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Ikram Blilou

From Wikiquote

Ikram Blilou is a Moroccan biologist who is a professor of plant sciences at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology. Her research investigates how plants develop resistance to extreme conditions of drought and salinity.


  • Understanding how desert plants develop resilience is key to unlocking solutions to the problems of water scarcity and agricultural land use.”
  • a genuine fascination with plants developed almost immediately, in particular with their roots. It’s easy to overlook the role that roots play in plant biology but understanding their function in the greatest possible detail has now become Blilou’s life’s work
  • Understanding how these plants develop such resilience is key to unlocking solutions to the global challenges of water scarcity and agricultural land use.
  • Based on the conditions they are confronted with, the roots adapt their structure over time so that they can best serve the rest of the plant.
  • Student is like a seed, plant it, nurture it, you give it as much attention as needed and at the end it will start flourishing and give you flowers.”
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