George Salmon

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George Salmon

George Salmon (25 September 181922 January 1904) was an Irish mathematician and Anglican theologian. After working in algebraic geometry for two decades, Salmon devoted the last forty years of his life to theology.


  • In early times of Christianity, even those who used animal food themselves came to think of the vegetarian as one who lived a higher life, and approached more nearly to Christian perfection.
    • A Historical Introduction to the Study of the Books of the New Testament (London: John Murray, 1885; 4th ed. 1889), p. 203.
  • The delusion of invincibility can never grow up in the mind of anyone except one who has never met a strong antagonist.
    • The Infallibility of the Church (London: John Murray, 1888; 4th ed. 1914), p. 111.
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