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Gail Hareven

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Gail Hareven (Hebrew: גַּיִל הַרְאֶבֶן); born 1959 Jerusalem) is an author from Israel.



Lies, First Person (2008)


translated from the Hebrew to English by Dalya Bilu

  • First of all we have to plant the Garden of Eden, because without the Garden of Eden there is no serpent; without the boughs of the apple tree to hide in, the serpent is nothing but an eater of dirt, of no greater significance than a snail or a worm.
    Therefore, let there be a Garden of Eden!
    And in fact, why "let there be"? There was a Garden of Eden. The Garden of Eden existed. Because why shouldn't I call what I had a "Garden of Eden"?
    Let's begin with a Sabbath day of unutterable sweetness.
    • first lines
  • Anyone who grew up like I did will always see the room from the point of view of the maid who comes to clean it. (p198)
  • "...Just because a person realizes how lucky he was doesn't mean that he's prepared to stop being lucky." (p 265)
  • you can never know what will calm the troubled soul: a poem, a philosophical saying, or a silly slogan on the roof of the Jewish Agency. (p272)
  • you can't put a lid on the past so easily (p355)

The Confessions of Noa Weber (2001)


translated from the Hebrew to English by Dalya Bilu

  • Sometimes you have to stick your finger down your throat and vomit up the disgusting insides of the self... sometimes you have to increase the nausea in order to get rid of the disgust... (p12)
  • Love can be described as compulsive thinking. The thought buzzes and buzzes like an insect stuck to a wet picture...Compulsive thinking latches on to details and dwells on them as if they hold enormous significance which cannot be grasped in a moment. It keeps returning to them again and again as if there is still something left to understand. The more I think about the meaning of these gestures the sicker I get of my thoughts and of myself for thinking them. (p34-5)
  • what does it help me to know that the heart is a muscle, just a blood-pumping muscle, if my heart still goes out to him, and the bloody muscle still yearns and swells? (p38)
  • "Only someone with an individual voice of his own can describe what is impossible to describe" (p51)
  • Love had mobilized my entire being, love ruled me like a tyrant, and love would allow for no other master. (p67)


  • Personally, I think it’s very important for a writer to know what kinds of things are beyond his or her knowledge. Even though I spent a lot of time with people who came from Russia, and visited Russia eight times before writing “Confessions,” I knew it wasn’t possible for me to write what’s going on in Alek’s mind.
  • Being a mother — especially of twins — taught me how to work efficiently. Family life saves one from the dangers of solipsism, which I think many writers encounter. One has to learn how to live with two parallel worlds, and, in a way, use the actual life as a good and safe base from which one can send expeditions to that parallel world. I think that dealing only with words all the time doesn’t do one any good. It’s good to remember that there are other human beings around you.
  • For me there’s no dichotomy between thought on one hand, and feelings or passion on the other. They aren’t different spheres. In a way, I believe that our passions appear to us in the form of thoughts. And that thought can be extremely passionate. Every person, when he experiences some kind of feeling, also relates to that feeling — judges it, evaluates it. I think that what makes people different is not so much what they feel as the different ways they respond to their feelings.

Quotes about

  • Hareven, one of Israel's finest writers, has a keen insight into how a toxic relationship can consume a woman.
  • The simple thirst for vengeance that drives so many crime thrillers becomes, in Hareven’s hands, the subject of a moral investigation that yields no clear answers. This is what gives Lies, First Person its haunting power and reveals Hareven as a novelist that American readers should embrace.
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