you're right. But still.
Bloo: Mac, I know you're worried, but listen. With me living here, your mom will be happy, Terrence will leave you alone, and you can visit me every day. It's perfect! Our problems are solved!

[After Mr. Herriman leaves, Mac and Bloo react in amazement as they see a bunch of imaginary friends walking around the foyer]
Bloo: [to Mac] Well?
Mac: [looks away, crossing his arms] It's okay. [grins as he was just joking and Bloo gives him a friendly punch in the arm]
Frankie: [enters the foyer while coming down the stairs with George Mucus, a green, gelatinous imaginary friend, wearing a wrapped up bandage on his arm] Now you know why you're not supposed to run around with Scissors? Scissors? Scissors?
Scissors: [enters the foyer] Yeah?
Frankie: Scissors, what do you say?
Scissors: I'm sorry.
Frankie: Okay, go play. DON'T RUN!

Frankie: Sorry, guys, Her Royal Majesty calls. But don't worry, I'll get someone to show you around. Hold on a sec. Wilt? TOUR, PLEASE! I'm really sorry, guys. Wilt will take care of you. But I'll try to meet up with you at the end of the tour, okay?
[Mac and Bloo nod yes]
Duchess: [over the speaker] FRANKIE!
Frankie: [heading upstairs] COMING!
Wilt: [talking to someone] I'm sorry, is that okay? You sure? All right. Okay. Sorry, though. [walks over to Mac and Bloo; they look up at him, seeing he's red and really tall] Hey, how ya doing? Name's Wilt. [After a long silence of Mac and Bloo staring at him; waving his hand in their faces] Yo, guys? Hello? Oh, okay, I get it. It's cool, it's cool. I know I'm all broken with a wonky eye and the stubby arm. Probably freaks you out, huh? But don't sweat it, I'll get someone else to--
Mac and Bloo: You're tall.

Wilt: Mac, Bloo, this is Eduardo. He's one of the sweetest imaginary friends here at Foster's. He couldn't hurt a fly.
Eduardo: Oh, sí, I'm too scared of them anyway!

Wilt: Big, small, young, old.
Mr. Herriman: [offended] Why, I never.
Wilt: Happy, sad, good, bad.
Duchess: [offended as well] Well, I never.
Bloo: And don't forget, silly, nervous, helpful.
Mac: And now, blue.

Frankie: [squats down to Mac's height] Mac, Bloo, Foster's is a "foster" home. It's not a boarding house. If you leave Bloo here, you can't come see him, because he won't be yours anymore.
Mac: What?
Frankie: He will be put up for adoption, like everybody else here.
Bloo: [horrified shock] ADOPTION?!
Wilt: Yeah. For one reason or another, we've all been given up by our creators, and as much as we all love living here, what we really want is to be adopted by a new kid who needs an imaginary friend.
Bloo: Well then, forget it. As cool as this place is, adoption's not an option. Come on, Mac, let's go.
Mac: Wait.
Bloo: What?! Come on, Mac, adoption?
Mac I know, but what else can I do? Mom said.
Bloo: But--
Mac: But don't worry, I'm not giving you up. Just stay here until I can think of a better idea. If I come back tomorrow--
Frankie: He's still yours, but if a kid shows up and wants him, and you're not here, he will be adopted.
Mac: [makes up his mind] Okay.
Bloo: "Okay?" "OKAY?!"
Mac: Don't worry, I will be here. [Bloo holds his arms out for a hug] A hug? I umm...I got these uhh, Sorry. [leaves] I'll be back. I promise!
Mr. Herriman: "I'll be back." Hmpf! If I had a carrot for each time I'd heard that, I'd be such a very fat rabbit!But don't worry, Master Bloo, you look like a fine imaginary friend and will most certainly be snatched up by a new child in no time.

Terrence: [as Mac returns home while waiting in the dark] You are so busted. Coming home late, trying to get me in trouble? Well, your little plan didn't work. Mom's not home yet. [gives his brother a whack on the back of his head, each time he calls him "stupid" but Mac keeps on ignoring him as he heads to his room] Where were you anyway? Stupid. What are those stupid eggs? Stupid. Where's that stupid little friend of yours? Stupid. Mom told you to get rid of him. Oh, boy, if you didn't, you're gonna be so bus-
Mac: [snapping furiously] I was nowhere, they're nothing, and I took care of it! HAPPY?! [slams his bedroom door shut as Terrence reacts puzzled]

