Hernando Domínguez Camargo

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Hernando Domínguez Camargo (1606 – 1651) was Colombian epic poet. A Jesuit, he probably abandoned this calling at the end of his life. His major work, the unfinished Poema Heroyco, is a long, ambitious narrative in a highly Baroque style.


  • En tantas de la muerte liberias,
    Los cuerpos de esos huesos mal seguro
    Estudia Julio, y en su letra advierte,
    que son abecedarios de la muerte!


  • Julio, in those libraries of death
    study the bodies of those bones—an assured evil;
    and learn from those characters
    that they form the abecedary of death!
    • San Ignacio de Loyola (1666), Poema heroyco ('Heroic Poem of Saint Ignatius of Loyola'), Book IV, Canto
    • Quoted in Chambers Dictionary of Quotations (1997), p. 335
  • Chambers Dictionary of Quotations, Chambers Harrap Publishers, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2005.