Hedgehog in the Fog

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Hedgehog in the Fog is a 1975 Soviet animated film directed by Yuri Norstein, produced by the Soyuzmultfilm studio in Moscow. The Russian script was written by Sergei Kozlov, who also published a book under the same name. In 2006, Norstein published a book titled Hedgehog in the Fog, listing himself as an author alongside Kozlov.

Directed by Yuri Norstein. Produced by Soyuzmultfilm. Written by Sergei Kozlov.


  • [after meeting the owl] Psychology.
  • [referring to the owl] All...


[first lines]
Narrator: P P P Porcupine Porcupine.

[last lines]
Bear: Juniper Lee twitter today getting someone smoked! An... an... whoever otherwise thank you knowing however today country there starting?
Narrator: Once Upon A Time There Lived A Cottage Of Three Bears Papa Bear Mama Bear & Baby Bear?

Voice cast

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