Frankie: Sorry! Sorry, I got stuck in traffic. How can I help you?
Millionaire Father: My daughter is in need of an imaginary friend.
Millionaire Mother: Yes, and whenever she tried to create one of her own, she gets a headache!
Millionaire Daughter: Nuh-uh. Shut up, Mom! I just think I shouldn't waste my time making one up when I can just buy one.
Frankie: Well, having an imaginary friend is not like buying a toy. It's a big respon...
Millionaire Daughter: Ya-ya whatever. Just get me a friend, okay?! And don't give me a cheap one either. I want the best one you got. YOU GOT IT?!
Frankie: [threateningly] Ohh, you're gonna get it.
Millionaire Daughter: [shouts] WHAT?!
Frankie: Oh nothing. Nothing.
Millionaire Father: So, miss, do you have a friend for my precious little sweetie or what?
Frankie: Well, um. Look, at heart, most of our friends are really nice and your kid is a real... Look, how am I gonna put this. Friendship is...no, that's not it. Listen, to be honest, I really don't think we have a...
Duchess: [getting out of the crowd] Out of my way, out of my way, out of my way!
Frankie: Yes, yes! We have the perfect friend for you, precious little sweetums.

Bloo: Um, nice girl, cute girl. Stay away now. Go on, shoo, shoo.
Bloo: Yes. No. What? Um uh. AAH!

Millionaire Daughter: Look, stupid, you call this vicious?
Coco: [popping up from behind] Cocococococo! Co cocococo cococococo coco co cococo co co! Cococo cococo co CO CO!
Bloo: Exactly!
Millionaire Daughter: [not understanding Coco] What? No I don't want any cocoa, I just want my Tiffany.
Wilt, Eduardo, and Coco: [get on their knees and start begging the girl to take one of them] No, take me!/Take me, take me!
Millionaire Daughter: No. [to Wilt] You're broken. [to Eduardo] You're a chicken, [to Coco] and you're uh...crazy chicken! I want this one.

Frankie: I'm sorry, sweetums, you see, Bloo is Mac's idea and since Mac's here, Bloo is no longer up for adoption. You can still have Duchess if you like. Come on, Duchess is great. Don't you want her? [beggingly] Take her. Take her, please take her!
Millionaire Daughter: [turns around and starts to leave] No! I hate her!
Frankie: So do I.
Millionaire Father: Come on, sweetums, maybe you can imagine your own friend, just like Tiffany.
Millionaire Daughter: Shut up, Dad. You know thinking makes my head hurt.
Millionaire Mother: Mine, too. Let's just get her another pony.
[Neither Duchess, nor Frankie couldn't believe she was so close to finally getting adopted after the Millionaire family exit Mr. Herriman's office and leave]
Duchess: This is unacceptable!
Frankie: I'll say! They almost took you!
Duchess: But that wonderfully awfully little brat wanted that stupid little blue creep over me.
Frankie: Tell me about it. She ruined everything!
Duchess: And he ruined my one chance to get out of this dump once and for all!
Frankie: I know. It was a chance of a lifetime. I mean you could've been outta here forever!
Duchess: Well, I guess there is no accounting for taste. They obviously cannot appreciate a true piece of art, such as myself.
Frankie: Obviously not. And you sure are a piece of work.
Duchess: Thank you.

[Frankie watches Mac, Bloo, Wilt, Eduardo and Coco play together in the yard while Mr. Herriman deals with paperwork]
Frankie: I think this one is different. I don't think he's gonna abandon his friend!
Mr. Herriman: Don't be so naive, Miss Francis. It's unbecoming. You know as well as I that it is just a matter of time before young Master Mac tires of his beloved Bloo, at which time his visits will cease, and Master Bloo will be placed in the care of a new child... who will eventually tire of him, as well.
Frankie: Ugh, why do you always have to be so negative? I mean, come on! Look at that. They're absolutely inseparable! Plus, the guys have really taken to him, too.
Mr. Herriman: It's just a cruel fact of life, Miss Francis. Every child tires of their imaginary friend eventually...
Frankie: [leans over his shoulder and gives him a knowing grin] Yours didn't.
[She leaves, passing a portrait of Madame Foster. Herriman stops briefly, but continues working, knowing Frankie's words are true]

