Harry Kalmer

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Harry Kalmer at Boekehuis bookshop in Auckland Park, Johannesburg, 13 December 2008

Harold (Harry) Kalmer (21 November 1956 – 26 July 2019) was a South African novelist, essayist and playwright both in English and his home language Afrikaans.



A Thousand Tales of Johannesburg (2014)

  • I’m busy documenting a thousand stories about Johannesburg. Oral histories? No, stories. People don’t always speak the truth.
  • This is Africa, my friends … These folks do things differently. Sven Taxel, who regards himself as an expert on South Africa because he has read Wilbur Smith, Rian Malan and André Brink, tries to calm his fellow congregation members.
  • What happened wasn’t a revolution. It was a deal. The creation of a new bunch of entrepreneurs who could be more easily manipulated by international capital.
  • But Sara has spent enough time in the darkness to know that you often have to remain there for a long time before you’re ready for the light again.
  • So I am not exactly sure what I imagine and what I remember. Is there a difference? Not much, if you ask me.
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