Ghulam Ahmed Perwez

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Ghulam Ahmad Parwez (9 July 1903 - 24 February 1985) was a well-known teacher of the Quran in India and Pakistan. He posed a challenge to the established Sunni doctrine by interpreting Quranic themes with a logical approach. The educated populace held Parwez in high esteem, despite his encounter with numerous criticisms from conservative Islamic scholars throughout his tenure.


  • Now, if there was more revelation (i.e., Hadith), then the Prophet’s duty should have been to transmit that as well, in a fashion similar to that of the Quran. But neither did he order it to be written down anywhere, nor did he oversee its memorization, nor did he compile some sort of collection of it, nor did he make any sort of accommodation whatsoever for its preservation. Rather even if someone, out of good will, attempted to record anything on his own, he stopped them saying “Don’t record anything of me other than the Quran,” – Sahih Muslim (Hadith scholars claim that shortly before his death, the Prophet allowed some Hadith writing. But still, he neither commanded it nor double-checked it to ensure its quality as he did for the Quran).
    • quoted in Tarek Fatah - The Jew is Not My Enemy_ Unveiling the Myths that Fuel Muslim Anti-Semitism-Signal (2011)
    • Ghulam Ahmed Pervez, “The Fundamental Principles of the Islamic System,”
  • The Hadith (unrecited revelation) not only specified those things Allah left unspecified in the Quran, it even changed and abrogated those things Allah specified in the Quran! For example, the Quran gives the crime of zina [adultery] the punishment of 100 lashes. But according to Hadith, this punishment is only for fornicators (unmarried), whereas the punishment for adulterers (married but unfaithful) is stoning to death (a punishment which has no basis in the Quran)…. The scholars of Hadith are witnesses to the fact that fabricated Hadith number in the thousands.
    • quoted in Tarek Fatah - The Jew is Not My Enemy_ Unveiling the Myths that Fuel Muslim Anti-Semitism-Signal (2011)
    • Ghulam Ahmed Pervez, “The Fundamental Principles of the Islamic System,”
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