Coco: [angrily interrupting Mac in a sassy manner] Co co cococococo. Co- co. Coco coco co!
Frankie: You go, girl!
Coco: Coo Co! Cocococococo. Coco coco coco. Cocococococococo coco coco co Coco co co. Coo Co! [pause] Coco!
Mac: I assume that had something to do with "If you're gonna show up late, you have to accept the consequences and your friend may have been adopted and you can't get him back and responsibility and blah blah blah blah blah." But that's just it! I'm late because the kid who adopted Bloo is a total jerk, 'cause-
Mr. Herriman: [exiting his office] Master Mac! The young man who adopted Bloo, is by no means a jerk. Ahem, excuse me, a juvenile delinquent. He was, in fact, one of the most well behaved children, I have ever had the pleasure dealing with. And furthermore, if you're going to come in late, you must accept that--
Frankie: We've already been through that.
Mr. Herriman: What? Who?
Eduardo: Es Coco. She explained.
Mr. Herriman: And Master Mac understood her?
Wilt: Well, yeah, he is a smart kid.
Eduardo: Sí, he create Bloo. He has good head on shoulders.
Mr. Herriman: Most impressive. I guess the child is quite bright.
Wilt: Oh, yeah.
Eduardo: Sí.
Coco: Coco.
Frankie: Totally.
Mr. Herriman: Hm.
Wilt: Yup.
Eduardo: Muy bueno.
Coco: Coco!
Frankie: I'll say.
Mr. Herriman: Ah.
Wilt: Sure is.
Eduardo: It's true.
Coco: Coco.
Frankie: Right.
Mr. Herriman: Hm.
Mac: YES! Fine, we got it, I'm a super smart kid, okay? Great! But there's one thing I can't figure out. I know for a fact that Bloo was not adopted by a nice kid, but instead he was adopted by my horrible older brother, Terrence, who locked me in a closet all day, so he can come here and get Bloo. The problem is, Terrence is stupid. Not just "stupid stupid", but really stupid. He'd never be able to devise a plan like this, so he must be working with somebody. Somebody who could and would wanna get rid of Bloo once and for all. But what I can't figure out is who. Who would wanna get rid of Bloo?
Frankie: DUCHESS!

Terrence: So, Bloofus, prepare to come face to face with your… doom!
Duchess: [appears out of the shadows] Surprise! I bet you never would have guessed it was me, who was behind this little scheme the entire time.

Mac: Alright, guys! Let's Bloo this!
[the others make noises of disgust]
Wilt: Aw man! I'm sorry, but that was not okay!
Eduardo: Muy stinko!
Coco: Coco!
Terrence: Lame! That was stupider than even me!
Bloo: Yeah, Mac! "Let's Bloo this?" C'mon, man. That's really stupid!

Mac: [to Bloo] Hey, isn't this how this whole thing started?
Bloo: Yeah, all except for–
Terrence: Wait, stop! I just wanna punch you!
Bloo: Just like old times.

Frankie: I guess Extemeasauruses don't have much of a taste for something so, [referring to Duchess] spoiled-
Mr. Herriman: [referring to Terrence] Rotten.

Store Wars [1.04]

Mr. Herriman: Miss Frances, I thought I made it perfectly clear that finishing the birthday cake was strictly your responsibility.
Frankie: Yeah, but-
Mr. Herriman: No buts. I can see at the state of this room, that you’ve been neglecting your decorating assignments.
Frankie: [offended] Neglecting my-- Listen, Mr. Peter Cotton-Butt, I thought of everything.
Mr. Herriman: Streamers.
Frankie: [surprised] Str- Steamers?! Oh come on, who needs streamers? It looks fine without streamers. Streamers aren't that great.
Mr. Herriman: Miss Frances, how dare you. Streamers are that great, thank you very much. I never in all my years have I attended a celebration without streamers. It's simply uncivilized. Now go get them immediately.
Frankie: Are you crazy?! The party starts in half an hour!
Mr. Herriman: Plenty of time. [gives her the keys to the bus]

Frankie: [shouting] JUST GET IN THE BUS!
[Everyone quickly gets in]
Bloo: [stops Coco] Not you!
Frankie: Get in the bus, get in the bus, GET IN THE BUS!
[Coco and Bloo quickly get in and the bus drives off and arrives at the mall]
Frankie: Come on, guys, we have to hurry.
Wilt: Frankie, wait.
Frankie: Wilt, I just said--
Wilt: Allow me. [politely opens the door]
Frankie: Oh, okay, thanks!

