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Gulf of Kutch

From Wikiquote

The Gulf of Kutch is located between the peninsula regions of Kutch and Saurashtra, bounded in the state of Gujarat that borders Pakistan. It opens towards the Arabian Sea facing the Gulf of Oman. It is about 50 km wide at the entrance before narrowing into marshland, creeks and inlets.


  • Cutch is composed chiefly of hills, woods, and sandy wilds; and we are utterly ignorant of any particulars, relating to the interior part of it, The mouths of several rivers appear in the map of its coast: and the ancient maps describe the Puddar river, as discharging itself into the gulf of Cutch, through these opeyings. It is possible that the tiver formed by the Caggar, and other streams, may discharge itself by one or more of these openings; unlefs it loses itself in the sands of the desert, which borders on the north of Cutch. ... A MS. map describes the junction of the Sursooty and Caggar rivers: probably this junction is formed above Sursooty town; for Tamerlane had not crofsed the Caggar when at Sur- sooty ; and the Sursooty river lay beyond the Caggar.
    • Memoir of a map of Hindoostan: the Mogul empire with an introduction, illustration of the geography and present division of that country by Rennell, James [1] quoted in Chakrabarti, D. K., & Saini, S. (2009). The problem of the sarasvati river and notes on the archaeological geography of haryana and indian panjab. Aryan Books International.
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