Hebrew numerals

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The lower clock on the Jewish Town Hall building in Prague, with Hebrew numerals in counterclockwise order.

The system of Hebrew numerals is a quasi-decimal alphabetic numeral system using the letters of the Hebrew alphabet.


  • 1. א All things proclaim an active, thinking cause.
    2. ב The living unity heeds number's laws.
    3. ג That which contains all is by nothing bound.
    4. ד Before all else, He everywhere is found.
    5. ה He, the sole Master—praise to Him alone!
    6. ו To pure hearts His true doctrine He makes known.
    7. ז Faith's works a single guide have, under heaven.
    8. ח So one sole altar and one law are given.
    9. ט What the Eternal founds, forever stays.
    10. י From high, down to our time, He rules each phase.

See also

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