Info Woman: Now listen, lady, we don't keep imaginary friends here. If you need help I know this really great little place, not too far from here that finds lost imaginary friends. It's called "Foster's--
Frankie: I know, I know, I work there!
Info Woman: Not very good at our job, are we?
Mac: [rising from behind the counter] Excuse me, ma'am, I'm lost.
Frankie: [happily] Mac!
Info Woman: Kid, is this your mom?
Mac: Uh, no. [the Info Woman pulls him towards her]
Frankie: I'm not his mom, but I lost him. [pulls Mac to herself]
Info Woman: I thought you was looking for an imaginary friend, lady. [takes Mac back]
Frankie: [angrily] I'm looking for this kid, too! Tell her, Mac!
Info Woman: [takes out her walkie-talkie] That's it. I'm calling security.

The Trouble with Scribbles [1.05]

[Bloo is spraying air freshener while Frankie and Mac are cleaning]
Mac: Quit it, Bloo!
Bloo: What? I'm just trying to clean.
Mac: Spraying air freshener isn't cleaning.
Bloo: Is too! I'm cleaning the air. Cleaning and freshening.
Frankie: Well, go find some other place to clean and freshen, would ya?
Bloo: Fine, if that's how you feel about it. But don't come crying to me when your air gets all stale and filthy.
Frankie: [annoyed] I'll keep that in mind.

Mr. Herriman: The autumn of 1984 was cold... and cruel.
[Sepia-toned flashback; A door opens and millions of scribbles come flying out; Herriman, Madame Foster and young Frankie are amidst the swarm]
Young Frankie: Sowwy, Mr. Herriman.
[Back to present]
Frankie: [annoyed as Mr. Herriman glares at her] I said I was sowwy.
Mr. Herriman: "Sowwy" doesn't make up for the fact that we were forced to take up residence in the unicorn stables for 46 days.
Madame Foster: [passing through, gleefully] It was like camping.
Frankie: Y'know, if someone would just spring for a lock...
Mr. Herriman: Self-restraint, Miss Francis, is the only lock that door requires.

Busted [1.06]

Bloo: [mumbling with his mouth closed] I'm not moving.
Mac: What?
Bloo: I'm not moving.
Eduardo: Yo no comprende.
Mac: I think he said he's not moving. [to Bloo] Is that right? [Bloo nods yes] Why?
Bloo: [mumbling] Merriman.
Mac: "Merry men?"
Bloo: No, Merriman.
Eduardo: "Scary men?" [screams]
Bloo: Merriman.
Coco: "Coco?"
Bloo: [getting angry] No! Merri-- [angrily having enough; speaking normally] Herriman, Herriman, HERRIMAN!!! He's been on my case all morning, harping on all the rules I seem to be breaking, and said that if I don't start following them, he's gonna boot my blue butt to the curb! Man, oh, man, is this guy so uptight?! Is anyone else around here aware of his insane two-square rule?! Or is it just me? I've never heard of anything so...

[After Bloo accidentally breaks Madame Foster's bust into shattered pieces…]
Mac, Wilt, Eduardo, and Coco: [to Bloo] Ooh! You are so busted!
Bloo: What's happened?
Eduardo: It's Madame Foster.
Bloo: What?
Mac: You busted her bust.
Bloo: What?
Wilt: Herriman's prized possession.
Bloo: What?
Coco: Coco-coco-coco-co.
Wilt: She's right. I think Herriman's totally gonna kill you!
Bloo: I don't believe this! I was in the clear, man. I was gonna stand here perfectly still all day. I wouldn't have broken anything. Then you guys come along with all your no comprendo and “I don't understand". Make me move and knock over stuff, and then what do you do? You turn on me. That stinks! Thanks a lot, guys.
Wilt: How about I say I did it?
Bloo: It's okay, guys. Forget it. It was me, all me, not you, and I'm not letting any of you take the blame. It's okay, I've had it, I'm going. I'm packing up, [grabs a bindle] I'm heading out, and I'm making history.
Mac: [stops Bloo from leaving] Hold on there, Hobo Joe. Maybe we can do something?
Coco: Co-coco.
Mac: Fix it? How?
Eduardo: Coco es loco.
Bloo: No, she's right, guys. Don't you see? Busting this bust is gonna get me as busted as anyone can get busted. So anything bad I do from now on is nothing, and if I have to break some rules so I can fix what I busted, maybe, just maybe, I won't end up getting busted at all. Come on, time for plan A: fix it.

