James Elroy Flecker

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James Elroy Flecker (November 5 1884January 3 1915) was an English poet, novelist and playwright. As a poet he was most influenced by the Parnassian poets.


  • When the great markets by the sea shut fast
    All that calm Sunday that goes on and on:
    When even lovers find their peace at last,
    And Earth is but a star, that once had shone.
    • The Golden Journey to Samarkand (l. 7)
  • And some to Meccah turn to pray, and I toward thy bed, Yasmin.
    • Hassan, in Hassan, act 1, sc. 2 (1922)
  • I have seen old ships sail like swans asleep.
    • The Old Ships (l. 1)
  • But have you wine and music still,
    And statues and a bright-eyed love,
    And foolish thoughts of good and ill,
    And prayers to them who sit above?
    • To a Poet a Thousand Years Hence (l. 9-12)
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