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Irwin Edman

From Wikiquote

Irwin Edman (November 28, 1896 – September 4, 1954) was an American professor of philosophy at Columbia University.


  • ... Given a problem, a difficulty, a maladjustment between the individual and his environment, thinking occurs. If every instinctive act brought satisfaction, thinking would be much less necessary and much less frequently practised.
  • ... Perhaps Faith and Hope and Love will build the City of God among us. Along with Works. And the works will keep us too busy for mere irony or rebellion or despair.
  • ... In the vocabulary of medieval thinking all knowledge and science were identical. The end of man was blessedness, and knowledge guided by faith was the avenue to eternal felicity.
    • (Autumn 1946)"Science and the Dream of Happiness". The American Scholar 15 (4): 516–531.
  • It took a very considerable time for education in art to be regarded as a legitimate part of school training and even many celebrated universities until the last generation had no such thing as a department of fine arts. Even the departments of literature were suspicious of the plastic arts, for men of letters with some notable exceptions have never been at home in the realm of the visual or of the tangible.
    When art educaton did finally achieve recognition, it failed to be considered even in unharassed times as being quite on a level of seriousness with even the other liberal arts, or with the physical sciences or with the new and educationally fashionalble social studies.
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