Frankie: [busy reversing the toilet rolls in all the bathrooms] Over not under. Over not under.
Mr. Herriman: [on the intercom] Miss Frances! Miss Frances. Please bring a mop to Hallway 7.
[Frankie growls in rage]

Mr. Herriman: [on the intercom] Miss Frances! Disaster in the kitchen! Please come immediately!

[The gang hears Frankie and Mr. Herriman's talk from the kitchen]
Mr. Herriman: No, Miss Frances. You are merely smearing the flour with that mop. The mop with the proper absorbent qualities for the kitchen is in the third-floor storage closet.
Frankie: Well, if it's the proper mop for the kitchen, what's it doing in the third-floor closet?!
Mr. Herriman: Do not question my methods, Miss Frances. I guess I will have to do your job and fetch the mop. [exits the kitchen and enters the foyer; to the gang] Good afternoon. I trust the lot of you are having an enjoyable and rule-breaking-free day, unlike Miss Frances, [to Bloo] especially you, Master Blooregard.
Bloo: Oh, you betcha.
Mr. Herriman: [to Madame Foster, portrayed as her bust] Ohh, Madame, your granddaughter is working my last nerve. I can hardly believe that you and that slacker are related.

Mac: Okay. Now, if I was Mr. Herriman and I had glue, where would I put it?
Coco: [points up to a small box on the top shelf] Coco-co?
Mac: [reading] "Items for imaginary friends to NEVER, NEVER TOUCH NEVER!" Sounds right. [Wilt takes the glue out of the box and the doorknob starts rattling] Oops.
Frankie: [entering Mr. Herriman's office with the last roll of toilet paper] Okay. The house is now entirely TP'd. Just this last roll in Herriman's private– [notices the gang] What are you (all) doing in here?
All: Um…
Bloo: [begging] Please, Frankie. Please don't tell.
Frankie: Tell what? [suspiciously] What are you guys up to?
Bloo: [hesitantly] We're not really up to anything. I mean, we are, but we aren't. We are in that we are up to trying to fix something. But we aren't because we aren't just doing something to be bad, which is just what Herriman would think if he saw us because, see, it was all just an accident.
Frankie: What was?
Bloo: When I busted Madame Foster's bust when I was trying not to bust anything because I knew Mr. Herriman would bust me if I did.
Frankie: You busted the bust?!
Mac: But it wasn't his fault. Herriman totally freaked him out.
Bloo: So we've been trying to fix what I broke by breaking a lot of rules.
Mr. Herriman: [on the intercom] Miss Frances, what have you been doing all day? None of the bathrooms have toothpaste.
Frankie: Toothpaste disaster?
Bloo: Sorry.
Mr. Herriman: Miss Frances, you also seem to have neglected to restock the soap!
Frankie: Soapy hallway?
Bloo: Well, those water balloons didn't help.
Frankie: So it was you! You all have been making my day horrible.
Bloo: [remorsefully] Well, yeah.
Frankie: Guys, this isn't cool. Sorry, but I got to say something to him.
Mac: No, Frankie. Please don't tell on Bloo.

[After Frankie accidentally breaks all of Herriman's spare busts]
Mr. Herriman: Well, Miss Frances, rules are rules. Clean it up.
Frankie: Rules, schmules. I'm gonna clean YOU up, you crazy rabbit! COME BACK HERE AND I'LL CLEAN YOUR CLOCK!
Mr. Herriman: Aah! Please, Miss Frances! You know the rules! No running in the house!

Dinner is Swerved [1.07]

[At Foster's, Mac and Bloo are on the balcony looking at Mac's apartment building all the way from where they are]
Bloo: Yes, yes, yes, you did it! That brown corner, left of the chips sign, next to the phone-pole, is the corner of the roof of your apartment! How cool is that?
Mac: Wow...That's...eh...real cool.
Bloo: Don't you get it? THAT is your house and you can see it from HERE!
Mac: Mmm hmm.
Bloo: You're stupid. You just can't appreciate the little things in life.
Mac: [sarcastically] Like the corners of apartments?
Bloo: Yes, you are a stupid and terrible person because you have no appreciation for the corners of apartments.

Mac: We went down! Not up - down!
Bloo: [dazed with hunger] This place is crazy, it's crazy. I'm so hungry, I'm crazy! Oh, look, it's the pizza man! Hi, pizza man! We're really high up, and you look like an ant!
Mac: Wait! What did you just say?
Bloo: Ant.
Mac: No, before that.
Bloo: Uh, an.
Mac: Before that.
Bloo: Um, like.
Mac: Before that.
Bloo: Look.
Mac: No, uh. 9 words before that.
Bloo: Um, hi.
Mac: And after that?
Bloo: Pizza.
Mac: And then?
Bloo: Man!
Mac: Hi, pizza man?
Bloo: [still dazed] Hello!

