Godfrey Wenness

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Godfrey Wenness (born May 1, 1967) is a famous Australian paragliding pilot, a former paragliding world record holder, Chief Flying Instructor, owner of Mt Borah and organiser of the 2007 Paragliding World championships held in Manilla, NSW Australia.


  • It certainly isn't croquet, and it certainly isn't lawn bowls.
  • It's me versus Mother Nature and me versus me. I want to see how far a human can fly with six kilograms of high-tech nylon over his head with no engine. Ultimately though, I love being able to fly like a bird.
  • It's like winning Lotto 10 times in a row.
  • You should also say that to the 30 other pilots who were 200m in front of her and Zhongpin, 1 of them was sucked up as well (Belgium pilot).
    • Godfrey explains that the 2 pilots in the media focus were not the only ones to take a high risk and fly near the obvious storm cloud.