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Ibrahim ibn Adham

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You do not so act as to avoid Hell and enter Heaven.
You know death must overtake you but you make no preparation for it.

Ibrahim ibn Adham (c. 718 – c. 782) is one of the most prominent of the early ascetic Sufi saints.



The Sayings and Teachings of the Great Mystics of Islam (2004)

  • If you like to be saint of God, then desire not the things of this world or the next. Empty yourself for God. Turn your face to Him so that He may turn to you and make you His saint.
    • p. 26
  • Three veils must be removed from the traveler's heart so that the door of happiness is opened to him. First, should the dominion of both worlds is offered to him as eternal gift, he should not rejoice. The second veil is that if he possesses the dominion of both worlds, and should it be taken from him, he should not feel sorry for his poverty. The third is that he should not be misguided by any praise or favour, for one who is misguided like this, is a low person and the low person is veiled.
  • p. 26
  • O God, thou knowest that is my eyes the eight Paradises have a little worth when they are compared with that honour which thou hast shown me in giving Thy love or that familiarity which Thou hast given me by he commemoration (dhikr) of Thy Name or that freedom from all else which Thou hast granted me when I meditate on the greatness of Thy Glory.
    • p. 27
  • You do not so act as to avoid Hell and enter Heaven.
    • p. 27
  • You know the Devil is your enemy but you do not deal with him as such.
    • p. 28
  • You know death must overtake you but you make no preparation for it.
    • p. 28
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