World Wide Wabbit [1.08]

Madame Foster: Oh, come on, you remember. You used to do it when I was a little girl.
Mr. Herriman: You mean... [begins hopping around the room] Hippity hippity, hoppity hoppity / My tail is quite fluffy, my ears are quite floppity / I sing and I dance and you can't make me stoppity / Said funny bunny to sweet little girl. [taps Madame Foster's nose] Hoppity hoppity, hippity hippity / I'm cute and I'm cuddly and smart as a whippety / Watch and adore as I play and I skippity / Said funny bunny to sweet little girl. [taps Madame Foster's nose] Sprungly, springly, bouncily, trouncily / For allow me to declare, present, and announcily / That I am the head of the Fun Bunny Councily / Said funny bunny to sweet little girl. [taps Madame Foster's nose] Bouncily, trouncily, sprungily, springily / There's no end to the fun 'til you have a wingily / The razzamatazz and the ring-a-ding-dingily / Said funny bunny to sweet little girl. [taps Madame Foster's nose] Hippity hippity, hoppity hoppity / So shall I tell you right now, my sweet little poppity? / Out all of my friends, I never ever would droppity / On the list, my dear lass, you are at the toppity / Said funny bunny to sweet little girl. [taps Madame Foster's nose]

[Mac records the imaginary friends' interviews for adoption via camera]
Bloppy Pants: [nervously while being interviewed] Uh, hi. My name is, uh, Bloppy Pants, and I'd like to get adopted.
Cy: My favorite color is… [gets closer to the camera] PINK!
Red Rusher: I like living on the edge! Fast cars and motorcycles! Yeah!
Sassyfrass: My likes are walks on the beach, dancing, new experiences, the outdoors. [Bloo pokes out on the bottom left of the frame with a smile]
Wilt: I'm not so great. [as Bloo walks in the shot and waves at the camera] You should adopt one of the other awesome friends here.
Sunset Junction: [talking while Bloo spins around the wall behind him in the background] My--my dislikes are rude people and broccoli.
Coco: [annoyingly] Coco coco coco coco coco coco co! [angrily kicks the camera]
Sally Linda: [talking while Bloo mimics and poses in the background] I'm looking for that special someone who's rich and good-looking and in really great shape.
Sloppy Moe: [with Bloo standing next to him] No losers, please.
Eduardo: [screams] What is that?! Get away! Get away! [backs away as the camera is knocked down] It steal my soul.
Jambalaya: I just want to love!
[Bloo laughs hysterically]
Mac: [annoyed while watching the videos] Bloo, stop it. You're making everyone look dumb.
Bloo: Hey, they don't need my help in that department.
Mac: Well, stop it, okay?

[As the clock strikes 3:00…]
Mac: [showing up at Foster's in a flash] Frankie! [quickly enters the foyer] We got a problem! [takes out a "I ❤️ Funny Bunny" umbrella]
[In Frankie's room, Mac dumps out a pile of Funny Bunny merchandise from his backpack on Frankie's bed]
Frankie: [shocked in horror] Oh, my gosh! How did this happen?! [holds up a pair of Funny Bunny slippers and turns to Bloo] How did this happen?!
Bloo: [playing a video game on Frankie's computer] I'm trying to play here. [notices the Funny Bunny shirt] This is awesome! Where did you get it?
Mac: [annoyed] School. All the kids have stuff like this.

Frankie: [to Bloo; threateningly] Listen, blob boy, if the rabbit finds out about this, he's going to make my life miserable. And if he makes my life miserable, I'm going to make your life miserable! Capisce?!
Bloo: [scared] Capi… Capi… Yeah.

Mr. Herriman: Master Eduardo, what is the meaning of this?!
Eduardo: [shrugging nervously] Uh… I tripped.
Mr. Herriman: Well, do be more careful next time.

