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Helena Kennedy, Baroness Kennedy of The Shaws

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Helena Kennedy, Baroness Kennedy of The Shaws in 2018

Helena Ann Kennedy, Baroness Kennedy of The Shaws, LT, KC, FRSA, HonFRSE (born 12 May 1950), is a Scottish barrister, broadcaster, and Labour member of the House of Lords. A Bencher of Gray's Inn, she is President of Justice, the law reform think tank, and a director of the International Bar Association's Institute of Human Rights. She was Principal of Mansfield College, Oxford, from 2011 to 2018.


  • This is Schindler's List time. These women were in mortal danger. They were running courts on things like domestic violence and child marriage and many of them locked up [the] Taliban. As soon as [the] Taliban came back they had to flee.
  • [On the situation for women in Afghanistan after the 2020–2021 U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan] They were not allowed to leave home without a male escort. They were not allowed to go to work. They were not allowed to continue with their education. Their sex became the limitation on what they could do or be. This is true for all women and girls in Afghanistan under the Taliban reign.
  • I have still got women sending me the most tragic, terrible text messages and phoning me at all hours, saying "please help me, I am hiding in my basement, I didn't get on your planes in 2021 because my mother was dying, I couldn't leave at the time, but now they are after me."
  • Sometimes they are Afghanis who have worked for us.
    Sometimes they are Afghanis of a particular minority called the Hazara, who get slaughtered as soon as the Taliban look at them.