Mr. Herriman: [furiously shaking the screen after watching the clip] WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?! WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS?!
Bloo: [points to Frankie] Her!
Frankie: [points down to Mac] Him!
Mac: [points to Bloo] Him!
Mac, Bloo, and Frankie: Me?! Are you crazy?!
Bloo: Mac's the one who taped it!
Mac: Yeah, but I wanted to erase it! Frankie's the one who burned it to disc!
Frankie: Yeah, but Bloo's the one who uploaded the file to the internet!
[While everyone argues over who's to blame, Mr. Herriman hops to his office]
Mac, Bloo, and Frankie: Mr. Herriman, wait!
Mr. Herriman: [enters his office] You said there was a file. [opens a drawer in his file cabinet, searching for the file] Where is it?!
Mac: It's not that kind of file, Mr. Herriman.
Frankie: Yeah. The file is in my computer.
[Later, Mr. Herriman hops to the trash can, about to throw out Frankie's computer as Mac and Bloo watch]
Frankie: [grabbing onto Mr. Herriman's ankle] No! No, no! You can't!
Mr. Herriman: Now, to get rid of these files, once and for all! [throws Frankie's computer into the trash can]
Frankie: My baby! MY BABY! [dives into the trash can to get her computer out]
Mac: Mr. Herriman, you don't understand! The file's already on the internet! You can't just get rid of it!
Mr. Herriman: Nonsense. Just tell me where this "net" is, and I'll dispose of it readily.
Mac: It's not a net, it's a… it's… Ugh! You just don't understand.
Bloo: Boy, I'll say.

Frankie: [shaking her fist at Bloo; threateningly] And if you ever touch my computer again…

Berry Scary [1.09]

Berry: Hi there! I'm Berry...
Bloo: Hey, you're that girl.
Berry: How sweet of you to notice.

Bloo: Being a burden is great. It's like my... seventh favorite thing to be.

Berry: [berserk with anger] IT'S NOT FAIR! I'm the sweetest girl in the world! and I stayed in the STUPID house with these STUPID PEOPLE!
Frankie: A little sour under that sweetness.
Eduardo: And a little loco.
Berry: So I could shower you with MY snickerdoodles, scrapbook and way with noticing. We have to do this together. This has to be OUR record. This was supposed to be OUR GIANT RUBBER BAND BALL OF LOVE!
Bloo: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Who said anything about love, Heather?
Bloo: Really? Because you look like a Heather to me.

Seeing Red / Phone Home [1.10]

[As school ends at 3:00 in the afternoon, all the kids run out and head home while Mac is the last person to leave and makes his usual route to Foster's as he passes his bully-brother, Terrence, sitting on a bench]
Terrence: Run.
Mac: Terrence, what are you–
Terrence: Run.
Mac: What?
Terrence: Run, now.
Mac: Oh, right. I see. [starts running his way to Foster's as Terrence chases him, laughing evilly]
Bloo: [looks out the window, seeing Terrence chasing Mac around] Oh, brother. [hurries outside]

Terrence: That's it! I need… PIZZA!
Imaginary Pizza Friend: [appearing next to him] Howdy-doo! I love you!

Terrence: Okay, now it's time for you to do what you were created to do: smash Bloo! You got it?
Red: Yeah, yeah. Smash Bloo.
Terrence: That's my boy. Now go, get Bloo.
[Red leaves]
Terrence: Oh, man. This is gonna to be so rad!
Red: Got Bloo.
Terrence: That was fast.
Red: [holds up flower] Smash Bloo.
Terrence: What?
Red: [sniffs flower] Mmm. Bloo smash pretty.

Terrence: Thanks for breaking my fall, you sissy horse.

Unknown Friend: [after seeing the man in a cell phone suit go by] I've heard of mobile phones, but this is ridiculous.
Bloo: Hey, did you see a-
Unknown Friend: I already made the joke, son. He went that-a-way.

Who Let the Dogs In? [1.11]

Eduardo: Azul? You no el perrito!
Bloo: I most certainly am not a burrito!

Don Lickles: [as Ringo Rango smacks him in the face after feeling a lick in his leg] Ow! What was that for?!
Ringo Rango: Something just licked my leg.
Don Lickles: [offended] Oh, so that automatically makes it me, just 'cause I have tongues for feet.

Adoptcalypse Now [1.12]

Bloo: Want a cupcake? [offers Wilt a cupcake]
Wilt: Don't change the subject, please.

[As Mac and Bloo tie up Wilt to a chair, tape up his mouth, and put him in the closet]
Bloo: This hurts us more than it hurts you.
Mac: Yeah. Sorry, Wilt.
Wilt: [muffled] No, I'm sorry.
[Bloo closes the closet door]

[Next Adopt-A-Thought Saturday, Wilt, Mr. Herriman, and Frankie tie up both Mac and Bloo to chairs, tape up their mouths, and put them in the same closet]
Wilt: Sorry, but believe me. This hurts me more than it hurts you.

Bloooo [1.13]

[Mac and Bloo both get sick from playing outside in the mud on a rainy day and come inside, sitting in front of the fireplace]
Frankie: [placing her hand on Mac's forehead, checking his temperature] Oh, pal, you feel a bit warm.
Bloo: Yeah, you don't look so hot.
Mac: [weakly] I don't feel so… [sniffs] hot either.
Frankie: Come on, I'll take you home.
[In the foyer, Frankie escorts Mac outside in the rain to the Foster's bus, preparing to take him home as Wilt, Eduardo, and Coco all say their goodbyes, wishing for him to get better]
Coco: [in unison] Coco! Coco! Coco!
Eduardo: [in unison] Adios, Mac.
Wilt: [in unison] Bye, Mac. Feel better, man. Sorry.
[As Wilt, Eduardo, and Coco leave, Mac sneezes from outside]
Wilt: Gesundheit.
[Bloo waves goodbye to Mac from the window and Mac waves back at him before the bus drives off]

Bloo: So what are we watching?
Wilt: [with mouth full] A kweecha feature.
Bloo: [confused] A "kweecha feecha"?
Wilt: Sorry. [swallows popcorn] A creature feature.
Eduardo: [worried] A creature feature?
Wilt: It's okay, Eduardo, don't worry.
Bloo: Yeah Ed, it's probably just some silly old movie about a silly old ghost and some silly old house on some silly old hill.
Commentator on TV: The Curse of the Cannibal Ghost of the Haunted House on Horror Hill!
Wilt: Good call!

[The Foster's bus pulls up at Mac's apartment building and Frankie opens the door for Mac to get off]
Frankie: Now, hurry on inside and get yourself to bed, okay? [Mac nods yes as he heads inside after getting off the bus; closes the door and drives back to Foster's]

Bloo: I thought steam was supposed to unstuff me. I gotta get some air in here. [groans as he pulls at the chains on the window]
Eduardo: The rattling! The terrible rattling!
[Bloo bursts out of the bathroom, trying to get the chains off him, and Eduardo screams]
Wilt: It's the Cannibal Ghost!
[Wilt and Eduardo both scream, Wilt jumps in fright and gets his head stuck in the ceiling, Eduardo runs, and Coco comes down the hall still dressed like a ghost]
Coco: COCO! [Bloo screams] Coco! Coco! COCO!
Bloo: Coco?
[Eduardo runs and screams, bursting through the walls. He bumps into a wall-like imaginary friend and gets sent flying back]
Wall Friend: Watch where you're goin', pal!
[Eduardo screams]
Wilt: Sorry. Really. Won't happen again. Go on back to bed. Don't you worry about a thing. Everything little thing is gonna be alright, there's definitely not a- [Eduardo grabs him and pulls him down] Cannibal Ghost...
[Wilt and Eduardo fall and they get scared when they see Bloo draped in Coco's sheet]
Bloo: Coco? Coco? Coco?
Wilt: Coco? It's been you this whole time, hasn't it!? Why, of all the rotten tricks to- [he removes the sheet, revealing Bloo underneath]
Bloo: Oh... [Eduardo screams and runs. Wilt says "Homina" in fright many times. Eduardo comes back, grabs Wilt and runs, and screams] Hey, guys... [sneezes] Wait up a sec...

Wilt: Who you gonna call?
Coco: [to the tune of Ghostbusters] Co co-co!
Wilt: They've been out of business for years. If we wanna save our friends from this phantom menace, we're gonna have to do it ourselves. So, how did they stop the ghost in the movie?

Wilt: Now, we have to keep real quiet so the ghost won't know we're coming. So no getting spooked and all yelly, okay?
Eduardo: I don't get all yelly!
Wilt: Shh!
Coco: Coco!
[Eduardo nods and his friends continue down the halls. He spots Bloo coming up behind them and tries to warn Wilt and Coco by jumping and waving his arm, but that doesn't get their attention. He pokes Coco and Wilt]
Wilt: [whispering] Quit it, Eduardo!
[Eduardo looks back again to see Bloo wobbling as he comes closer]
Bloo: Oh...
[Eduardo pokes his friends again]
Wilt:[whispering] What is it? You better have to tell me... [he finally notices Bloo] THE GHOST IS RIGHT BEHIND YOU!